

发布时间:2024-07-08 07:27:37


意大利罗马斗兽场 建於公元72年,高48公尺、占地16万平方米,是无数动物、斗士和囚犯的葬身地,开幕头百天庆典死了9000头野兽,历来约50万人命送“表演”中.举世闻名的罗马斗兽场或称竞技场实际上是一片断垣残壁.如果不是川流不息的游客进进出出,一个人站在那高耸入云的破墙头子底下,肯定会提心吊胆:谁知道这屹立了上千年的家伙会不会轰然倒塌,叫人葬身瓦砾之下呢?斗兽场的真实名称叫做“佛拉维欧圆形剧场”,由韦斯马列西亚诺皇帝始建于公元72年,而由他们的儿子提图皇帝完成于公元80年.可以说没有一页罗马史不多少与斗兽场有关,它简直已演变成为罗马生活和罗马需的标记.公元八世纪时,贝达神父曾预言“几时有斗兽场,几时便有罗马;斗兽场倒塌之日,便是罗马灭亡之时;罗马灭亡了,世界也要灭亡.”公元1084年,日尔曼人打进罗马城,古罗马城被洗劫一空,斗兽场也被人遗弃,一时曾成为人们挖掘大理石寻找建筑材料的来源.这部分地应验了贝达神父的预言.但罗马城仍旧存在,世界也没有灭亡,而且历史不断翻开新的篇章.构建这个庞然大物的封建帝王肯定不会想到,如今的斗兽场每天吸引着成千上万的游人,为后来人带来巨额收入,可谓有秀恰在不用时.斗兽场的整体结构有点象今天的体育场,或许现代体育场的设计思想就是源于古罗马的斗兽场.斗兽场呈椭圆形,长直径187公尺,短直径155公尺.从外围看,整个建筑分为四层,底部三层为连拱式建筑,每个拱门两侧有石柱支撑.第四层有壁住装饰,正对着四个半径处有四扇大拱门,是登上斗兽场内部看台回廊的入口.斗兽场内部的看台,由低到高分为四组,观众的席位按等级尊卑地位之差别分区.在斗兽场的内部复原图上,可以看出这个工程的浩大和壮观.但今天人们所能见到的已无完整看台的形象,只是原来支撑看台的隔墙尽管破败不堪,但甚高、甚大、甚巧,仍让人为往日的辉煌啧啧称奇.


读了这篇文章我首先明确的是这片文章的主要内容,古罗马斗兽场的主要内容是:“我” 爸爸和妈妈来到了意大利首都——罗马。“我们”一起乘车去参观斗兽场。来到斗兽场后,首先看到的是斗兽场的门,这座占地两万平方米,墙高五十七米(相当于二十层楼房的高度)的巨型建筑的全貌就展现在“我们”面前。“我们”来到斗兽场里,眼前又浮出了两千多年前的情景:许许多多的角斗士活活丧命。到了从斗兽场出来时,天很晚了,“我”开始对斗兽场没兴趣了。 小作者在斗兽场看见了一个个角斗士活活丧命;听见了狮子的狂吼;感到了斗兽场的狰狞可怕。 初到罗马“我”的心情是迫切的,“我”迫切的想去参观斗兽场;在斗兽场门口,也是出于好玩,“我”“高兴极了”与“武士”摆出“决斗”的样子,并合影留念;走进斗兽场“我”依然兴致勃勃,又是“爬上”又是“跑下”;当站在斗兽场土地上,“我”产生了联想。从斗兽场出来“我”已对“穿着角斗士服装的武士”失去了兴趣。 读完后,我印象最深的是所见部分。因为这部分作者具体地说了斗兽场的里里外外,斗兽场的样子好美观,也想让我去看看,但里面一些惨杀的样子,让成千上万个角斗兵活活丧命,太残忍了! 人与人应是平等的,生命是宝贵 自由的,我们不应去践踏生命,而应去热爱生命 尊重生命。

斗兽场的结构就好像现代的体育场,呈椭圆形。从外观上看,它像个正圆形;从远看,则是椭圆形。它的大直径为188米,小直径为155米,周长为527米,其占面积约2万平方米。从外围观看,整个建筑分为四层,底部三层有柱式装饰,依次为多立克柱式,艾奥尼柱式,科林斯柱式,这些柱式也就是古代雅典里的三种柱式,第四层则壁柱装饰。中央的“表演区”长轴86米,短轴54米。座位分成60排,渐排升起,分为5区。底层第1区是王帝和贵族的座席,第二层为罗马阶级阶级较高的市民,第三则是平民区,在往上是阳台,一般上观众只能站在阳台看表演。 它位于罗马中心的壮观的斗兽场是罗马当时取悦凯旋而归的将领士兵和赞美伟大的罗马帝国而建的。至今大约2000年后的今天,每个大型的体育场的设计师源于古罗马的斗兽场。斗兽场在建筑史上称典范的杰作和奇迹,以龙大、雄伟、庄观称于世。


只抄了古代部分,要看更近的历史去参考资料看吧 The Colosseum or Coliseum, originally the Flavian Amphitheatre (Latin: Amphitheatrum Flavium, Italian Anfiteatro Flavio or Colosseo), is a giant amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome. Originally capable of seating 45,000–50,000 spectators, it was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles. It was built on a site just east of the Roman Forum, with construction starting between 70 and 72 AD under the emperor Vespasian. The amphitheatre, the largest ever built in the Roman Empire, was completed in 80 AD under Titus, with further modifications being made during Domitian's reign.[1]The Colosseum remained in use for nearly 500 years with the last recorded games being held there as late as the 6th century — well after the traditional date of the fall of Rome in 476. As well as the traditional gladiatorial games, many other public spectacles were held there, such as mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, re-enactments of famous battles, and dramas based on Classical mythology. The building eventually ceased to be used for entertainment in the early medieval era. It was later reused for such varied purposes as housing, workshops, quarters for a religious order, a fortress, a quarry and a Christian it is now in a severely ruined condition due to damage caused by earthquakes and stone-robbers, the Colosseum has long been seen as an iconic symbol of Imperial Rome and is one of the finest surviving examples of Roman architecture. It is one of modern Rome's most popular tourist attractions and still has close connections with the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope leads a torchlit "Way of the Cross" procession to the amphitheatre each Good A map of central Rome during the Roman Empire, with the Colosseum at the upper right of the Colosseum began under the rule of the Emperor Vespasian[1] in around 70–72. The site chosen was a flat area on the floor of a low valley between the Caelian, Esquiline and Palatine Hills, through which a canalised stream ran. By the 2nd century BC the area was densely inhabited. It was devastated by the Great Fire of Rome in AD 64, following which Nero seized much of the area to add to his personal domain. He built the grandiose Domus Aurea on the site, in front of which he created an artificial lake surrounded by pavillions, gardens and porticoes. The existing Aqua Claudia aqueduct was extended to supply water to the area and the gigantic bronze Colossus of Nero was set up nearby at the entrance to the Domus Aurea.[2]The area was transformed under Vespasian and his successors. Although the Colossus was preserved, much of the Domus Aurea was torn down. The lake was filled in and the land reused as the location for the new Flavian Amphitheatre. Gladiatorial schools and other support buildings were constructed nearby within the former grounds of the Domus Aurea. According to a reconstructed inscription found on the site, "the emperor Vespasian ordered this new amphitheatre to be erected from his general's share of the booty." This is thought to refer to the vast quantity of treasure seized by the Romans following their victory in the Great Jewish Revolt in 70. The Colosseum can be thus interpreted as a great triumphal monument built in the Roman tradition of celebrating great victories.[2] Vespasian's decision to build the Colosseum on the site of Nero's lake can also be seen as a populist gesture of returning to the people an area of the city which Nero had appropriated for his own use. In contrast to many other amphitheatres, which were located on the outskirts of a city, the Colosseum was constructed in the city centre; in effect, placing it both literally and symbolically at the heart of Colosseum had been completed up to the third story by the time of Vespasian's death in 79. The top level was finished and the building inaugurated by his son, Titus, in 80.[1] Dio Cassius recounts that 11,000 wild animals were killed in the one hundred days of celebration which inaugurated the amphitheatre. The building was remodelled further under Vespasian's younger son, the newly-designated Emperor Domitian, who constructed the hypogeum, a series of underground tunnels used to house animals and slaves. He also added a gallery to the top of the Colosseum to increase its seating 217, the Colosseum was badly damaged by a major fire (caused by lightning, according to Dio Cassius[3]) which destroyed the wooden upper levels of the amphitheatre's interior. It was not fully repaired until about 240 and underwent further repairs in 250 or 252 and again in 320. An inscription records the restoration of various parts of the Colosseum under Theodosius II and Valentinian III (reigned 425–450), possibly to repair damage caused by a major earthquake in 443; more work followed in 484 and 508. The arena continued to be used for contests well into the 6th century, with gladiatorial fights last mentioned around 435. Animal hunts continued until at least 523.[2]

Colosseo is a station on Line B of the Rome Metro. It was opened on 10 February 1955 and is located, as its name suggests, in the Monti rione on via del Colosseo near the Colosseum. The station is currently involved in the works preparing for the Metro's Line atrium houses mosaics from the Artemetro Roma Prize. They are by Pietro Dorazio (Italy), Kenneth Noland (USA) and Emil Schumacher (Germany)[1]. Its main exit is in front of the Colosseum, to the right of the arch of Constantine, whilst its other exit is on largo Agnesi towards San Pietro in Vincoli.

罗马斗兽场(义大利语:Colosseo、英语:Colosseum),原名弗拉维圆形剧场(Amphitheatrum Flavium),又译为罗马角斗场、科洛西姆竞技场。是古罗马帝国专供奴隶主、贵族和自由民观看斗兽或奴隶角斗的地方。



The Colosseum or Roman Coliseum, originally the Flavian Amphitheatre (Latin: Amphitheatrum Flavium, Italian Anfiteatro Flavio or Colosseo), is an elliptical amphitheatre in the center of the city of Rome, Italy, the largest ever built in the Roman Empire. It is one of the greatest works of Roman architecture and Roman has been estimated that about 500,000 people and over a million wild animals died in the Colosseum in the 21st century it stays partially ruined due to damage caused by devastating earthquakes and stone-robbers, the Colosseum is an iconic symbol of Imperial Rome and its breakthrough achievements in earthquake engineering. It is one of Rome's most popular tourist attractions and still has close connections with the Roman Catholic Church, as each Good Friday the Pope leads a torchlit "Way of the Cross" procession to the Colosseum is also depicted on the Italian version of the five-cent euro coin.





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