

发布时间:2024-07-06 10:45:16



Television has come into our life for many years.

We can’t live happily without television. Jt can give us the latest information and news. It can open up our eyes and enlarge our knowledge. We can get happiness from the plays on television. We’ll be boring all day if there is no television. Television programs are attractive. After a whole day’s hard worlk we can sit before the television and drink a cup of tea. How wonderful it is!

Television is also bad for people’s health. It’s bad for you to watch TV too long, especially bad for your eyes.

It is true that watching TV can influence our behavior. However, it depends on what we do.

We are middle school students and we are busy with our lessons. So some people think we should concentrate more on our studies. If we volunteer to help others, it’s a waste of time. But I think volunteering is great. I not only feel good about helping others but also get to spend time doing what I love to do. And from volunteering I have learned many things that I have never learned in class. So if I have an oppoutunity, I’d like to visit old people’s home to clean up for them. I’d also like to help sick kids in hospital. I love kids and I plan to put my love to good use by working in hospital. In a word, I’d like to help people who need help. If everyone helps out a bit, the world will be more colorful.

Internet shopping is a new way of shopping. It offers a lot of advantages. The most important one is convenience. You can shop whenever you like because the online shops are open 24 hours a day. And you don’t have to queue with others. And it is often cheaper to buy goods through the Internet and it is also easy to find what you are looking for.

There are some disadvantages, too. You can not see the products or check their qualities. Besides you can not enjoy walking around the shops and talking with your friends.

8Should We Keep the Students in School All the Time?

Hello, we should keep the students in school all the time is a hot topic among educationists,teachers and teachers think that in order to let the students have more time for their lessons and develop their good behaviors,the schools are supposed to be sealed off,so the students can't go out and have to stay at some teachers and the students hold a different believe that would cause some students will have no time for relax,doing something they like,and that would do harm to their health,as well as their my mind,I don't think it's a good way to keep the students in school all day every one of us,need time and places for do not keep the students in school all the time,for our students and education,

That's all,thank you.

As the old saying goes(正如老话所言), a life without a friend is a life without a sun.(生活没有了朋友就像没有了太阳).But some people may say,we teenagers may let our friends talk us into doing bad as to pleased their so called "friend".This is because we teenagers are lack of the self-control ability.

I like staying with friends. Because friends are always give me a helping hand when in course, I will treasure(珍惜) my friendship no matter what.

10In modern society, people tend to be self-centered. Yet in my opinion, helping others should still be encouraged.

First of all, when you give a hand to a person in need, not only will he be free from the trouble but you will also feel good helping him.

Apart from that, helping others facilitates an efficient civilization. After the threshold of the new century of information explosion, it's not enough to perform on one's own any more. Teamgeist and cooperation are gaining importance.

Thus from the above mentioned two reasons, i hold the opinion that helping others benefit the most.


Recently we’ve had a discussion about whether we should... (导入话题) Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧)

Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点) Here are the reasons. First... Second... Finally...(列出2-3个赞成的理由)

However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点) Their reasons are as follows. In the first place... What’s more... In addition...(列出2-3个反对的理由)

Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support it.(个人观点)

There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of ...毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够的重视。

Obviously,.... If we want to do something... , it is essential that...显然,如果我们想做某事,很重要的是……

Only in this way can we... 只有这样,我们才能...

is well-known to us that……(我们都知道……)==As far as my knowledge is concerned, …( 就我所知…)

the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为……)

lot of people seem to think that……(很多人似乎认为……)

the problem of…… has been brought into focus. ==Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……(最近……问题引起了关注)

may have different opinions on……(人们对……可能会持有不同见解)


[1]李国栋:《阅读教学的理论困境》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第5期[2]郝毅:《探析建构主义指导下的中学语文阅读教学》,《科教文汇》2007年第1月下[3]王忠:《建构主义理论指导下的中学语文阅读教学》,《中国科教创新导刊》 2007年总第455期[4]存少辉:《谈“朱子读书法”对中学语文阅读教学的借鉴》,《教育理论与实践》2007年第10月[5]赵年秀:《<普通高中语文标准>评析——以叶圣陶阅读课程理论为视点》,《湖南第一师范学报》2007年6月[6]冯文达:《谈谈农村中学语文阅读教学中的体验和感悟》,《经济与社会发展》2007年8月[7]王爱娣:《美国初中学生应掌握的阅读方法》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第1期[8]张金保:《遵循阅读规律,提升阅读效率》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第3期[9]张磊磊:《“前见”与中学语文阅读教学探索》,《现代语文》2007年第4期[10]亓成功:《关于阅读教学“起点”的思考》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第3期[11]孙建平:《有效阅读,本色语文的价值追寻》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第2期[12]陈艺真:《中学语文个性化阅读教学的策略》,《教学与管理》2007年5月[13]张贤英:《中学语文阅读教学中个性化施教策略浅探》,《语文学刊》2007年5月[14]武永明:《关于个性化阅读相关问题的思考》,《语文建设》2007年第7期[15]王传霖:《对中学语文阅读教学中文本意义探索》,《中国校外教育》2007年2月[16]屈伟忠:《强化阅读教学的原文意识》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第5期[17]王兆平:《阅读教学中与文本对话的“距离”美》,《中学语文教学》2007年9月[18]余映潮:《阅读教学“主问题”研究与实践笔谈》,《中学语文教学》2007年9月[19]陈晓文:《语文阅读教学中的问题设计》,《新语文学习》2007年第3期[20]任新明:《语文阅读教学中的主问题设计》,《中学语文教学》2007年8月[21]李志清:《阅读教学中的课堂活动设计策略》,《语文建设》2007年第7期[22]秦昌利 周永红:《运用线索 牵动全文——例谈阅读教学设计的几种手法》,《新语文学习》2007年第1期[23]韩克勤:《在语文阅读教学中实施互动教学初探》,《考试》2007年第2期[24]余贻贻:《技能训练:阅读课的主题》,《中学语文教学》2007年10月[25]张正君:《阅读教学语言特点论析》,《语文建设》2007年第3期[26]周秀芳:《例说阅读教学中的语言品位》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第4期[27]廖贤枢:《如何在阅读教学中进行语言品位》,《中学语文教学》2007年9月[28]王永红:《浅谈中学语文阅读教学》,《网络科技时代》2007年第6期[29]孔爱玲:《读书会:一种行之有效的阅读教学模式》,《语文建设》2007年第1期[30]朱从国:《把考材当教材用——高三现代文阅读教学的一点做法》,《新语文学习》2007年第1期[31]沈坚:《如何引导学生进行沉浸式课堂阅读》,《新语文学习》2007年第3期[32]汪卫兵:《文言文信息化阅读教学的优势》,《中学语文教学》2007年5月[33]桂谦:《中学语文批注式阅读教学的思考》,《科技资讯》2007年第9期[34]高兴春:《中学语文阅读教学发散思维训练方法初探》,《考试》2007年第8期[35]贝学问:《阅读教学,蕴含生命的教学——从散文《绿》的课堂教学说开去》,《新语文学习》2007年第2期[36] 余映潮等:《系列主题单元阅读教学设计专题讲座》,《语文教学通讯》2007年[37] 余映潮:《例谈阅读教学设计的诗意手法》,《语文教学通讯》2007年[38]李英杰:《阅读教学实效性不高的原因及对策》,《语文建设》2007年第9期[39]苗歌:《阅读教学的误区》,《中小学图书情报世界》,2007年第5期[40]褚兴中:《新课改背景下阅读教学现状反思》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第2期[41]林亚大 朱于新:《高中阅读教学深刻性摭谈》,《中学语文教学》2007年3月[42]刘帅:《令人担忧的阅读公式化》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第1期[43]何建英:《阅读课,读耶,说耶?》,《新语文学习》2007年第2期

[1]李国栋:《阅读教学的理论困境》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第5期[2]郝毅:《探析建构主义指导下的中学语文阅读教学》,《科教文汇》2007年第1月下[3]王忠:《建构主义理论指导下的中学语文阅读教学》,《中国科教创新导刊》 2007年总第455期[4]存少辉:《谈“朱子读书法”对中学语文阅读教学的借鉴》,《教育理论与实践》2007年第10月[5]赵年秀:《 评析——以叶圣陶阅读课程理论为视点》,《湖南第一师范学报》2007年6月[6]冯文达:《谈谈农村中学语文阅读教学中的体验和感悟》,《经济与社会发展》2007年8月[7]王爱娣:《美国初中学生应掌握的阅读方法》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第1期[8]张金保:《遵循阅读规律,提升阅读效率》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第3期[9]张磊磊:《“前见”与中学语文阅读教学探索》,《现代语文》2007年第4期[10]亓成功:《关于阅读教学“起点”的思考》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第3期[11]孙建平:《有效阅读,本色语文的价值追寻》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第2期[12]陈艺真:《中学语文个性化阅读教学的策略》,《教学与管理》2007年5月[13]张贤英:《中学语文阅读教学中个性化施教策略浅探》,《语文学刊》2007年5月[14]武永明:《关于个性化阅读相关问题的思考》,《语文建设》2007年第7期[15]王传霖:《对中学语文阅读教学中文本意义探索》,《中国校外教育》2007年2月[16]屈伟忠:《强化阅读教学的原文意识》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第5期[17]王兆平:《阅读教学中与文本对话的“距离”美》,《中学语文教学》2007年9月[18]余映潮:《阅读教学“主问题”研究与实践笔谈》,《中学语文教学》2007年9月[19]陈晓文:《语文阅读教学中的问题设计》,《新语文学习》2007年第3期[20]任新明:《语文阅读教学中的主问题设计》,《中学语文教学》2007年8月[21]李志清:《阅读教学中的课堂活动设计策略》,《语文建设》2007年第7期[22]秦昌利 周永红:《运用线索 牵动全文——例谈阅读教学设计的几种手法》,《新语文学习》2007年第1期[23]韩克勤:《在语文阅读教学中实施互动教学初探》,《考试》2007年第2期[24]余贻贻:《技能训练:阅读课的主题》,《中学语文教学》2007年10月[25]张正君:《阅读教学语言特点论析》,《语文建设》2007年第3期[26]周秀芳:《例说阅读教学中的语言品位》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第4期[27]廖贤枢:《如何在阅读教学中进行语言品位》,《中学语文教学》2007年9月[28]王永红:《浅谈中学语文阅读教学》,《网络科技时代》2007年第6期[29]孔爱玲:《读书会:一种行之有效的阅读教学模式》,《语文建设》2007年第1期[30]朱从国:《把考材当教材用——高三现代文阅读教学的一点做法》,《新语文学习》2007年第1期[31]沈坚:《如何引导学生进行沉浸式课堂阅读》,《新语文学习》2007年第3期[32]汪卫兵:《文言文信息化阅读教学的优势》,《中学语文教学》2007年5月[33]桂谦:《中学语文批注式阅读教学的思考》,《科技资讯》2007年第9期[34]高兴春:《中学语文阅读教学发散思维训练方法初探》,《考试》2007年第8期[35]贝学问:《阅读教学,蕴含生命的教学——从散文《绿》的课堂教学说开去》,《新语文学习》2007年第2期[36] 余映潮等:《系列主题单元阅读教学设计专题讲座》,《语文教学通讯》2007年[37] 余映潮:《例谈阅读教学设计的诗意手法》,《语文教学通讯》2007年[38]李英杰:《阅读教学实效性不高的原因及对策》,《语文建设》2007年第9期[39]苗歌:《阅读教学的误区》,《中小学图书情报世界》,2007年第5期[40]褚兴中:《新课改背景下阅读教学现状反思》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第2期[41]林亚大 朱于新:《高中阅读教学深刻性摭谈》,《中学语文教学》2007年3月[42]刘帅:《令人担忧的阅读公式化》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第1期[43]何建英:《阅读课,读耶,说耶?》,《新语文学习》2007年第2期。


论文引用的参考文献指的是是在学术研究过程中,对某一著作或论文的整体的参考或借鉴。文献信息资源包括:图书、连续出版物(期刊、报纸等)、小册子以及学位论文、专利、标准、会议录、 *** 出版物等。

国家标准《文献类型与文献载体代码》(GB3469-83)根据实用标准,将文献分成26个类型,即:专著、报纸、期刊、会议录、汇编、学位论文、科技报告、技术标准、专利文献、产品样本、中译本、手稿、参考工具、检索工具、档案、图表、古籍、乐谱、缩微胶卷、缩微平片、录音带、唱片、录相带、电影片、幻灯片、其他(盲文等)。 扩展资料 参考文献类型的字母标注如下: 1、参考文献类型:专著[M],论文集[C],报纸文章[N],期刊文章[J],学位论文[D],报告[R],标准[S],专利[P],论文集中的析出文献[A]。

2、电子文献类型:数据库[DB],计算机[CP],电子公告[EB]。 3、电子文献的载体类型:互联网[OL],光盘[CD],磁带[MT],磁盘[DK]。

参考资料来源:百度百科--文献信息资源 参考资料来源:百度百科--参考文献 。


我想就如何提高课堂教学的有效性,结合我平时教学中的一些体会谈谈自己个人粗浅的看法。 真实是提高课堂教学有效性的基石 真实、有效是课堂教学最本质的要求。


而要实现课堂教学的“有效”,又必须以“真实”为基石。 一、真实的课堂应该是对话的课堂 对话是人与知识、情感、思想联系的纽带,在教学过程中,通过引导学生多次与课本交流对话,学生入本悟情、体情、生情、创情,实现与课本、教师、生生间的情感交融,提升情趣,这样可以激活课堂,使课堂充满生命的活力。





我们早已明确教师不是课堂的统治者、知识的拥有者和唯一的传授者,但我们现在不少教师依然独霸课堂舞台仍旧是课堂的主宰,填鸭式教学依然充斥于课堂。 而高效的课堂教学不是谁统治谁,谁主宰谁,应该是师生之间平等的对话交流。


角色的变化就是为了制造情境,创设情景,鼓励交流碰撞;启发学生的问题意识,恰当指导牵引,把科学殿堂的绝色佳境推荐给学生;时常也被学生提醒感动。 学生的角色亦然。


教学中我们容易忽略的就是学生之间的对话交流,然而这种对话方式正是动态思想,动态教学的最佳体现。 它鼓励学生畅所欲言、各抒己见,通过学生个体之间、个体与群体之间思维的碰撞和交融,来共享知识、共享经验、共享智慧、共享情感。

“你有一个苹果,我有一个苹果,我们互相交换,还是一个苹果;你有一种思想,我有一种思想,我们互相交换,那么我们同时获得了两种思想。 ”教师要适当的时候调节其火候就可以了。



学生在一次又一次心灵的追问中得到人格的升华,这才算是学以致用。 二、真实的课堂应有真实的自主探索和小组合作 自主探索不是自由探索,小组合作也不是走过场、搞形式。

但有些教师在引导学生探索知识的过程中,往往是只要有疑问,无论难易,甚至是一些毫无探究价值的问题都要让学生去探索讨论。 在探索过程中,没有具体的要求、提示和指导,探究方式由学生自己挑,喜欢怎样就怎样;一旦发现时间很多,就让学生“充分”探索来拖延时间;一旦发现时间不够,就匆匆走过场,往往是学生还没有进入状态,探索就已终止。

因此,我们在组织自主探究和小组合作时应注意以下几点:(1)要激发学生的自主探究与小组合作的欲望。 探究和合作应是学生一种需要,一种发自内心的欲望,它解决的是“想不想”探究合作的问题。

在课堂教学中,教师一个十分重要的任务就是培养和激发学生的探究合作欲望,使其经常处于一种探究合作的冲动之中。(2) 探究合作要有问题空间。

不是什么事情,什么问题都需要探究合作的。 问题空间有多大,探究合作的空间就有多大。



[1]李国栋:《阅读教学的理论困境》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第5期 [2]郝毅:《探析建构主义指导下的中学语文阅读教学》,《科教文汇》2007年第1月下 [3]王忠:《建构主义理论指导下的中学语文阅读教学》,《中国科教创新导刊》 2007年总第455期 [4]存少辉:《谈“朱子读书法”对中学语文阅读教学的借鉴》,《教育理论与实践》2007年第10月 [5]赵年秀:《评析——以叶圣陶阅读课程理论为视点》,《湖南第一师范学报》2007年6月 [6]冯文达:《谈谈农村中学语文阅读教学中的体验和感悟》,《经济与社会发展》2007年8月 [7]王爱娣:《美国初中学生应掌握的阅读方法》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第1期 [8]张金保:《遵循阅读规律,提升阅读效率》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第3期 [9]张磊磊:《“前见”与中学语文阅读教学探索》,《现代语文》2007年第4期 [10]亓成功:《关于阅读教学“起点”的思考》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第3期 [11]孙建平:《有效阅读,本色语文的价值追寻》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第2期 [12]陈艺真:《中学语文个性化阅读教学的策略》,《教学与管理》2007年5月 [13]张贤英:《中学语文阅读教学中个性化施教策略浅探》,《语文学刊》2007年5月 [14]武永明:《关于个性化阅读相关问题的思考》,《语文建设》2007年第7期 [15]王传霖:《对中学语文阅读教学中文本意义探索》,《中国校外教育》2007年2月 [16]屈伟忠:《强化阅读教学的原文意识》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第5期 [17]王兆平:《阅读教学中与文本对话的“距离”美》,《中学语文教学》2007年9月 [18]余映潮:《阅读教学“主问题”研究与实践笔谈》,《中学语文教学》2007年9月 [19]陈晓文:《语文阅读教学中的问题设计》,《新语文学习》2007年第3期 [20]任新明:《语文阅读教学中的主问题设计》,《中学语文教学》2007年8月 [21]李志清:《阅读教学中的课堂活动设计策略》,《语文建设》2007年第7期 [22]秦昌利 周永红:《运用线索 牵动全文——例谈阅读教学设计的几种手法》,《新语文学习》2007年第1期 [23]韩克勤:《在语文阅读教学中实施互动教学初探》,《考试》2007年第2期 [24]余贻贻:《技能训练:阅读课的主题》,《中学语文教学》2007年10月 [25]张正君:《阅读教学语言特点论析》,《语文建设》2007年第3期 [26]周秀芳:《例说阅读教学中的语言品位》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第4期 [27]廖贤枢:《如何在阅读教学中进行语言品位》,《中学语文教学》2007年9月 [28]王永红:《浅谈中学语文阅读教学》,《网络科技时代》2007年第6期 [29]孔爱玲:《读书会:一种行之有效的阅读教学模式》,《语文建设》2007年第1期 [30]朱从国:《把考材当教材用——高三现代文阅读教学的一点做法》,《新语文学习》2007年第1期 [31]沈坚:《如何引导学生进行沉浸式课堂阅读》,《新语文学习》2007年第3期 [32]汪卫兵:《文言文信息化阅读教学的优势》,《中学语文教学》2007年5月 [33]桂谦:《中学语文批注式阅读教学的思考》,《科技资讯》2007年第9期 [34]高兴春:《中学语文阅读教学发散思维训练方法初探》,《考试》2007年第8期 [35]贝学问:《阅读教学,蕴含生命的教学——从散文《绿》的课堂教学说开去》,《新语文学习》2007年第2期 [36] 余映潮等:《系列主题单元阅读教学设计专题讲座》,《语文教学通讯》2007年 [37] 余映潮:《例谈阅读教学设计的诗意手法》,《语文教学通讯》2007年 [38]李英杰:《阅读教学实效性不高的原因及对策》,《语文建设》2007年第9期 [39]苗歌:《阅读教学的误区》,《中小学图书情报世界》,2007年第5期 [40]褚兴中:《新课改背景下阅读教学现状反思》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第2期 [41]林亚大 朱于新:《高中阅读教学深刻性摭谈》,《中学语文教学》2007年3月 [42]刘帅:《令人担忧的阅读公式化》,《语文教学通讯》2007年第1期 [43]何建英:《阅读课,读耶,说耶?》,《新语文学习》2007年第2期。

“而”在古汉语(文言文)中用法是比较复杂的,它有两个读音ér和néng;它在有的句子里可以是实词,在另一个句子里又可以是虚词;作实词可以是名词,可以是动词,可以是代词;作虚词时可以是连词,可以是助词.它的意思和用法大概有十几个. 下面我把首选的古汉语工具书——《辞源》上的解释作依据,补充一些中学课本文言文课文中的句子作例句.一并打给你. 而 一、ér 一颊毛,象毛之形.凡鳞毛之下垂者也称而.例如:《周礼·考工记·梓人》:“凡攫杀援噬之类,必深其爪,出其目,作其鳞之而.” 二代词.通“尔”汝,表示第二人称.可译为“你(的)”、“你们(的)”.例如:《项脊轩志》:“某所,而母立于兹.” 三连词.⒈表示并列关系,所连两项在意思上不分主次、轻重,而是并列、并重的关系,可译为“和”、“及”、“又”、“并且”或不译.例如:《两小儿辩日》:“此不为远者小而近者大乎” ⒉表示承接关系,所连两项在时间、动作或事理上承接,可译为“就”、“然后”、“来”、“便”等,或不译.例如:《论语·为政》“温故而知新” ⒊表示递进关系,后项意思比前项意思更近一层,可译为“而且”、“并且”等.例如:《论语·学而》“学而时习之” ⒋表示修饰关系,前项修饰后项,连接状语和中心语,可不译. 例如:《愚公移山》:“河曲智叟笑而止之曰” ⒌表示转折关系,所连两项在意思上相对或相反,可译为“却”、“但是”、“可是”等.例如:《狼》:“后狼止而前狼又至” ⒍表示假设关系,常连接分句中的主语和谓语,可译为“如果”、“假如”、“倘若”等.例如:《少年中国说》:“使举国之少年而果为少年也” ⒎ 因而、所以.例如:《荀子·劝学》:“玉在山而草木润,渊生珠而崖不枯.” ⒏ 如果.例如:《论语·八佾》:“管氏而知礼,孰不知礼?” 四助词,跟“上”、“下”、“来”、“往”等方位词连用,表示时间或范围等,可译为“以”.例如:《图画》:“古中国之画,自肖像而外,多以意构.” ⒈相当于“之”.例如:《论语·宪问》:“君子耻其言而过其行.” ⒉表语气.略近于“兮”.例如:《论语·微子》:“已而!已而!今之从政者殆而!” 五 通“如”、如同、好像.例如:《诗经·小雅·都人士》:“彼都人士,垂带而厉.彼君子女,卷发如虿.” 二、néng ㄋㄥ 六通“能”. ⒈能够.例如:《墨子·非命下》:“桀纣幽厉,……不而矫其耳目之欲.” ⒉能力.例如:《庄子·逍遥游》:“故夫知效一官,行比一乡,德合一君,而徵一国者,其自视也亦若此矣!” 参考文献:《辞源》《中学文言文索引词典》 回答:2007-10-18 16:22修改:2007-10-18 21:50提问者对答案的评价: 共0条评论。

其他回答 共2条回答评论 ┆ 举报 红红[智者] 文言文中而字的用法 “舍生而取义”中的“而”表并列.从语法角度看,“而”连接前后两个动宾结构“舍生”“取义”,无轻重之分,更无递进,转折关系.“舍生而取义”解释为舍弃生命选择道义. 下面是“而”用法总结! 而 (1) 第二人称代词,(2) 一般作定语 某所,而母立于兹. ( 2 ) 副词,译为“就,才”. 然则何时而乐耶? (3)连词 并列关系,一般不译. 蟹六跪而二螯. 递进关系,译为“并且”或“而且”. 君子博学而日参省乎己. 承接关系,译为“就”“接着”或不译. 吾方心动欲还,而大声发于水上. 转折关系,译为“但是”或“却”. 青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝. 假设关系,译为“如果”或“假如”. 死而有知,其几何离? ⑥修饰关系,连接状语与中心词,可译为“地”也可不译. 吾尝终日而思,不如须臾之所学也. 因果关系,译为“因而”. 余亦悔其随之而不得及夫游之乐也. ⑧表比喻,译为“如同”. 军惊而坏都舍. 本文共用25个“而”字,表示前后词句并列、承接、修饰、转折等关系,想一想下列语句中“而”字的用法,体会它们各自语气的轻重,探究“而”轻重音朗读的规律. (1)、太守与客来饮于此……而年又最高(递进、重读) (2)、若夫……岩穴暝 (承接、轻读) (3)、朝而往,暮而归 (修饰、轻读) (4)、溪深而鱼肥 (并列、轻读) (5)、禽鸟……而不知人之乐 (转折、重读) 小结:凡是表转折或递进意味,都需重读,凡连接词与词,有调节作用的则应轻读.学生齐读,体会“也”和“而”的读法.。

中华 文化 博大精深,根据我国的 教育 体制,初中语文教学是整个九年义务教育阶段的重点和小学语文教学的升华。作为整个初中教学阶段的核心课程,初中语文教学肩负着培养学生的人文素养,发扬中华文化的重担。下面是我为大家整理的初中语文论文,供大家参考。

初中语文论文 范文 一:初中语文 高效课堂 的构建 方法



目前,新课改实施的如火如荼,教学改革的内容也逐渐深入,各科教师都将高效课堂作为了自己对教学工作追求的目标。我国具有五千年的历史文化,而语文则是人类文化中一个非常耀眼的部分,它不仅具有人文性,还具有工具性。只有学好了语文,提高了理解能力,学生在学习其他课程时才能更加轻松,也会使学生获得更加全面的发展,为他们的终身发展奠定良好的基础。因此,我们要不断地对自己的教学理念进行革新,完善自己的教学方式,为高效课堂的构建奠定基础,以满足学生的发展需求,为社会培养合格的人才。目前,语文教学的状况不算太好,教师经常为教学效率的低下而感到苦恼。为了实现高效课堂,我们应该在教学过程中采取怎样的 措施 呢?在多年的初中语文教学中,笔者 总结 了一些相关的 经验 ,现对此进行一些浅显的研究与论述。


在语文教学过程中,教师要努力倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,尊重学生的主体地位,对学生的探究进行和合作精神进行培养。以往,我们的教学都是以教师为主,学生所能做的就是被动地接受教师的传输。这种教学模式有着很大的弊端。我们要通过教学观念的改革促进探究式教学模式更好、更快地实施,使学生具备探究的精神和能力。而学生的自主探究才能使我们的教学迎来高效。如进行七年级下册第三单元《闻一多先生的说和做》的学习时,为了使学生对本文能有一个整体的感知,我对学生提出了以下几个问题:(1) 文章 利用“说”和“做”两个方面对闻一多先生进行描写,作者是怎样将这两个方面结合起来的?(2)通过作者的描写,你能够看到一个什么样的闻一多先生?(3)文章中描写“说”部分有哪些?描写“做”的部分有哪些?(4)文章的开头是用闻一多先生的两句话引入课文的,这样写有什么好处?(5)在文中,作者引用了唐代诗人杜甫在晚年时的“一月不梳头”的 典故 ,为什么要这样引用呢?作者的用意为何呢?随后,我让学生结合这些问题在自主阅读的基础上对本文进行深入的研究和分析,可以与同组的同学进行讨论,也可以去请教教师,要努力在阅读中找到这些问题的答案。在寻找答案的过程中,学生会对文章内容有一个整体的把握和感知,他们的探究活动不仅能够有效激发学生的学习兴趣,而且能够让学生的主动性得到充分的发挥,他们在学习中的主体作用就能够由此得到更好的体现。在这种学习模式下,学生对文本的理解就会更加深入,感知力也会加强,课堂教学收到了良好的效果,能够在不知不觉中实现高效课堂的构建。


要想使教学效率得到有效提升,为学生构建高效课堂,我们首先要做的就是激发学生的学习兴趣。只有使学生对知识的学习有了期待,有了浓厚的兴趣,他们才会全身心地投入其中。这样,我们的课堂教学也能实现高效,收到理想的效果。因此,在课堂教学过程中,教师要逐渐改变自己的 教学方法 和教学手段,利用丰富多彩的教学措施来吸引学生的注意力,让学生能够对学习内容充满兴趣,积极地完成知识的获取,主动去对知识进行更加深入的探究,以饱满的热切和昂扬的斗志参与到教学活动中去。如进行《爸爸的花儿落了》的学习时,为了让学生更好地感受文章的意境,我没有采取以往那种平铺直叙的讲述方法,而是为他们创设了一定的情境,利用情境的力量来激发学生对于教学内容的兴趣,使学生的心神全都融入当时的情境之中。具体做法如下:我在进行课堂导入时利用多媒体为学生播放了一首经典名曲———《送别》。悠扬婉转的歌声轻轻响起,时时回荡在学生的耳畔“:长亭外,古道边,芳草碧连天。晚风拂柳笛声残,夕阳山外山……”在歌声中,学生感受到了知己相交的珍贵,一种淡淡的忧伤涌上心头。学生的情绪会随着这首歌而产生起伏,不用教师再做过多的铺垫和引导,也不用对教学进行多么精心的设计,学生就会在不知不觉中进入文章的意境之中,并主动进行阅读和探索。利用音乐的力量,我为学生创设了与课文中的情感和体会大致相似的情境。这样做不仅能够使学生在教师所渲染的情境下顺利地进入文中所描绘的场景,体会文章所要表达的思想情感,促发学生的学习动机,使他们对新知识的学习充满了兴趣,还能帮助学生对本文的主题产生更加深刻的感悟。所谓“以景促情”,即指适当的情境能够有效激发学生的思想情感,为课堂教学的高效提供更加坚实的保证。


学生道德方面的建设并不只是依靠德育教师来完成的。在语文教学过程中,教师要对学生进行思想道德方面的引导和培养,使学生热爱祖国、热爱社会主义,形成良好的道德品质,明确自己肩上所承担的责任,树立正确的人生观、价值观和世界观。在以往的教学中,教师将书面知识的传授作为了教学的重点,忽视了学生情感方面的教育与道德的培养,这种做法为学生的终身发展带来了很大的弊端,道德素质跟不上,成绩再好也是枉然。作为新时代的教师,我们的教学改革也包括在语文教学中进行情感教育的渗透,利用 语文学习 完成思想道德的培养,并帮助学从中获得语文素养。比如,在学习七年级下册第六单元《斑羚飞渡》这篇课文时,我首先通过运用朗读法,让学生对课文进行反复的阅读,以深切感受老斑羚从容镇定、牺牲自我的精神,然后再利用情景设置法,利用多媒体软件为学生播放斑羚跳过悬崖时的幻灯片,使学生自然融入课文的意境中去,与文章作者产生思想上的共鸣。利用这两种教学方法可使学生深刻体会到文章真切细腻的描写所蕴含的强烈情感,从而促使学生学习老斑羚那种从容镇定、舍己为人的高尚品格,进而学会关爱动物,能够善待其他的生命,珍惜每个生命的存在,并珍爱自己的人生,达到了情感态度与价值观教育的目的,为初中语文高效课堂的构建提供有效的条件。








摘要: 作文 教学在初中语文教学中占有重要的地位,也是教学的重点内容之一。要想提高作文教学效率,教师应积极挖掘课本资源,开发和利用课本中的优美语句、生活事例以及写作方法,帮助学生积累写作词句、写作素材、人生经验和写作技法,从而使学生的写作水平得到提高。




教师在备课时应以新课程标准为纲,弄清本单元的学习目标和 作文指导 方向,弄清所教的内容在单元、整册体系中的位置和作用,弄清课本中的作文点,利用课本,充分挖掘利用课本资源,找准、找好教与写的结合点。以七年级上册为例,全书六单元,单元编排依次为“亲情“”青少年学习生活“”写景诗文“”人生、生命“”科学探索”“想象作品”。解读七年级上册单元作文 写作指导 课,内容按单元顺序有“:从生活中学习写作“”说真话抒真情“”文从字顺”“突出中心“”条理清楚“”发挥联想和想象”,归结起来就是 记叙文 的选材、构思和语言表达。《语文课程标准》指出:“写作要感情真挚,力求表达自己的独特感受和真切体验。”拟七年级上册的写作指导策略为:训练学生写好记叙文,写“生活真情作文”,把好选材与语言文字关。每堂课教学目标的设计都要让学生通过学习课文,至少能把握文章如何选材的问题,挖掘其独具匠心的语言,进行作文教学渗透是备课的方向。莫怀戚的《散步》是描写幸福和谐的家庭,尊老爱幼的美德,中年人的责任感和生命的礼赞。作者围绕“散步”这平凡的小事来写,通过一家在田野散步的分歧,田野的风光来展现。我在备课时,抓住文章选材的“生活”味、“以小见大”的写法进行解读。语言,需最欣赏它的浓墨重彩。“我们在田野散步:我,我的母亲,我的妻子和儿子”,不仅凝练点题,开门见山,而且意味深长,就能让人读出此散步的不同寻常,非常干净。我预设当堂作文“难忘的一件事”。纵观学生作文:有写父母的爱,如放学时雨中送伞,早饭准备,生日、生病时的父母的陪伴;有写友情的;有写学习生活,如老师的教诲,难忘一堂课,考试,读一本好书, 毕业 的那一天;有写童年生活的,如摸鱼、抓虾、玩游戏、放风筝;有写成长的,如学会做饭、 炒菜 ,学会骑自行车、 游泳 、下棋。还有些学生很会捕捉,就以自己刚刚结束的入学 军训 为素材,写出了军训的苦与乐。读着学生的作文,生活气息扑面而来。最后,我布置课后作业:修改“难忘的一件事”作文,要求:运用《散步》“以小见大”、围绕中心选材的写法;修改开头和结尾,语言简洁,扣题点题。


活用课本资源进行写作策略的研究,一个有效的途径是阅读、积累课本资源。课文是一篇篇很好的阅读、训练的范本。每篇文章都有其出彩的地方,教师可以让学生有选择地进行积累。我是这样指导的:让学生对课后“读一读、写一写”的词语进行理解,或 造句 ,或仿写。研读,是对文章中 好词好句 的品味推敲、语段的赏析。学生通过阅读交流,可以感受到语言的妙处,这是每篇课文必做的积累。如《春》这篇文章的语言很美。我们可以对“小草偷偷地从土里钻出来,嫩嫩的,绿绿的”这句话中的“钻”字进行推敲,用换字法,让学生探讨改为“长“”探”好不好。学生思考讨论“:长”只写出动作,没有神韵,显得死气;改成“探”字,加了“调皮劲”,有生机;但“钻”字最能体现小草对春天的渴盼,有破土而出的挤劲,最能突出小草顽强的生命力。对于每一幅春天的图画,在比较中揣摩,在体味中涵咏,培养了学生欣赏景物的角度,学习了描写景物的方法。又如,《福楼拜家的星期天》这篇文章,我利用课本中的插图,引导学生根据课文的人物描写,找出图中人物,并指导学生在人物对号入座的同时,抓住人物描写的 句子 ,品读人物,尝试语言表达形式,把握动作描写、神态描写、语言描写、心理描写、外貌描写等几种人物描写方法,积累有关人物描写的方法。这样,学生在读中感悟、理解语言,内化、运用语言,可领悟到这几种细节描写方法的作用,并在写作中去运用它们,就能让作文生动、具体起来。





[1]周晓美.活用课本资源,丰富 议论文 写作素材[J].作文成功之路旬刊,2015(1):20.

[2]陈燕香.活用语文课本资源辅助 中考作文 复习[J].新课程学习:下旬,2014(12).



句子 是表达一个完整意思的最小单位,所以 造句 能力在英文写作中是非常重要的。生动,形象,准确的表达内容。所以要想写出漂亮的书面表达,必须从写好句子开始。下面是我为大家带来的 初中 英语 作文 范文 ,希望你喜欢。


Study has been the necessary part of human's life. Many students take it as their duty and they don't realize the meaning of study. Most people believe that the purpose of study is to master some skills and make money. This is the basic function of education. I believe that the further meaning is to teach people the way of thinking. If there are two jobs, one is to sell pastry for 12 hours, and the other one is to work in the office for 8 hours, but the former can earn double income. The young people will surely take the second job, because they need more private time to do their own things. They have more things to chase besides making the ends meet.


Success seems to be so far away from the ordinary people. When they look at the great persons, they console themselves that the lack of chance and talent makes them different from the successful ones. Actually, the things we lack of is patience. When we make plans, we are easy to give up when we meet difficulties. In the end, even the chance is coming, we don't have enough ability to accept. As the saying that failure is the mother of success, which means success comes when we get over many setbacks. The result is not important. The things we learn will finally make us different someday.


Last Monday when I stepped into my classroom, my monitor told us that our class teacher, Mr Sun, had passed away in a traffic accident. It seemed so unbelievable because he used to give us lessons on Monday morning. I couldn't accept the fact until the headmaster came to tell us the truth.

Mr Sun was a middle-aged teacher. He was full of sense of humour. We all liked him very much because of his excellent teaching. His lessons were usually very lively and all liked to attend his class. He was an experienced teacher.

Mr Sun will always live in our hearts!


English is important and useful to us. How can we learn it well? Here are my suggestions.

First, we should often listen to the tapes, English songs and programs. Watching English movies is also helpful to us. Second, we should speak English in class as much as possible. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make. We'd better join the English club and practice with others. Third, we can read more English newspapers and magazines. It’s good for us. At last, we should recite some good passages and keep diaries.

In a word, as long as we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing, we will learn English well.


Time flies when we are having fun is an old expression. We know, as we reminisce of our past, time flies regardless. As we grow beyond our teenage. We remember the times of fun we had when we were young, when we were in primary school. We had little concern, little responsibilities. We all remember chasing our friends in catch, sneaking around in hide-and-seek and the fun in the playground. As we grow with time, our lives become filled with stress and worries. It is in these times we remember what we had, what we took for granted. As we do so, we look forward to what we can achieve and what we will see of ourselves years down the tracks.

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人的成长需要好的环境,写作当然也要求有个好的环境。况且,写作是个复杂的思维过程,那么你知道怎么写 作文 吗?下面是我为大家带来的初中英文作文,希望你喜欢。


There is no doubt that football is No. 1 sport in the world. People from all around the world are so crazy about this match. In China, a lot of people stay up all the night just to watch the football match from TV. The fans from different areas make up the group just to support their teams. These fans sit together and cheer for their idols. It is such a great moment for them. Though the football level in China is below the international, more and more teenagers work on this field and they fight for the country’s future. This year, the football team has won some important matches and win respect from the world.


The new term is coming. I am so excited because in the new term, I will be a Grade 8 student. In the new term, I will have some new teachers. As for me, I want to make a difference in the new term, so I have made a plan for , my Chinese and English are the best and I will work hard to keep them good as usual. But my math and physics are not as good as Chinese and , I have to try my best to improve them. Except preview and finishing homework, I have to review regularly to strengthen knowledge. Second, I will pay more attention to news, so that I will read more newspapers and watch news don't want to be a student who just study only. Last, I will do exercise twice a and table tennis are my favorites. All in all, I look forward to my life in Grade 8.


Good morning, everyone! my name is lu xin. i am so happy to stand in front of you to introduce myself. i am thirteen years old. i graduated from the primary school of our city. i like reading books and playing badminton. i hope we can take exercises after class. besides, i like watching movies and listening to pop music. i am sure there are some classmates have the common interests with me. therefore, we can communicate with each other. in primary school, i did well in chinese but math is not so good. i hope i can make progress in middle school. i am very excited to be a classmate of you and i hope we can make progress and have good days together.


The winter holiday is coming. I expect it very much, because the Spring Festival is the most important event of all the holidays. First, I will relax myself. This term I work very hard, so during the holiday, I want to have fun. My families will go back to the hometown. We will get together to celebrate the Spring Festival. I like families getting together and organizing various activities. It’s funny and warm. Of course, study can’t be ignored. After the festival, I will spend some time on my study. There will be exercises for the holiday. And I will do some reviews for next term. Math is my weakness, so I must work hard to improve it. This is my plan for winter holiday.


In the past three years, the life of middle school has impressed me deeply. Many stories happened. The following is one of them.

Xiao Ming was one of my good friends. One day, a little thing caused a serious quarrel between us. From then on, we didn't talk to each other. I had hoped to make peace with him but I finally failed to do that because of my being afraid of losing face. Not until he moved to another city with his parents did I know I lost my friend forever.

The lesson I learned from this is that if you realize your mistakes, you should correct them at once, or you may leave yourself lasting regrets.

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要想达到较高写作水平,就要求同学们在平时的训练中,有意识的想到“复杂,高级”这两个概念,使自己的 作文 能区别于普通的作文,使自己一下子就站在一个比较高的位置上,充分显示自己的实力。下面是我为大家带来的 初中 英语作文 范文 ,希望你喜欢。


Taylor Swift is the hot female singer in the world. Her music is favored by the teenagers all the time and she has made many records at her young age. People are shocked by her talent, because she can write songs in a short time, even male singers appreciate her talent. Besides her ability, she owed her success to her family's support. When Taylor was very small, people around her laughed at her dream. They thought she couldn't be a star, then her family inspired her and moved to another place. With family's support, she soon showed her talent and realized her dream. Family's attitude always decides a child's future.


Most children have read many fairy tales when they are small. Parents will read these stories to them before they sleep. Many fairy tales describe a pure world and teach the children to be a nice person. But for some stories, I find the value is not favored today. For example, the story of Cinderella. It is known to all that she is rescued by the prince and lives a happy life. The story is a little negative for Cinderella, because she doesn't make any effort to change her situation. She is waiting for someone else to make her out of the trouble. For now, we are advocated to fight our dreams, because success will not come easily.


Now many students become crazy about collecting cards of heroes of the Three Kingdoms in my school. After one gets a card, he will share it with his friends. Being addicted to it, many students have changed a lot.

Some students even play the cards in class so that they have fallen behind in their study. The card is included as a gift in the bag of some food which costs yuan. Therefore, to get these cards, many students try their best to get money, even steal money. Sometimes they would rather not eat breakfast than give up buying the food with that card.

It is not long before they collect a lot of cards. Without good care the cards can be stolen easily. Thus, many students fight for the cards, which damage their friendship.

So don' be fascinated in collecting cards any longer. Study earnestly and become a good host of the new century!


Perhaps autumn is the most pleasant season of the year. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. It is the best time for going on a trip.

Last Sunday we went to the countryside. There was golden wheat all over the fields/The fields were covered with golden wheat. Large and colourful apples and pears were hanging on the trees. We could see some peasants were busy getting in the crops in the fields, and others were picking fruits under the trees. All the baskets were full of lovely fruits. It was also the fruit of the peasants' labour. “ No pains, no gains. ” What a magnificent/beautiful picture(it was)! It seemed as if we were wandering in a splendid/wonderful world.

I love autumn. I love the harvest time.


Dear Tommy,

I'm glad to know you will come to Beijing。

Beijing, the capital of China, is one of the largest cities in the world. There are many places of interest, such as the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. All of them are beautiful and well-known to the world. Great changes have taken place in Beijing since we successfully held the 20 08  0lympic Games。

Now, people pay more attention to the environment. More trees and flowers have been planted. For the traffic, it is very convenient for people to travel around Beijing, because several new subway lines have been built. If you come to Beijing, you will find people here are very friendly and helpful. What's more, a lot of people can speak English. Beijing is really an attractive city with a long history。

I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon。


Li Lei

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For better Communication, talk to yourself The essence of learning to improve spoken English lies in speaking in English. May it be with a friend, or to yourself. Talking to yourself is called soliloquy. It is a good way to shed your fears, and practice English so as to improve your Communication. The importance lies in the fact that while you speak to yourself, you are not dependent on anyone, and since no one else apart from you is involved, so it helps in removal of hesitation in of Speaking to Yourself for improving Communication SkillsThere are many advantages of speaking to yourself for getting fluency and improving communication Skills. Some of them are listed of hesitationThe best part of speaking to yourself is that there is no one else involved. So there is no fear that any one will laugh on listening to your English. This is a great advantage, as this will build self confidence very soon in you. The more you gain confidence, the more your hesitation will shed off. The main impact of this is that, you will be able to speak easily in front of dependencyYou can always speak in English anytime. You do not need any of your friends for that, and so it can be practiced as per your level of comfort. It happens that some people like to talk in the night, when no one else is available. In such cases the dependency factor comes into picture. It might be that you do not have anything to talk to yourself, in such cases just grab an English Newspaper and start reading it loudly. This will help you mouth muscles to get used to the English words pronunciation. That's why I have stressed earlier on the use of English Newspaper for improving Spoken can practice as per your comfortYou can practice speaking in English in the day, afternoon or at midnight. You just need to be alone at that time, and you are all set to it. Take small breaks from your schedule or fix your free time for this job. You will soon realize building of fluency in your Communication gain confidence at a fast rateSince the more you practice, the more you gain confidence that you are comfortable with your English. This will help immensely in building your confidence for spoken English. You will get used to many words, and you will be using them often in you spoken thing in this world has their own disadvantages, but you can counterfeit them with proper of Speaking to yourself for improving Communication SkillsYou may get overconfidentThe learning process by speaking to yourself is very powerful, even I have done it many times, and still do it. It is great fun as the level of confidence just shoots up. But you must be cautious for not getting overconfident. In that case, you will stop practicing this technique, and will soon loose rhythm. You still need to test your spoken English skills with othersThe method of speaking to yourself in English, goes hand in hand with other ways for improving English. This is required to continuously monitor your progress and improvement. You will come to know about your mistakes which were made earlier, and how to rectify 's it for today friends. Improve Spoken English will soon be back with a new way to unleash the power of your communication.














3.完成一小段之后再从头开始,反复几遍 五、同步阅读










3、自己的看法至少一条。 注意:1.文中不能出现校名和自己的姓名;2.内容可适当扩充套件。3.字数60-80词;4.文章开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。

Boys and girls,

It is very important for us students to keep healthy.

There are many ways to be healthy. We’d better eat more fruits and vegetables. Take exercise for at least one hour every day. We need enough sleep and rest so it is important to go to bed early and get up early. Besides, we should wash our hands as often as possible. In my opinion, we mustn't drink wine or *** oke .They are bad for our health.

Thank you.


近20年来,各方面的调查表明:青少年的体质不断下降。请你以“How to keep healty”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,说说你的看法和建议。开头已给出,不计入总词数。 主要内容包括:

1. 体质下降的原因。如:eat too much junk

food, have too much homework...

2. 合理的健康建议。如:should do more

exercise, eat a balanced diet饮食平衡, enough sleep...

How to keep healthy

Nowadays students’ physical fitness is declining year by year. I think there are some reasons. Students have too much homework to do, so they have little time to have sports. Some students eat too much junk food.

That’s also bad for their health.

Then, how to keep healthy? Here is some useful advice. First, students should do more exercise. Second, students should eat a balanced diet. They should eat more vegetables and fruits, and try to eat less junk food. Finally, enough sleep is also very important.


节约资源,保护环境,从身边的小事做起。作为一名学生,我们应该怎样看待“低碳”生活?请以“My low — carbon life”为题写一篇短文,简述自己对“低碳”生活的理解及看法。80词左右。 提示:1.步行或骑自行车上学; 2.节约用水; 3.不用塑料袋; 4.节约用电; 5.充分使用纸张。

参考词汇:on foot, turn off, recycle, make

full use of, plastic bag, tap My low-carbon life

Now the human living environment is being worse and worse. So a new lifestyle called low-carbon life is spreading to every part of our country. As middle school students, how can we have a low-carbon life?

Firstly, we can go to school on foot or by bike. Secondly, we shouldn’t waste water or electricity. Do remember to turn off the lights when we leave the room and turn off the tap in time after using it. Thirdly, we should use colth bags in our daily life instead of plastic ones. Fourthly, we should also make full use of paper. We’d better recycle some of our textbooks. It’s important for us to live a low-carbon life to protect the environment.






4.不要购买一次性的杯子和碗筷; 5.步行或骑自行车上学。




With the global warming getting worse, more people choose to live a low-carbon life for the purpose of reducing greenhouse gases.

We’d better save much water and paper and electricity. We should use less carbon and oil. It’s important to turn off the lights and puters when you leave the room. We should take our own bags in shopping instead of using plastic bags from the supermarket. We can buy few clothes which are unnecessary. We shouldn’t buy or use one-off cups or chopsticks or bowls. It’s good for us to walk or take bikes to school instead of taking cars. We can also plant more trees to change air around us.

Let’s take action and be a low-carbon people!


为配合我市“礼仪宜宾Charm Yibin”活动的开展,某学校开展以“How to behave well?”为主题的英语作文,请你以一名中学生的身份写一篇60-80词的短文参赛。


第8 / 9页


How to behave well?

As a student in Yibin, we should behave well. First, I think it’s very important to do everything on time and keep promises. Never lie to others or say dirty words. Next we should be polite to others and ready to help people in need. Then we’d better not talk loudly in public. Don’t throw litter or spit about. And remember to obey traffic rules.

Finally, learn to work with others. We need good team work in our life.

Li Hua is my goodfriend. We are classmates. He is tallest in our class. He is very kind andalways ready to help others. We have many in common, so that we have manythings to talk. For example, we both like playing basketball and we like thesame basketball , we both like cartoon very much. We always watch cartoon programtogether. At weekends, weplay basketball often. The more important, he studieshard. So do I. We can make progress together. He is a good friend.


My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.


But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.


In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.


I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.


In xiamen there is a park. It’s a big and beautiful park. It has two gates. They are the north gate and the west gate. Many people park their bikes in front of the gates.


There is a shop at the north gate. When you go into the park through the north gate, you will find a large square on your right and you will see lots of trees and flowers around you. In the west of the park, there is a playground.


Sometimes some children fly kites on it and some people sit on the grass and chat. In the middle of the park, there is a lake. there are many boats on it. There is a hill in the east of the park.


The park is very beautiful. I love it very much. Will you come to visit it some day?


Mr. Lee is my English teacher, and is thirty. He likes sports very much, so he looks strong and young. He is fond of singing too. When we feel tired in the class, he will teach us some English songs. Sometimes he tells us some funny stories. He often encourages us to speak and write in English. Although we may make mistakes now and then, he always corrects them patiently and tells us how to write properly. He is really a good teacher. We all love him and his class.


I’m going to the sun on my holiday. I will go there by a spaceship. I will take a big blue spaceship. Then I’ll pilot the spaceship to the sun. The sun is very hot. So I put on the super-shirt. In the morning, I will have some sun burger for my breakfast.


At eight o’clock, I will play with my friends there. They are super dog and super girl. Super dog is white and black. Super girl is very clever. Super girl and super dog like to play with me. So I play with them for forty minutes. Then I do my homework in my little red room on a small blue table. After my home work, I will have my lunch. I will eat sun salad. I will make some red toy bear to the sun babies. I will have red juice, red fish and red rice. All the things are red. Then I need a lot of water on the sun because the sun is too hot. So I will walk to the spaceship. I’ll pilot the spaceship to the earth.


This is a good holiday on the sun.


Thereare many holidays in a year. Among them, the holiday I like most is theChildren’s Day. Children’s Day is on the June First. In school, we have manyactivities to celebrate it. For example, our school often holds a garden partyon that day. We can play various games and get awards if we win. It’s the mostpopular activity in my school. Besides, we can watch movies or hold a smallparty in our class. We often buy some snacks and fruits to eat. It’s reallyinteresting. It’s a holiday for fun. We enjoy it very much.



Compared with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes less time. It can help us to cultivate the habit of thinking in English. If we persist in this practice, gradually we'll learn how to express ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English, we inevitably run up against a lot of difficulties .In the first place, it often happens that we have trouble finding appropriate words and phases to give expression to our mind. Secondly, there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese. And it is extremely hard for us to put them into English properly. Certainly, there are some other roadblocks we may come across in our keeping a diary in English. As far as I'm concerned, my suggestion is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach.

Whenever something beats us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary. We can also turn to our English teacher for help, if necessary. In short, I believe that it is of great use to keep a diary in English for the development of our writing skills.


Therefore, the effects of visual media cannot be ignored. One obvious effect of the these media is that watching them induces people to buy certain products. television advertising is widespread and, nowadays, even movie theaters permit advertisements. Another way TV and the movies affect people is that they give people either a broader view of the world or a distorted one, depending on what type of program they watch. Those who watch news and educational program can learn many new things while those who watch primarily entertainment shows may come to believe that most people in the world possess great wealth and good looks. It may make them become dissatisfied with their own lives.

Finally, perhaps the most susceptible viewers are children, who may be unable to tell fact from fiction and may try to imitate acts that they see on TV or in the movies. With the every-increasing popularity of video entertainment, society must pay attention to these effects. Television and movies, while entertaining and informative, cannot take the place of real experience.



I'm very happy to hear that you're coming to china next week. I hope to see you soon.


As we all know, different countries have different customs. So the manners in China are very different from those in your country. Let me tell you something about customs and manners in our country.


First, we Chinese are supposed to shake hands when we meet for the first time. Then we greet each other. After that, you can talk about something relaxing. But you are not supposed to talk about someone's salary, age and so on. Second, we use chopsticks to have meals while you use your forks at table. Also, it's bad manners to talk too much when you're having meals.


I hope you'll have a wonderful time in our country.



I'm writing to you in Beijing.

I'm very happy to visit Beijing again. To my surprise, great changes have taken place here recently.

Today I went to Wangfujing Street. Now the streets are cleaner and nicer than before. There are many flowers everywhere and there is a fine smell of the flowers in the air. There are more new buildings, modern shops and large markets in it. People in Beijing are happy. Everyone has a smile on the face.

I know they are working hard for the 2008 Olympics. I hope they will have a good luck.





I go to school by myself every day, so my parents don't have to send me to school, so I have time to work more. After dinner, I usually tidy up the dishes and desks, so that my parents can have more time to rest after work. I pick up water twice a few weeks, and my parents wash their feet, so that they can relax after a hard day, no longer So tired.


However, filial piety requires both filial piety and obedience. Although I have achieved filial piety, I still haven't succeeded. My mother's temper is a little impatient, my temper is also very stubborn, we often quarrel because of little things. I think I will do this later: if I am wrong, I will reflect on myself; if my mother is wrong, I should wait for her anger to subside and then tell her.


I hope each of us can be a good filial child!



This summer vacation, I read two books, one is "green fairy tale" and the other is "sunshine girl". The story is very good-looking. The hero's bravery, kindness, diligence, filial piety and other excellent characters are worthy of learning in my life. Reading let me learn knowledge, let me have wisdom.


Later, I fell in love with watching TV and went to play all over the place on the day off. I didn't like reading books. After a while, my academic performance dropped. My mother was angry and criticized me. I was very unhappy. My mother asked me to review my textbooks every day after school, read some meaningful extracurricular books on weekends, and keep a diary every day. Slowly, my academic performance improved. My mother praised me happily, and I was very happy.


Reading is also my happiest thing.




When I entered middle school, I had a lot of difficulties in English. I can't understand the teacher in class, and I can't master words and phrases. There was a time when I wanted to give it up. Later, with the help of the teachers and classmates, I listened to the teacher carefully in class, insisted on reading English every day and said as much as possible. My English has made great progress step by step.


In short, only by cultivating interest in learning English can we learn English well.


【篇八】初中生英语作文范文:My Naughty Nephew 淘气的侄子

【篇九】初中生英语作文范文:如何保护自己 How to protect myself

As a student,I think it important for me to protect myself from dangerous of all,I must calm down as soon as possible,for panicking is of no is know to all,calling 119 immediately is the most effective way to save well as that,it is best to take the stairs instead of elevators. IN conclusion,with positive attitude and sufficient preparations,I will be able to protect myself from fires.



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