

发布时间:2024-07-08 01:35:31


The injustices suffered by victims of racial discrimination and related intolerance are well known: limited employment opportunities, segregation, and endemic poverty are only a few among these. The disadvantages faced by women in societies around the world are also familiar: lower pay for work of equal value, high illiteracy rates and poor access to health care. While race is one reason for inequality and gender is another, they are not mutually exclusive forms of discrimination. Indeed, too often they intersect, giving rise to compounded or double many women factors relating to their social identity such as race, color, ethnicity and national origin become "differences that make a difference." These factors can create problems that are unique to particular groups of women or that disproportionately affect some women relative to others.你自已改通俗易懂不就行了?

中西方国家均拥有悠久的历史和传统,在各自的 文化 上有其独特的内涵。下文是我为大家整理的关于文化差异英语论文的 范文 ,欢迎大家阅读参考! 文化差异英语论文篇1 文化差异对 英语学习 的影响 一、引言 在英语学习过程中很多人努力学习语音、词汇和语法等语言方面,却忽略了文化因素在语言学习过程中的重要作用,致使许多人虽具备一定的语言能力但在英语交流中仍会遇到许多困难。缺乏对文化因素重要性的认识已严重影响了英语学习。 文化因素对语言的影响很早便引起了国内外学者的关注,如20世纪80年代我国着名学者胡文仲就认为:“语言是文化的一种表现形式,不了解英美文化,要学好英语是不可能的。”但在多年的英语教学中文化因素仍未受到足够的重视,因此,本文将从中西方的 传统文化 、习俗文化和价值体系三方面的差异来探讨文化差异对语言的影响。 二、文化差异对语言的影响 要想学好英语不仅需要掌握语音、语义和语法等语言本身的技能,还需要注重文化差异对语言学习的影响。语言和文化是不可分割、互相依存的整体,语言是文化的表现形式和载体,同时又受所属文化的制约。若不能充分了解西方文化就无法真正学好英语。 众多学者已充分研究了文化的内涵,如戴炜栋和张红玲认为,文化研究发展至今,一个最具概括性、广为接受的观点认为文化是一个群体的生活方式,它包括人自出生后所学到的一切,如语言、言行方式和内容、信仰,以及人们赖以生存的物质和精神基础。张婧则认为,不同的民族所处的地理环境和历史环境不同,因而对不同的事物和经历有着不同的编码分类;不同的民族因不同的宗教信仰,也导致了他们独特的笃信,崇尚和忌讳心态;不同的民族因其发展的特殊历史过程也产生了本民族自己的历史 典故 、 传说 轶事。本文主要关注中西方在传统文化、习俗文化和价值体系三方面的差异及其对语言的影响。 (一)传统文化上的差异 中西方国家均拥有悠久的历史和传统,在各自的文化上有其独特的内涵。由于受到不同的历史和传统的影响,中西方国家在各自漫长的历史长河中所沉淀形成的传统文化亦不尽相同,因此,我们在 学习英语 时除了要学好语言,更要关注语言所属的文化内涵。正如刘长江所言,文化教学应与语言教学同步融合。 由于历史和传统的差异,中西方人们对于同一事物的理解和感受也有区别。如“龙”在中西方的传统文化中的内涵便迥然不同。“龙”是中华民族的图腾,我们引以为豪的自称“龙的传人”。在中国传统文化中“龙”是吉祥、幸福的象征,人们多用“龙腾虎跃”或“龙凤呈祥”等词形容吉庆的气氛。 但西方文化往往把“龙(dragon)”视为邪恶势力的象征,寓意凶残。在西方传统文化中“dragon”指的是一种长有双翅且会吐火的怪兽,因此,它与凶暴直接联系在一起。 (二)习俗文化上的差异 中西方文化差异尤其典型地体现在习俗文化方面。不同国家的习俗文化反映在各自的社会生活和交际活动中,如称谓、礼仪、恭维、致谢等方面。若不能充分了解中西习俗文化上的差异则会严重影响彼此的交流。 如在称谓方面中西方的习俗文化便有着极大的差异。中国人由于受到宗法观念的根深蒂固的影响遵循讲礼节、尊长辈的习俗。俗话说:“子不言父名,徒不言师讳。” 因此,在中国,孩子倘若对长辈或教师直呼其名会被认为不懂礼貌,将会受到家长的责罚。而在西方的习俗文化中西方人称呼除父母外的其他人时大都直呼其名,以示友好和亲近。这一点在美国尤为普遍,甚至初次见面就用名字称呼。这一差异的原因在于中国人尊崇长幼有序、尊卑有别,而西方人则崇尚人人平等、追求自由。 (三)不同价值体系间的差异 价值观念被普遍认为是文化的核心所在,不同文化背景中人的价值观念必然会有所不同。而价值观念又对人们现实生活中的言语表达产生重要的影响,因此,语言也往往折射出一个民族的价值观念。中西方价值观念的差异也直接反映在语言表达上,尤其典型地体现在诸如,禁忌、隐私等方面。 如中国人的价值观念注重社会群体间的亲密友好关系,因此,将询问对方的年龄、收入、婚否等情况视为是对对方的关心,但这些问题在西方人眼中却是一种禁忌,在他们的价值观念中这些均为个人的隐私,因此,避而不谈。再如中国人碰到熟人打招呼常会问“你去哪儿”或“你吃饭了吗”等,以示对对方的关心和双方的亲密友好关系,但这在西方人眼中却大有窥探隐私之嫌。 三、结语 英语学习中语言与文化密切相关,如高宝虹所言,在语言学习中,文化充当着极其重要的角色,语言的使用要受该语言所属民族文化制约。因此,中西方文化的差异必然影响英语语言的学习。尽管已有学者对此进行了探讨,但对文化因素的忽视仍未得到有效的改善。张友平曾指出,外语教学不应当仅仅是语言教学,还应当包括文化教学。因此,我们学习英语不仅要学习语言本身,还要熟知语言的文化背景,只有这样才能真正地将英语学以致用,准确顺畅地将其应用于对外交流之中。 参考文献: [1]胡文仲.文化差异与外语教学[J].外语教学与研究,1982(8):45-51. [2]戴炜栋,张红玲.外语交际中的文化迁移及其对外语教改的启示[J].外语界,2000(2):2-8. [3]张婧.文化知识在英语教学中的作用[J].教学与管理,2009(2):84-85. [4]刘长江.谈外语 教育 中目的语文化和本族语文化的兼容并举[J].外语界,2003(4):14-18. [5]高宝虹.交际化外语教学中的文化认知观[J].外语与外语教学,2003(8):33-38. [6]张友平.对语言教学与文化教学的再认识[J].外语界,2003(3):41-48. 文化差异英语论文篇2 浅析英汉文化差异对语言的影响 [摘要]语言文字是人类社会进行交际的重要 方法 ,同时也是文化的重要载体。各个民族的语言在受到民族自身社会文化影响的同时,又反映着各自民族本身的文化内涵。如果某一个民族的人们不了解另一个民族的文化因素和文化内涵,就很难进行顺利的交流。因此,我们得把语言知识和文化知识结合起来,交际才能顺利地进行。因此,文化差异对翻译的影响不容低估。 [关键词]文化差异 宗教信仰 历史典故 风俗 所谓翻译不仅是对语言进行的转换过程,同时也是对文化进行传递的过程。研究对外汉语教学的专家赵贤州先生说:“跨文化交际之所以成为可能,正是人类享有某些共通的文化信息;而跨文化交际之所以产生某些偏差,是因为双方不能共享另一些有差异的文化信息”。本文着重从生存环境,宗教信仰、历史典故和风俗三个方面论述英汉文化差异对翻译的影响。 一、生存环境的差异对翻译的影响 生存环境的差异对翻译的影响可以说是基础的,显而易见的,同时又是根深蒂固的。对习语的运用是英汉民族生存环境的差异,是语言运用中的一个非常重要的表现。习语的产生、运用和人们的劳动生活有着很密切的联系。例如,在汉民族的文化中,中国人们印象中的东风是很温暖的,只有西北风才是很寒冷的。而英国地处西半球,海洋性气候,西风则是 报告 春天消息的,看如下例子:How many winter days have I seen him,standing blue-nosed in the snow and east wind? (在很多冬日里我总看见他,鼻子冻得发红发紫,站在飞雪和东风里。)钱哥川在《翻译漫谈》一书中认为此句的east wind,译成汉语时应该是西风或北风,这正是地理环境与我们生存环境不同的原因造成的文化气氛的不同。又如,在中国人眼里,夏天总是和酷暑炎热联系在一起,“烈日炎炎似火烧”“骄阳似火”是常常被用来描述中国夏天的词语。而英国的夏季则是温暖明媚舒适的,是一年中最舒服最宜人的季节,就像我们中国的春天一样。显而易见,英汉两个不同的民族,由于地理环境上的不同,生存环境存在差异,观察客观事物、反映客观世界的方式和角度是不一样的。因此,翻译千万不能只照词典上的词义逐词逐句的翻译,否则不能达到有效顺利的沟通。 二、宗教信仰和历史典故对翻译的影响 英汉文化在宗教信仰与历史典故上也存在着很大的差异。这对翻译有很大的影响,我们要有深刻的认识。西方人大多信__,认为上帝(god)可创造一切,因而有“God helps those who help themselves”(上帝帮助自助的人) 的说法。而中国人信奉佛教、道教,多有“玉帝”“观音”“菩萨”“慈悲为怀”等词汇。在中国文化中,有各种各样的历史典故,如“盘古开天”“牛郎织女”“卧薪尝胆”等等。在西方的文化里,很多历史典故都来源于古希腊和罗马神话,还有圣经 故事 。请看下面例句:Being a teacher is being present at the creation,when the clay beings begin to breathe.基督__,上帝创造了人,而人又来自尘土。所以,英语中creation指“上帝”。而clay指“上帝创造的人”。理解了creation和clay这两个词的宗教内涵后,就可以把其译为:老师是创造的见证人,目睹着生命呼吸成长。可见英汉文化中不同的宗教信仰贯穿在其各自的语言表达交流之中。如果译者缺少对对象文化个性的深刻认识,就难以理解 句子 的文化内涵,这将对译文的准确性产生影响,从而达不到有效沟通。 三、风俗上的不同对翻译的影响 英汉民族在习俗上有很大的差异,这对翻译必然有一定的影响。中国人把“龙”当成是吉祥的神物,有着伟大的力量,所以龙在中国文化里是至尊无上的帝王的象征,因而有“望子成龙”的说法,但是在英美国家却把龙当作是喷烟吐火的凶残怪物。相反的,中国人把猫头鹰当做不吉祥的象征,而英语中却说as wise as an owl,把猫头鹰当做智慧的象征。类似的例子在英汉交流中,我们经常会发现,给人很新异的感觉,这就是风俗上的不同导致根深蒂固的文化差异,译者在翻译的过程中一定要深刻意识到这一点,考虑风俗对翻译的影响,能使英汉民族进行有效交流。 四、结语 不论是卓越的翻译家还是出色的译评专家,都应该是具有两种文化意识和精通两种语言的真真正正的文化人。交流促进理解,沟通有助于进步,翻译则是交流与沟通的桥梁,让我们真正做好翻译的工作,架起英汉沟通的桥梁,为英汉交流做出应有的贡献。 【参考文献】 [1]崔建京.中学英语教学中的英美文化渗透[J].大连教育学院学报,2003(6). [2]张培基.英汉翻译教程[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2004. [3]包惠南.文化语境与翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2001. [4]彭保良.从文化差异的角度看英汉翻译中词义的确立[J].中国翻译,1998(1):25. [5]邓炎昌,刘润青.语言与文化――英汉语言文化对比[M].外语教学与研究出版社,1989:159.

一、引言文化,这两种孕育自不同半球的文化,由于历史、地理环境、生产制度等方面的原因,有着极大的差异,截然不同的特色。这两种文化差异,一直备受关注。随着全球化的到来,全世界各民族间商业交流往来的日益频繁,了解中西方文化价值差异可以更好促进民族间经济、文化交流与沟通,从而避免所引起的不必要的误会和麻烦,导致的文化休克(culture shock)或交际失败(communication failure)。而语言是文化的载体,是文化的一部分,很大程度上反映了文化。谚语作为“民族文化之明镜”,来自于生活,更深刻地反映了民族文化特色,体现了人们的生产生活、思想观念、文化取向,具有持久的生命力、广泛的通俗性、生动的口语化的特点。英国著名学者培根曾说过:“The genius, wit and spirit of a nation are discovered in its proverbs.”(一个民族的天才、智慧和精神,都可以在其谚语中发现。)本文将从汉英谚语入手谈谈中西文化在地理环境、宗教信仰、历史、文学传统、民族性格、思想观念等方面的差异。二、 地理环境文化是在一定的自然环境里生发出来的。人们所生存的不同环境势必影响人们的生活、生产方式,影响人们对客观外界的观察与思考。人们以通俗形象的语言来讲述自己的生活体验,描述自然现象,总结生产实践,概括生产经验。这些语言口口相传,千锤百炼,成为大家喜闻乐诵的谚语。这些谚语必然反映出自然环境的不同特征,带有鲜明的地域文化和生态文化的色彩。英国是个岛国,四面环海,海岸线曲折多变,港湾楔入,岛屿众多。这样的自然环境给英国人提供了舟楫之便。人们在长期的航运渔业生活中,创造出数以百计的英语谚语,反映他们对生活及大自然的体验和观察。如:There’s as good fish in the sea as ever come out of it.有了大海,还怕没鱼。No fishing like fishing in the sea.捕鱼要到大海。Who will not be ruled by the rudder must be ruled by the rock.船离舵,要闯祸。A dog in the morning,sailors take warning; a dog in the night is the sailors’ delight.朝虹出天际,水手心事重,夜间见彩虹,水手乐哈哈。He goes a great voyage that goes to bottom of the sea.到达海底的人,才算做了一次远航。特殊的地理环境形成了特有的岛国气候。英国气候潮湿,天气变化大,岛上晴天少,雨天多,且多阵雨,因此,英国人出门常带把雨伞。由于英国天气变化无常的缘故,英国人非常关心天气,也喜欢谈论天气,并因此而产生了许多关于天气的谚语[1](P85):April weather, rain and shine both together.一边日出一边雨,晴雨无常四月天。An English summer, three(or two)hot days and a thunderstorm.英国的一个夏季,三(两)个热天一阵大雷雨。A misty morning may have a fine day.早晨有雾露,可能是晴天。When the wind’s in the west, the weather’s at the best.风从西方起,天气最佳丽。而处于另一个半球的中国则有着不同的地理自然风貌,中华文明发源于长江黄河流域,中国自古是典型的农耕社会,人们过着自给自足的农耕生活,农业是国民经济的重要支柱,农业在历代政府中都受到极大的重视。因此产生了许多与农业相关的谚语。如:庄稼百样巧,地是无价宝。 人勤地不懒,勤奋谷仓满。 田里无神无鬼,全靠肥料土水。 庄稼老汉不知闲,放下锄头拿扁担。 农夫不种田,城里断炊烟。 田像一块铁,在于人来打。[2](P240-241)我国的天气谚语,从量上、质上,以及悠久的历史传统上,值得称道。如“灶烟往下埋,不久雨就来”、“春天孩儿脸,一日变三变”、“太阳颜色黄,明日大风狂”、“久晴大雾必阴,久雨大雾必晴”、“夜里星光明,明朝仍旧晴”等等。[1](P85)三、 特定历史每个民族都以不同的方式在人类历史的画卷中写着自己特定的历史。从谚语中可以一窥历史风云变化。英国从十六世纪开始发展资本主义,经济迅速发展并逐渐开始迅速向海外扩张,掠夺资本主义原料,进行资本主义的原始积累。Shoe-maker’s wife goes bare feet.这句谚语正是出自于十六世纪资本主义新兴时期,小资本家拼命发家致富,属于手工业者的鞋匠们为积攒钱财,竟然连给妻子买鞋穿的钱都不舍得花。十七世纪起英国在东印度扩张,十八世纪中叶建立殖民统治。He came safe from the East –India, and was drowned in the Thames.他从东印度安然归来,却淹死于泰晤士河。[3](P79)英国历史上曾遭到多次其他国家的入侵。罗马统治期间,社会生活罗马化,拉丁语是官方、法律、商业和法律用语。丹麦人侵占期间,丹麦语也传入英国。1066年法国诺曼底登陆后,英国为法国所征服。 法语很长时期成为英国的官方语言,贵族、朝臣、地主和上流社会都使用法语,如当时的英国国王爱德华是完全不会说英语的国王,因此有英谚云:Jack would be a gentleman if he could speak French.要是杰克能讲法语,那他就是个绅士了。而三种语言交配混合到英语中,充实了英语语言,也带来了许多拉丁语、法语谚语。[1](P84)Anger is a short madness .愤怒是短暂的疯狂。(拉丁语)Art is long, life is short. 艺术是无限,生命是有限的。(拉丁语)All roads leads to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。(法语)He that is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning. 怕问者耻于学。(丹麦语)而在中国的历史长河中,秦始皇于公元前221年统一中国,从此中国进入了漫长的封建社会。广大劳动人民深受压迫和剥削,生活于水深火热之中,而统治阶级却过着穷奢极欲的生活。[4](P50)有许多汉谚就反映了这一点。



提供一些易于写作的英语专业毕业论文的主题,供参考。语言学研究:美国黑人英语和政治背景措词与语境从中式英语的现状看其发展趋势中式英语之争:希望与现实中国英语与国际交流从英语发展史来分析汉语热的趋势如何使中式英语成为标准英语?论中式英语成为英语主要方言之一的巨大潜力政治委婉语在伊拉克战争中的使用浅析英语委婉语浅谈英语委婉语的社会心理基础及其语用语义特征英语委婉语构成及其社会功能歧义的语用研究以及对英语学习的启示英语句子歧义初探模糊词在人际交往中的应用英语语言中的性别和种族歧视现象男女英语言语习惯的差异英语广告中的双关语的分类及其修辞作用网络英语新词的形成及其特点词汇发展中的特殊现象——非术语化被动语态在商务英语中的语用作用从礼貌的视角看性别的语言行为差异翻译研究:商务合同英汉互译技巧英文品牌汉译知识对于翻译的重要性中英文化差异及其对英汉互译的消极影响英语广告中修辞手法的应用及其翻译<<红楼梦>>金陵判词两种译文的比较及评析从红楼梦诗词翻译看翻译中的文化补偿关于李后主“虞美人”的3种英译本的鉴赏跨文化交际与商标翻译中式菜肴的命名与翻译浅谈英语电影片名的翻译英文电影片名的翻译策略英文化妆品广告之美学翻译数字在中西文化中的内涵差异及数字习语翻译初探浅析原语文本在目标语文本中文体的适应性英语习用语翻译中的等效性研究论语境在英汉翻译中的作用浅析英语动画片翻译的基本原则中英服饰广告的翻译论英汉翻译中语篇连贯的重要性论译者的风格与译风经济英语中的隐喻及其翻译从翻译的美学角度浅析旅游资料的中英译英语教学:语言测试在英语学习中的重要性比较中西课堂教学及其对学生能力培养的影响游戏在儿童英语教学中的运用小学英语情趣教学漫谈论中学英语教学中跨文化意识的培养课堂气氛对高中英语教学效果的影响记忆在语篇理解过程中的作用记忆在词汇习得中的作用谈英语阅读的制约因素及对策跨文化交际中的体态语和中学英语教学分析具有中国特色的双语教学非智力因素在大学生英语学习中的影响英语教学中的情感因素论外语自主学习中师生的角色让我们的思绪飞扬---浅谈在英语课堂教学中影响学生发言主动性的因素C2C贸易中的写作技巧大学生英语写作问题研究文化词及其在外语教学中的功能英语学习策略的成功案例文化差异对阅读理解的影响浅谈多媒体辅助英语教学及教师角色的改变论母语文化在英语教学中的地位英语教学中的文化导入文化研究:西方的个人主义浅析咖啡在中国迅速传播的原因从情景剧《家有儿女》看中国家庭教育方式的西化中国中产阶级及其消费文化诗酒中国爱琴海孕育的浪漫与真实—希腊神话所呈现的西方文化特征希腊神话中的英雄与民族象征从拜占庭式到哥特式——建筑背后的中世纪欧洲文化及其影响从文化角度看电影黑客帝国语言和文化在国际商务谈判中的作用英国的绅士文化日趋没落北京2008奥运会带来的文化碰撞与融合文学研究:童心的泯灭,人性的黑暗--- 《蝇王》之象征体系初探简.奥斯丁的《傲慢与偏见》中婚姻价值所体现出来的文化内涵荒谬还是真实——从玛丽�6�1雪莱的《弗兰肯斯坦》谈歌特小说的变迁、发展及影响从《到灯塔去》看弗吉尼亚�6�1伍尔芙的女权主义观浅析美国“垮掉的一代”文学以及中国“80后”文学叙事的隐喻与张力——论《看不见的人》的叙事策略西方文学作品中的吸血鬼形象奴隶制度本身彻底的毁灭---对托尼.莫里森的小说<宠儿>的探究希腊悲剧与现代悲剧的比较从茶花女中看资产阶级伦理道德对女性的影响由《简�6�1爱》看欧洲妇女解放运动产生的背景及其现今的发展浅析《红字》的生态批评和解源于爱——分析《喜福会》赛珍珠作品中的文化误区——评赛珍珠的《大地》论庞德意象主义对中国古典诗歌的借鉴---小议《在地铁车站》浅析<<苔丝>>中的意象与象征黑人文学中自我意识的觉醒西方古典神话中的人性化描写


According to the bourgeois racial and ethnic characteristics of people's social status and legal status of racial restrictions andviolations of other fundamental rights and freedoms of the phenomenon. In class society, racial discrimination is essentially class existence of racial discrimination in ancient times, but its modern form from the beginning of the primitive accumulation of capital, so far, a number of areas in the world, there is still racial discrimination. This phenomenon is by the reactionary rulingclass to take legislative, administrative and other measures to advocate and spread of racial superiority and racial hatred, such as the doctrine. The performance of racial discrimination are open to the public, legal, hidden, South Africa, highlighted the performance of racial discrimination to apartheid, the white racists this is the basic national policy, has been 300 yearsof history. In the last half-century, white raci *** Racial Discrimination Act promulgated by the authorities as many as 100. American blacks, Indians, the indigenous people of Oceania, Europe's former colonial immigrants, ethnic minorities and foreign workers in Asia, "tribal people" and caste groups, are today the victims of racial , I say the United States of racial discrimination. Racial discrimination or colour issues, mainly in the United States and black-related issues, because they account for one-tenth of the total population of the United States.

Sex discrimination in employmentIt is against the law to discriminate against someone because of their stages of employment are protected, including recruitment, staff selection, workplace terms and conditions and di *** discrimination occurs when treating someone unfairly because of their sex, and causing them to be disadvantaged as a discrimination can occur if employers or managers hold assumptions about what sort of work women and men are capable, or not capable, of of sex discrimination could include:1,not hiring a woman because the employer thinks she won't fit into a traditionally 'male workplace' 2,offering women and men different rates of pay or employment related benefits 3,not promoting a woman to a more senior position because 'it's a blokey culture and the other employees wouldn't respect a female supervisor' 4,allocating work tasks based on a person's example, Barbara applies for a job as a bus driver. She had been a transport driver in the RAAF and has plenty of experience. When the employer gives her the job he tells her that he doubts she will be able to “hack the pace” and that she will be paid less than her male colleagues until she “proves herself”.希望可以帮到您~~~~

In America, the racial discrimination is everywhere, the racial conflict often happen, the black people are treated as slaves by white people, they often have the lowest salary, insurance and many unfair treatment. Nowadays, the racial discrimination isn't just beeen the white and the black, many other races in American are discriminated by the local people and they don't have right to protect themselves In 2003 ,a white people Doug Williams who hate the black people brought weapon to kill five black people then killed himself. why American racial discrimination is so serious?1. The mind of the racial discrimination exist in many white people's minds. They always treat the black people as slaves or think them as criminals. 2. Some of the black people in America bee lazy and crazy, they don't work and do harmful things to the society, such as robbing, stealing and killing people. 3. The government don't pay more attention on the racial discrimination, sometimes they maybe deprive the black people's rights to maintain the white people's . The conflict of history which the black people try to get fair treatment is too short, many person don't realize their rights . A widening gap beeen rich and poor is a reason cause the racial essence of the problem is that the petition beeen the race and other race, it likes the regional protectioni *** (地方保护主义).how to eliminate racial discrimination1. A great leader 2. A responsible government3. A justice international anization 4. A high quality people and an equal mindA great leaderDr. Martin Luther King, an American political activist, the most famous leader of the American civil rights movement, Considered a peacemaker throughout the world for his promotion of nonviolence and equal treatment for different races, he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1968. His most influential and well-known speech is the "I Have A Dream" speech A responsible governmentEnsure black rights, especially employment, medical treatment, insurance and social welfareTo strengthen national equality and harmony of the propaganda and education, stop the spread of raci *** A justice international anizationthe United Nations must take responsibility to control the racial discrimination, help to eliminate poverty in developing countries, narrow the gap beeen rich and poor, and strongly advocated ethnic equality, harmonious and the dialogue beeen different civilizationsA high quality people and an equal mindGive every races an equal education and job chances, keep the equal mind to treat everyone, improve human rights consciousnessThe black people should improve their quality to win respect of the white peopleThe white people should correct their attitude towards the black, and give hands to the black people who need helpWe have a long way to goBut we must believe :love is color blind








In America,the racial discrimination is everywhere,the racial conflict often happen,the black people are treated as slaves by white people,they often have the lowest salary,insurance and many unfair racial discrimination isn't just beeen the white and the black,many other races in American are discriminated by the local people and they don't have right to protect themselvesIn 2003 ,a white people Doug Williams who hate the black people brought weapon to kill five black people then killed American racial discrimination is so serious? mind of the racial discrimination exist in many white people's always treat the black people as slaves or think them as of the black people in America bee lazy and crazy,they don't work and do harmful things to the society,such as robbing,stealing and killing government don't pay more attention on the racial discrimination,sometimes they maybe deprive the black people's rights to maintain the white people's conflict of history which the black people try to get fair treatment is too short,many person don't realize their rights widening gap beeen rich and poor is a reason cause the racial essence of the problem is that the petition beeen the race and other race,it likes the regional protectioni *** (地方保护主义).how to eliminate racial great leader responsible justice international anization high quality people and an equal mindA great Luther King, an American political activist,the most famous leader of the American civil rights movement,Considered a peacemaker throughout the world for his promotion of nonviolence and equal treatment for different races,he received the Nobel Peace Prize in most influential and well-known speech is the "I Have A Dream" speech A responsible governmentEnsure black rights,especially employment,medical treatment,insurance and social welfareTo strengthen national equality and harmony of the propaganda and education,stop the spread of raci *** A justice international anizationthe United Nations must take responsibility to control the racial discrimination,help to eliminate poverty in developing countries,narrow the gap beeen rich and poor,and strongly advocated ethnic equality,harmonious and the dialogue beeen different civilizationsA high quality people and an equal mindGive every races an equal education and job chances,keep the equal mind to treat everyone,improve human rights consciousnessThe black people should improve their quality to win respect of the white peopleThe white people should correct their attitude towards the black,and give hands to the black people who need helpWe have a long way to goBut we must believe :love is color blind

Gender Inequality in Employment of College Graduates Gender Inequality is a long-standing historical and global problem .In ancient times, many countries in the world exist such Concept , but the practice of Feminist movement have never stopped. Nowadays, all over the world to advocate equality beeen men and women ,and in fact the situation is bee better and better , but many people still Hold on this concept In the subconscious .Today ,we are suffering the global financial crisis, the economic downturn, make it more and more difficult for the college graduates to look for jobs. In this case, it seems unlikely that girls can find a job, because many enterprises and institutions in the recruitment of Discrimination against girls with a variety of reasons. In my opinion, the concept is wrong, equality beeen the sexes has long been written into national laws of many countries. And there are many outstanding women, take a important roles in the government and enterprises . At present-day society, the ability of women don't seem to be *** aller than men, so we should change our concept of inequality beeen men and women pletely, we should give girls much more opportunities. And our society will bee more harmonious and beautiful! 译文:高校毕业生招聘中的性别歧视 作文库大全小升初中考满分高考满分高考零分 性别歧视是一个全球性的、历史长久的问题。






现在,有许多杰出女士,担任着各国 *** 的政要和企业中的重要位置。



展开全部 歧视--一个刺眼的词语。







转载请注明出处作文大全网 » 社会歧视的原因 英语作文200


顶! 迟点关闭 我关注着呢

中英文化差距论文题目不是想一个就能写一个的,也不是别人给你一个就能写一个的,想当初我写毕业论文的时候,题目想了至少五六次,才算让指导老师通过。 选定论文题目应该是这样的,先定大的类别,就像楼上两位讲的,文学,翻译,语言学等。然后再往下分,比如文学,你写一个时期还是写一位作家,语言学,写哪个方面。 这样算起来的话,能写出来的题目成百上千,但最重要的一点就是,题目一定要细,不能泛泛而谈,比如,你不能写“论合作原则”,那样的题目导师肯定不通过的。 楼主可以先想想自己想写哪方面的,不用急着想好题目,可以先去图书馆里找找资料,看看别人都写哪方面的,都怎么写的。这个学期才刚开始,时间是一定够的啦。不用着急。




中文摘要 性别歧视在不同的社会制度和国家中都不同程度地存在。而作为一种普遍的社会现象,自然会在语言中得到折射。本文介绍了英语中的性别歧视语的种种表现形式,分析了这种现象产生的社会原因和文化根源,并总结了在英语语言运用过程中消除性别歧视的方法。 关键词: 英语语言;性别歧视;产生原因;消除方法 Abstract Sex discrimination exists in all the social systems and countries, and as a mon social phenomenon, it is surly reflected in language. This paper lists out different forms of sex discrimination in English, *** yses the social and cultural causes of such phenomenon and summarizes the corresponding methods of eliminating sex discrimination in English speaking. Key words: English; sex discrimination; causes; methods of eliminating 引言 在社会生活中,语言对男女一视同仁,但语言是文化的载体,并在人们不断使用的过程中逐渐得到丰富和发展。作为一个地区,一个民族约定俗成的一种表达方式,语言必然会反映出一定的社会价值观念和民族思维方式。性别歧视是以性别为基础而产生的一种社会歧视现象,«朗曼英语词典» 对“性别歧视”的解释是:“以性别为基础的歧视,尤其是男性对女性的偏见。《美国传统字典》的定义是“一种性别成员对另一性别成员,尤其是男性对女性的歧视”。虽然它可以表现为男性对女性的歧视,也可以表现为女性对男性的歧视。但是“性别歧视”通常是对女性的歧视,是人们对女性的偏见和男女社会地位不平等的反映。“女性长期以来被看作是the weaker sex/the second sex,是男性的陪衬和附属品。即使在标榜人权,平等的西方发达国家中也是如此。而现代女权运动轰轰烈烈的发展形势正是对这一不平等现象的反抗和反映。”[1]P80从而在语言中,出现了多种多样的性别歧视语,英语也不例外。一、性别歧视语言现象 (一)人际称谓 亲暱称谓 在西方,男性上司称呼他们的女性下属时可以用一些表示亲密关系的暱称,如sugar, darling, sweetie, girlie; 反过来,女性下属却不能用这些暱称来称呼她们的上司,而且女性上司也不能如此来称呼她们的男性职员,可是,陌生男子或非亲密关系的男子却可用暱称来称呼女子,这说明在英美社会女性比男性社会地位低,受到的尊重比男性少。[2]P74 姓名称谓 在西方 ,女子婚前一般用父姓 ,婚后改用丈夫的姓 , 例如 :在西方婚礼上 ,新郎新娘步入教堂时 ,牧师宣布:“I now pronounce you man and wife.”“婚后的男子依旧是man ,而婚后的女子则由Miss变成了wife这种现象不乏女权主义者和职业妇女。”[2]P74 当时的美国总统Bill Clinton的夫人Hilary Rodhamon也在为自己的 ,即支援已婚女性不仅应当标注夫姓 ,而且只应当标注夫姓 ,而不应继续标注父姓。尽管Hilary Rodhamon本人是一位女权运动者 ,但她还是把自己的名字根据丈夫和自己的政治需要, 先从Hilary Rodhamon改为Hilary Rodhamon Clinton, 最后改为Hilary Clinton。但是, 不管怎么改, 都不能超出如下选择: 要么跟父亲姓, 要么跟丈夫姓。这种以丈夫的姓冠之于前的称呼 ,表明妇女出嫁后就成了丈夫的私有财产, 是属于丈夫的, 因此无法得到与丈夫平等的权利。未婚女性用Miss冠以父姓, 已婚的用Mrs.或Lady冠以丈夫的姓氏。 指代称谓 1)提到男女双方时,双方不是处于平等地位,而是男先女后。 King and queen, brother and sister, father and mother, boys and girls, hu *** and and wife, Adam and Eve, man and woman, Mr. Lucas and his wife Louise. 2). 一些形式上没有男性标志的词意,人们习惯上把它们当作是男性词看待。 英语及其它讲英语国家的人习惯认为 professor, doctor, lawyer, surgeon, barrister, magistrate 等为男性,当我们听到有人说:My cousin is a professor 时,多数人会断定professor为男性。若要说明这些词是女性的,一般可在前面加上woman, lady, female 等修饰语。如:woman professor, lady doctor, female worker等,这些所谓的中性词的用法从一个侧面反映出旧社会中地位较高的职业为男子所垄断,相反地teacher, nurse , secretary, model 等人们一般认为是女性,如为男性时前面要加上male或是man,如:male nurse, man teacher。这些习惯除了历史现实情况有关,也可以说是一种社会偏见。 (二)词语发展 首先,表面上对应的词,含义却往往褒男贬女在英语中往往通过对女性名词的恶化来达到性别歧视的目的。几乎所有的女性名词都带有贬义,如queen, lady, mistress, madam等,其贬义为“雌猫”、“情妇”、以及“鸨母”等,而与之对应的king, lord, master, father 等词,如将他们的起首字母大写即可升格为“上帝”、“基督”、“主”、“神”等意义。 其次,英语中常用一些动物的名称来指称某些女性。 比如:bat贱妇,丑妇, *** ;dog丑妇,贱妇,没有成就的女人, *** ;chicken见面熟的年轻女人;cat恶妇,包藏祸心的女人,可卑的女人;cow子女多的女人,肥胖而不整洁的女人,经常怀孕的女人, *** ;mutton放荡的女人,做少女打扮的老妇女, *** 。 并且,英语中还有一些带有轻蔑色彩,专指中老年妇女的词汇。 比如:trot老太婆;hen爱管闲事或嘴碎的中年妇女;warhorse粗声大气,肥胖固执的女人;crone干瘪皱皮的老太婆;hag爱做坏事的老丑妇;witch老丑妇;biddy长舌妇;harridan面容枯槁,脾气暴躁的老妇。 (三)谚语运用 理性类 宋朝黄六鸿《福惠全书,弄名部》载:“妇人水性杨花,焉得不为所动”,诋毁女子“用情不专”,“缺乏理性”,在英语中就有相类似的谚语。 Long hair and short wit. 头发长,见识短 When an ass climbs a ladder, we may find wisdom in women. 若要女子有才智,除非毛驴攀上树 言及女子“感情游移”“二三其德”的有: A woman’s mind and winter wind change a lot. (冬天里的风,女子的心胸---变化异常) Women, wind and fortune are ever changing. (女子,风向与命运,翻天覆地无常态) 婚嫁类 A fair face is half a portion. (姿色艳,嫁妆半) When the candles are out, all women are fair. (烛灯熄,无妍女) Daughters and dead fish are no keeping wares. (女大不中留) Marry your son when you will, your daughter when you can. (娶媳不忙,嫁女宜速) There are many good women, it’s true; but they are in their graves. (世上好女实在多,可惜都在坟里卧) He that has a white horse and a fair wife never wants trouble. (倘若妻俊马俊,一世难得安静) 性情类 一代文豪莎士比亚曾云:“弱者,你的名字是女人”(Frailty, your name is woman) 弱女子的典型形象特征是“泪水涟涟”。 Woman is made to weep. 女子生来好哭 Nothing dries so fast as a woman’s tears. (易干不过女子泪) Woman is made of glass. (女子脆复弱,象是玻璃货) Glass and lasses are brittle wares. (少女嫩脆,瓷杯易碎) (四)职业中的性别歧视 许多表示职业的名词,如engineer ,pilot, scientist ,writer, doctor,pilot, scientist, engineer, pilot等对男女都适用,本来是中性词汇,本身没有性的区别。“由于历史上男性长期占据社会主导地位,人们习惯把它们与男性联络起来。”[3] P210如要特别指女性从事相同职业时,往往在前面加上female, woman lady, 从而使女性职业名词在外在的形式上呈现出“有标志性”,如woman doctor, female pilot, woman scientist, woman lawyer等。而行业名称冠以男性标记反而不符合语言习惯,但男保姆、男护士除外。只有一些地位较底的职业,如nurse, secretary等,传统上让人联想到女性,而与男性无缘。这种习惯除了与历史和现实有关,也可以说是一种性别歧视。 二、英语语言中性别歧视现象产生的原因 (一)、历史原因 在西方文化传统中,男性一直被认为富于创造力。在《圣经》里,创造世界的耶和华为男性,而耶和华创造的亚当亦是男性,亚当的妻子夏娃只不过是亚当一条肋骨的衍化物,这一传统观念就把创造力固定在男人身上,后人便有了“男性的特质是创造力的天赋”的说法。并且在圣经《创世纪》关于上帝造人的神话成了语言起源学说的联想依据。“在他们看来,既然上帝造了亚当这天下第一个男人,语言中的“性”范畴就应将阳性置于首位。如果把两者的顺序颠倒过来,就不符合语言习惯。 ” [4]P132英语语法并没有规定“先男后女”的语序,但人们在长期的言语习惯中,大都以男为先,女为后,女性只能是跟随在男性后面的第二性别。男先女后的语序是如此常见,以至于反过来如说woman and man ,she or he等则会令人感到不习惯。 (二)、社会原因 性别歧视的根源可以追溯到史前时代男女所扮演的性别角色。由于男性的肌肉比女性肌肉发达,又不生育,于是他们担当起打猎、耕作的角色,妇女体弱、要生育,所以负责照顾孩子、料理家庭、采集食物等。那时,男女角色虽然不同,但还没有一方价值高于另一方的观念。“随着社会生产力的不断发展,男子逐渐从事更多的农业生产活动,占据了主导地位,妇女的地位随供给食物能力的降低而下降。”[5]P113到了中世纪时期,妇女由于能生养孩子,能为土地所有者生养合法继承人,她们成了地主丈夫的宝贵财产。为了使妇女处于这样的地位,统治者便借助法律令女性屈服和受制于丈夫,于是,各种约束妇女的各种社会规范和习俗开始形成。在漫长的父系社会里,妇女地位低下,依附男性,受制于男性,这种观念逐渐根深蒂固,被人们视为理所当然。直到二十世纪,妇女的地位有了很大的改善,但是社会化偏见是在社会化的过程中,通过社会群体,父母,亲友,伙伴的言传身教和大众传媒(广播,电影,电视,报纸)获得的。人们对女性的歧视和偏见也是从父母,亲友或群体的交往中直接获得的,或通过大众传媒获得的。在英语中,受传统观念的影响,对女性的语言歧视已经成为了一种恶性回圈。比如,人们一看到或听到“virgin”和“prostitute”这两个词,首先想到的就是“处女”和“ *** ”的意思,而很少想到它们还分别可用于指“ *** ”和“男娼”。 (三)、生理原因 记的有人写道:在医院的育婴室里,每个刚出生的婴儿的小床上都有说明性别的标记,上面清楚写着:“I am a boy”或“It is a girl”.这里男孩的称呼是I, 而女孩却用it。在婴儿还不知道什么是语言时,而在他们的身上已深深打上了文化和语言的印记。在英语中用男性物主代词his指代包括女性在内的任何人的现象也不胜列举。例如Has everyone pleted his assignment?还有Everyone should do his best on the exam.这里的his已经包括了女性在内。虽然女性享有就业、选举、教育等等同男性一样的权利,然而女性仍然处于社会的边缘,被认为是“弱者”the weaker sex和“他者”the other;男性始终占据主导地位。” [6]P210根据1980年的联合国统计,男性拥有世界资源的99%,而女性拥有的资源不到1%。“因此说,对女性的歧视与偏见有长期的社会历史根源。”[6]P219 三、消除英语语言中性别歧视的方法 随着社会的发展和妇女社会地位的不断提高,尤其是随着美国女权运动的高涨,消除语言中的性别歧视的呼声越来越高。这其中核心问题有两个:如何直接剔除语言中的性别歧视词(sexist words);如何消除第三人称代词泛指而引起的性别歧视问题。我们从英语性别歧视词的转换方式和如何选用恰当的人称代词来消除性别歧视问题的对策这几个方面来进行介绍和讨论。 (一)、 性别歧视词转换成无性别歧视词(non-sexist words)的方法 1 尽量使用那些包括两性在内的词,即无性别歧视词,例如:immigrant, voter, officer, coach, church member, grandparent, employee, testee, patriot, customers, dealer, clerk, civilian, politician, tutor, etc. 2.以阴性词缀-ess, ette, rix和enne 结尾的词要避免使用并改成无性别歧视的词缀:-or, an, er或ist。例如:actress →actor, administratrix →administrator ,suffragette →suffragist, usherette→ usher ,edienne→ edian . 3. 写信时,如果不知道收信人的具体性别时,最好不要使用传统的Dear Sir, Dear Gentleman, Dear Madam, 可用工作职称代替以免出现差错。例如:Dear friends of the library, Dear Madams and Sirs, Dear personnel officer, Dear mittee Member, Dear Agent, Dear Director. (二)、规避第三人称代词泛指所引起的性别歧视问题的对策 1.采用复数形式 Sexist: When bathing a baby, never leave him unattended. Revised: When bathing a baby, never leave them unattended. 2.用We/us/our改写原句 Sexist: From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. Revised: From each of us according to our abilities, to each of us according to our needs. 3. 改用第二人称 Sexist: No man knows his true character until he has run out of gas, purchased something on the installment plan and raised an adolescent. Revised: You don’t know what your true character is until you have run out of gas, purchased something on the installment plan and raised an adolescent. 4.改用被动语态 Sexist: One who, when he has the choice of two evils, chooses both. Revised: One who, when given the choice of two evils,chooses both. 5.用 he and she/ his and her ,但是使用的次数不宜太多,否则会造成用词累赘。 s/he仅仅可以用于备忘录memos,便条notes,或者非正式的交谈之中。 6.用名词或上下文中用过的同义词替代 Sexist: To find a friend one must close one eye, to keep him, two. Revised: To find a friend, one must close one eye, to keep a friend, two. 7.采用交替使用阳性和阴性来达到平衡 例如:A young child is often persuaded by advertisements to buy what he sees on television. When the child does shopping with a parent, she sees the product on the shelf, remembers it, and asks to have it. (三)、英语教学作用 在英语教学中向学生传授新创立的中性表达法,学校和教师在语言的习得、文化的传授中起著不可低估的作用。改变对女性的否定态度,语言的改革也是重要的一环。语言教师同样也肩负著一份神圣的使命。在英语学习中,教师首先要规范自己的语言,在课堂上尽量避免带有性别偏见的语句。然后,教师根据教学内容把女权运动后英语中出现的新词、新用法传授给学生,有意识地加强性别平等的思想教育,让学生了解英语国家的社会变化、语言动态。应该强调妇女不应该被忽视。女人们每天在生活中仍然发挥着巨大的影响力。没有女人就没有男人的成功。女人们用自己的智慧竭尽全力使每个家庭生活更丰富多彩。 四、结论 在使用上面谈到的方法、对策时,我们一定要把握一个“度”,具体使用那一种方法、对策要取决于它能否使我们的写作、会话顺利进行并达到预期的效果。“正如以前女性主义思想家认为,女性与语言疏远太久,与她们的女性经验疏远太久,使她们不能将自己的经历符号化。”[7] P331传统的标准句法和确定的文类都代表父权制话语结构。因此女性主义试图找到新的语言和新的文学形式对女性现实做出反映。她们批评并激烈地改变既存语言,大胆地进行创作实验,使用新词、新拼写、新语法结构、新意象和新隐喻以远离父权语言的权威结构,为女性寻求一片新的话语空间。女性主义的口号之一就是“妇女通过语言获得完全的解放”。而且,“语言是社会的一面镜子,语言中所折射出的性别差异和性别歧视现象并不是由语言符号本身的自然属性决定的,而是特定社会的价值观念和民族思维方式在语言中的必然反映。”[8]P287语言本身是中性的,但语言的使用者却可以按照其社会观念和价值观念,赋予语言一定的语用色彩。若要消除语言包括人际称谓系统中的性别歧视现象,首先需根除社会上存在的性别歧视观念,语言的变革只有在社会变革的基础上才能最终实现。 从以上论述可以看到女性要获得自身的真正解放与不平等要做不懈努力。语言对社会的反映经历了漫长的过程。旧的歧视清除了,新的歧视还会反映到语言中来。语言中性别歧视的真正消除,只能寄希望于在社会现实中,男女真正的平等。“索绪尔认为语言不仅是交际工具,还是思想的载体,没有语言作为载体和工具,人的思维也就无法发展。”[9]P267性别歧视的改观不能等待男权的施舍,要女性自我的觉醒,要女性自己的参与。在强势和弱势文化的交汇中,同样需要弱势文化自身的努力。强调性别差异的重要性是必要的,但它只是过渡性的,女性不能只作为女性说话,男性也不能只作为男性说话。要走出性歧视的误区,出路在于语言的中性化,而实现语言的中性化,在于不断提高语言觉悟。因此,“女性运动要取得实质性的进展,不是依靠女性自身就能完成的,不仅需要世界范围内广大女性的团结,更需要寻求作为人类另一半的男性的支援与配合,因此更有必要加强与男性的沟通和协商。”[10]P113 参考文献 [1] 邓炎昌,刘润清.语言与文化[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1989。 [2] 蒋桂红.谚语视野里的性别歧视[J].宁波大学学报, 2004, 第1期。 [3] 朱伯通等译.哥伦比亚美国文学史[M].成都:四川辞书出版社,1994。 [4] 穆凤良,李秀萍.英语中的性歧视与中性化[J].外语与外语教学,1998。 [6] 让•雅克•卢梭. 洪涛译.论语言的起源[M].上海:上海人民出版社,2003。 [7] 王德春,孙汝建,姚远.社会心理语言学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1995。 [8] 柏子明.英语中的性别歧视及女权运动对英语的影响[J].四川外语学院学式化报,1999。 [9]美埃莱娜•肖瓦尔特.走向女权主义诗学.《新女权批评》及序言[M].纽约:潘修恩图书公司,1987。 [10]朱跃.论英语词义的变化和使用所反映出的对妇女性别的歧视现象[J].四川外语学院,1995。

构词是语言的基本要素之一,在英语构词方面我们可以看到许多性别歧视的例子。最突出的例证莫过于history,它是由his 和story 构成的,也就是说,历史是男人的故事,没有也不需要女人的参与。(1)以man结尾、含有man的复合词及派生词。这一类词泛指男女两性,但从表述效果来看,对于男女性别指代往往不是很清晰,甚至仅仅向读者或听众传递男性形象。例如: ① Man is the mostintelligent ofall species. ② All menshouldmaintain the ecologicbalance.这些句子容易误导人们忽视女性的存在以及女性在历史发展进程中的作用,可将其更改为:①Humankind/humanbeingisthemostintelligentof all species.② A ll people should maintain the ecological balance.或veryoneshouldmaintain theecological balance.在英语词汇中,还有很多含有man的复合词及派生词,均带有明显的性别歧视色彩。这一类词主要有m an-kind、man-made、freshman、manhood、manly、to man、man hours、manpower等等。在实际应用中,应将其更改为humanbeings、synthetic、first-year student、adulthood、strong、to operate、work hours、workforce。(2)英语中有一些以-ess,ette,rix和enne等阴性词缀结尾,如Actress、Authoress、Suffregatte、Usherette、Administratrix、aviatrix、Comedienne,他们往往含有微不足道、无足轻重或卑微低下的含义,因此要避免使用这一类词缀,并可改变使用or,an,er,ist等无性别歧视的词缀。(3)在含有man的英语短语中,我们也不难发现有很多带有性别歧视色彩的,如be one's ownman、good will to man、Jack o f all trades、Manoftheworld、Man inthestreet、Toaman等等,如果我们在使用这些短语是将其置换为beone'sown person、goodwill toall、personof all trades、person of the world、person In the street、every person就显得更为客观和容易被接受了。

性别歧视指一种性别成员对另一种性别成员的不平等对待,对于这个问题,你们写 英语 作文 时有何独到的见解呢?下面是我给大家整理的性别歧视的 英语写作 范文 ,供大家参阅!

After women have made great strides for their rights,leaders gradually realized the necessity to achieve the equality of men and women and as well increasingly countries has put the principle of equality into are no longer being oppressed at the the bottom of society and even have equal opportunity to rise to leadership discrimination still exist in insidious form today.

Women and men may not dealt with in many field especially in the job market with female graduates affected the figure indicates that more than 90 percent of female students experience gender discrimination in the force labour,while more than 40 percent of believe it is harder for women to get an offer than men. “men only”signs appeared frequently on recruit company,women are are refused by their image of delicate and lack of independent as people that women always lose many chances in choosing favorable job. Additionally , for same work,women receive lower payment at their job than men. Another statistic shows that women represent 50 percent of middle management and professional positions but the percentages of women at the top of organizations represent not even a third of that number which can not but arouse our thinking why do we have so few women leader?That’s recessive gender the absence of gender discrimination stress patriarchal society,in order to realize their own value,women must pay double or even several times effort than men.

Finally,the ideas that son preference and discrimination against girls took strong root since ancient time,every family continues to have children until they have a boy,if they have a girl,they would like to have another or neglected,at least 100 million girls have disappeared and the number is rising. As we can see from above analysis,women still encounter discrimination or unfair treatment in many achieve the “equality of men and women”We still have a long way to go.

Though people's concept of gender has changed a lot, gender inequality in some cases still exists. I will mainly express my opinions on gender inequality in employment of college graduates in this passage.

It is generally acknowledged that college graduates are

confronted with heavy pressure of seeking jobs in China. However it is more difficult for female graduates to seek a good job because of the social is no denying that female job-seekers are treated unequally when they apply for most of the jobs such as computer programmers, drivers, factory workers and so on. There are numerous reasons accounting for this phenomenon. Above all, compared with male graduates, female graduates are concerned to have inevitable physical weaknesses. In addition, women have to give birth to babies one day they get married, consequently they need a maternity leave for several months which certainly makes less profit for the company.

As far as I am concerned, women can do as good as men even better than men, therefore women shouldn't be treated

unequally. The government can take measures to improve this

situation, in the meanwhile, the society and companies should also give equal opportunities to female graduates and male graduates. If this discrimination can be eliminated, our society will be bound to be better.

Gender Inequality is a long-standing historical and global problem .In ancient times, many countries in the world exist such Concept , but the practice of Feminist movement have never stopped.

Nowadays, all over the world to advocate equality between men and women ,and in fact the situation is become better and better , but many people still Hold on this concept In the

subconscious .Today ,we are suffering the global financial crisis, the economic downturn, make it more and more difficult for the

college graduates to look for jobs. In this case, it seems unlikely that girls can find a job, because many enterprises and institutions in the recruitment of Discrimination against girls with a variety of reasons.

In my opinion, the concept is wrong, equality between the sexes has long been written into national laws of many countries. And there are many outstanding women, take a important roles in the government and enterprises .

At present-day society, the ability of women don’t seem to be smaller than men, so we should change our concept of inequality between men and women completely, we should give girls much more opportunities. And our society will become more harmonious and beautiful!

高校 毕业 生招聘中的性别歧视







中文摘要性别歧视在不同的社会制度和国家中都不同程度地存在。而作为一种普遍的社会现象,自然会在语言中得到折射。本文介绍了英语中的性别歧视语的种种表现形式,分析了这种现象产生的社会原因和文化根源,并总结了在英语语言运用过程中消除性别歧视的方法,男女一视同仁,但语言是文化的载体,并在人们不断使用的过程中逐渐得到丰富和发展。作为一个地区,一个民族约定俗成的一种表达方式,语言必然会反映出一定的社会价值观念和民族思维方式。性别歧视是以性别为基础而产生的一种社会歧视现象,&laquo;朗曼英语词典&raquo;对“性别歧视”的解释是:“以性别为基础的歧视,尤其是男性对女性的偏见。《美国传统字典》的定义是“一种性别成员对另一性别成员,尤其是男性对女性的歧视”。虽然它可以表现为男性对女性的歧视,也可以表现为女性对男性的歧视。但是“性别歧视”通常是对女性的歧视,是人们对女性的偏见和男女社会地位不平等的反映。“女性长期以来被看作是theweakersex/thesecondsex,是男性的陪衬和附属品。即使在标榜人权,平等的西方发达国家中也是如此。而现代女权运动轰轰烈烈的发展形势正是对这一不平等现象的反抗和反映。”【1】(P80)从而在语言中,出现了多种多样的性别歧视语,英语也不例外。一、性别歧视语言现象人际称谓亲昵称谓在西方,男性上司称呼他们的女性下属时可以用一些表示亲密关系的昵称,如sugar,darling,sweetie,girlie;反过来,女性下属却不能用这些昵称来称呼她们的上司,而且女性上司也不能如此来称呼她们的男性职员,可是,生疏男子或非亲密关系的男子却可用昵称来称呼女子,这说明在英美社会女性比男性社会地位低,受到的尊重比男性少。【2】(P74)姓名称谓在西方,女子婚前一般用父姓,婚后改用丈夫的姓,例如:在西方婚礼上,新郎新娘步入教堂时,牧师公布:“Inowpronounceyoumanandwife。”“婚后的男子依旧是man,而婚后的女子则由Miss变成了wife这种现象不乏女权主义者和职业妇女。”【2】(P74)当时的美国总统BillClinton的夫人HilaryRodhamon也在为自己的,即支持已婚女性不仅应当标注夫姓,而且只应当标注夫姓,而不应继续标注父姓。尽管HilaryRodhamon本人是一位女权运动者,但她还是把自己的名字根据丈夫和自己的政治需要,先从HilaryRodhamon改为HilaryRodhamonClinton,最后改为HilaryClinton。但是,不管怎么改,都不能超出如下选择:要么跟父亲姓,要么跟丈夫姓。这种以丈夫的姓冠之于前的称呼,表明妇女出嫁后就成了丈夫的私有财产,是属于丈夫的,因此无法得到与丈夫平等的权利。未婚女性用Miss冠以父姓,已婚的用Mrs。或Lady冠以丈夫的姓氏。指代称谓1)提到男女双方时,双方不是处于平等地位,而是男先女后。Kingandqueen,brotherandsister,fatherandmother,boysandgirls,husbandandwife,AdamandEve,manandwoman,Mr。LucasandhiswifeLouise。2)。一些形式上没有男性标志的词意,人们习惯上把它们当作是男性词看待。英语及其它讲英语国家的人习惯认为professor,doctor,lawyer,surgeon,barrister,magistrate等为男性,当我们听到有人说:Mycousinisaprofessor时,多数人会断定professor为男性。若要说明这些词是女性的,一般可在前面加上woman,lady,female等 修饰语。如:womanprofessor,ladydoctor,femaleworker等,这些所谓的中性词的用法从一个侧面反映出旧社会中地位较高的职业为男子所垄断,相反地teacher,nurse,secretary,model等人们一般认为是女性,如为男性时前面要加上male或是man,如:malenurse,manteacher。这些习惯除了历史现实情况有关,也可以说是一种社会偏见。词语发展首先,表面上对应的词,含义却往往褒男贬女在英语中往往通过对女性名词的恶化来达到性别歧视的目的。几乎所有的女性名词都带有贬义,如queen,lady,mistress,madam等,其贬义为“雌猫”、“情妇”、以及“鸨母”等,而与之对应的king,lord,master,father等词,如将他们的起首字母大写即可升格为“上帝”、“基督”、“主”、“神”等意义。其次,英语中常用一些动物的名称来指称某些女性。比如:bat(贱妇,丑妇,妓女);dog(丑妇,贱妇,没有成就的女人,妓女);chicken(见面熟的年轻女人);cat(恶妇,包藏祸心的女人,可卑的女人);cow(子女多的女人,肥胖而不整洁的女人,经常怀孕的女人,妓女);mutton(放荡的女人,做少女妆扮的老妇女,妓女)。并且,英语中还有一些带有轻视色彩,专指中老年妇女的词汇。比如:trot(老太婆);hen(爱管闲事或嘴碎的中年妇女);warhorse(粗声大气,肥胖固执的女人);crone(干瘪皱皮的老太婆);hag(爱做坏事的老丑妇);witch(老丑妇);biddy(长舌妇);harridan(面容枯槁,脾气急躁的老妇)。谚语运用理性类宋朝黄六鸿《福惠全书,弄名部》载:“妇人水性杨花,焉得不为所动”,诋毁女子“用情不专”,“缺乏理性”,在英语中就有相类似的谚语。Longhairandshortwit。(头发长,见识短) Whenanassclimbsaladder,wemayfindwisdominwomen。(若要女子有才智,除非毛驴攀上树)言及女子“感情游移”“二三其德”的有:Awoman’smindandwinterwindchangealot。>Women,windandfortuneareeverchanging。>婚嫁类Afairfaceishalfaportion。Whenthecandlesareout,allwomenarefair。Daughtersanddeadfisharenokeepingwares。>Marryyoursonwhenyouwill,yourdaughterwhenyoucan。>Therearemanygoodwomen,it’strue;buttheyareintheirgraves。>Hethathasawhitehorseandafairwifeneverwantstrouble。>性情类一代文豪莎士比亚曾云:“弱者,你的名字是女人”弱女子的典型形象特征是“泪水涟涟”。Womanismadetoweep。(女子生来好哭)Nothingdriessofastasawoman’stears。>Womanismadeofglass。>Glassandlassesarebrittlewares。>职业中的性别歧视许多表示职业的名词,如engineer,pilot,scientist,writer,doctor,pilot,scientist,engineer,pilot等对男女都适用,本来是中性词汇,本身没有性的区别。“由于历史上男性长期占据社会主导地位,人们习惯把它们与男性联系起来。”【3】(P210)如要非凡指女性从事相同职业时,往往在前面加上female,womanlady,从而使女性职业名词在外在的形式上呈现出“有标志性”,如womandoctor,femalepilot,womanscientist,womanlawyer等。而行业名称冠以男性标记反而不符合语言习惯,但男保姆、男护士除外。只有一些地位较底的职业,如nurse,secretary等,传统上让人联想到女性,而与男性无缘。这种习惯除了与历史和现实有关,也可以说是一种性别歧视。二、英语语言中性别歧视现象产生的原因、历史原因在西方文化传统中,男性一直被认为富于创造力。在《圣经》里,创造世界的耶和华为男性,而耶和华创造的亚当亦是男性,亚当的妻子夏娃只不过是亚当一条肋骨的衍化物,这一传统观念就把创造力固定在男人身上,后人便有了“男性的特质是创造力的天赋”的说法。并且在圣经《创世纪》关于上帝造人的神话成了语言起源学说的联想依据。“在他们看来,既然上帝造了亚当这天下第一个男人,语言中的“性”范畴就应将阳性置于首位。假如把两者的顺序颠倒过来,就不符合语言习惯。”【4】(P132)英语语法并没有规定“先男后女”的语序,但人们在长期的言语习惯中,大都以男为先,女为后,女性只能是跟随在男性后面的第二性别。男先女后的语序是如此常见,以至于反过来如说womanandman,sheorhe等则会令人感到不习惯。、社会原因性别歧视的根源可以追溯到史前时代男女所扮演的性别角色。由于男性的肌肉比女性肌肉发达,又不生育,于是他们担当起打猎、耕作的角色,妇女体弱、要生育,所以负责照顾孩子、料理家庭、采集食物等。那时,男女角色虽然不同,但还没有一方价值高于另一方的观念。“随着社会生产力的不断发展,男子逐渐从事更多的农业生产活动,占据了主导地位,妇女的地位随供给食物能力的降低而下降。”【5】(P113)到了中世纪时期,妇女由于能生养孩子,能为土地所有者生养合法继续人,她们成了地主丈夫的宝贵财产。为了使妇女处于这样的地位,统治者便借助法律令女性屈服和受制于丈夫,于是,各种约束妇女的各种社会规范和习俗开始形成。在漫长的父系社会里,妇女地位低下,依附男性,受制于男性,这种观念逐渐根深蒂固,被人们视为理所当然。直到二十世纪,妇女的地位有了很大的改善,但是社会化偏见是在社会化的过程中,通过社会群体,父母,亲友,伙伴的言传身教和大众传媒获得的。人们对女性的歧视和偏见也是从父母,亲友或群体的交往中直接获得的,或通过大众传媒获得的。在英语中,受传统观念的影响,对女性的语言歧视已经成为了一种恶性循环。比如,人们一看到或听到“virgin”和“prostitute”这两个词,首先想到的就是“处女”和“妓女”的意思,而很少想到它们还分别可用于指“处男”和“男娼”。、生理原因记的有人写道:在医院的育婴室里,每个刚出生的婴儿的小床上都有说明性别的标记,上面清楚写着:“Iamaboy”或“Itisagirl”。这里男孩的称呼是I,而女孩却用it。在婴儿还不知道什么是语言时,而在他们的身上已深深打上了文化和语言的印记。在英语中用男性物主代词his指代包括女性在内的任何人的现象也不胜枚举。例如Haseveryonecompletedhisassignment?还有Everyoneshoulddohisbestontheexam。这里的his已经包括了女性在内。虽然女性享有就业、选举、教育等等同男性一样的权利,然而女性仍然处于社会的边缘,被认为是“弱者”(theweakersex)和“他者”(theother);男性始终占据主导地位。”【6】(P210)根据1980年的联合国统计,男性拥有世界资源的99%,而女性拥有的资源不到1%。“因此说,对女性的歧视与偏见有长期的社会历史根源。”【6】(P219)三、消除英语语言中性别歧视的方法随着社会的发展和妇女社会地位的不断提高,尤其是随着美国女权运动的高涨,消除语言中的性别歧视的呼声越来越高。这其中核心问题有两个:如何直接剔除语言中的性别歧视词;如何消除第三人称代词泛指而引起的性别歧视问题。我们从英语性别歧视词的转换方式和如何选用恰当的人称代词来消除性别歧视问题的对策这几个方面来进行介绍和讨论。、性别歧视词转换成无性别歧视词的方法1尽量使用那些包括两性在内的词,即无性别歧视词,女性不能只作为女性说话,男性也不能只作为男性说话。要走出性歧视的误区,出路在于语言的中性化.

为什么女性在西方文化和东方文化中都受歧视呢?例如汉语中有很多贬义词:奸、婊等等。从东西方文化对比考虑另外一些什么历史根源,女性为此有没有做过什么努力改变现状呢,女权运动。NB 我是业余的,你加油

Decades ago, Chairman Mao succinctly settled the age-old debate about gender equality when he stated that "woman holds up half of the sky". Male superiority so out of place in this age, when women are said to be equal to men in many aspects. However, we very grieved discovery already said goodbye to feudalism several hundred years China to be still unable get rid of the treatment of woman as inferiors thought the fetter. In this advanced society, phenomenon of female inferiors not only existing stably but also taking control of our minds and indicates in many fields. To begin with, take employment for example, women are excluded from the major department of productions. Many significant occupations such as executive or professional jobs prefer hiring male rather than woman. Moreover, man still holds perception that women should do more household routine, nurture their offspring and take care of pets. Last but not the least, people living in remote areas believed that men are superior to women, until this status does not also get thorough improvement now. When a woman got pregnant, they were begging for a son instead of a daughter.

To prevent these troublesome already mentioned from happen again, we should create feministic atmosphere, promote gender equality and ask man to do household chores, because in a family where roles of men and women are not sharply separated and where many household tasks are shared to a certain extent, notions of male superiority are hard to maintain.

Household Servants

When a boy is born in most developing countries, friends and relatives exclaim congratulations. A son means insurance. He will inherit his father's property and get a job to help support the family. When a girl is born, the reaction is very different. Some women weep when they find out their baby is a girl because, to them, a daughter is just another expense. Her place is in the home, not in the world of men. In some parts of India, it's traditional to greet a family with a newborn girl by saying, "The servant of your household has been born."

A girl can't help but feel inferior when everything around her tells her that she is worth less than a boy. Her identity is forged as soon as her family and society limit her opportunities and declare her to be second-rate.

A combination of extreme poverty and deep biases against women creates a remorseless cycle of discrimination that keeps girls in developing countries from living up to their full potential. It also leaves them vulnerable to severe physical and emotional abuse. These "servants of the household" come to accept that life will never be any different.


The developing world is full of poverty-stricken families who see their daughters as an economic predicament困境. That attitude has resulted in the widespread neglect of baby girls in Africa, Asia, and South America. In many communities, it's a regular practice to breastfeed girls for a shorter time than boys so that women can try to get pregnant again with a boy as soon as possible. As a result, girls miss out on life-giving nutrition during a crucial window of their development, which stunts their growth and weakens their resistance to disease.

Statistics show that the neglect continues as they grow up. Young girls receive less food, healthcare and fewer vaccinations overall than boys. Not much changes as they become women. Tradition calls for women to eat last, often reduced to picking over the leftovers from the men and boys.


Even after infancy, the threat of physical harm follows girls throughout their lives. Women in every society are vulnerable to abuse. But the threat is more severe for girls and women who live in societies where women's rights mean practically nothing. Mothers who lack their own rights have little protection to offer their daughters, much less themselves, from male relatives and other authority figures. The frequency of rape and violent attacks against women in the developing world is alarming. Forty-five percent of Ethiopian women say that they have been assaulted in their lifetimes. In 1998, 48 percent of Palestinian women admitted to being abused by an intimate partner within the past year.

In some cultures, the physical and psychological trauma of rape is compounded by an additional stigma. In cultures that maintain strict sexual codes for women, if a woman steps out of bounds—by choosing her own husband, flirting in public, or seeking divorce from an abusive partner—she has brought dishonor to her family and must be disciplined. Often, discipline means execution. Families commit "honor killings" to salvage their reputation tainted by disobedient women.

Appallingly, this "disobedience" includes rape. In 1999, a 16-year-old mentally handicapped girl in Pakistan who had been raped was brought before her tribe's judicial counsel. Although she was the victim and her attacker had been arrested, the counsel decided she had brought shame to the tribe and ordered her public execution. This case, which received a lot of publicity at the time, is not unusual. Three women fall victim to honor killings in Pakistan every day—including victims of rape. In areas of Asia, the Middle East, and even Europe, all responsibility for sexual misconduct falls, by default, to women. How to Help You can help pull down the barriers that keep girls from attending school and begin to bring change for women in developing countries. The most direct way is by easing the financial need that forces families to take their children out of school in the first place.

Dozens of international organizations are working to improve the livelihood of impoverished people. By building infrastructure and providing aid, vocational training, and education programs, they give families in developing countries resources to create healthy and stable lives. That takes the burden of mere survival off young women and gives them the time to get an education. With practical help and encouragement, girls are more likely to enroll and stay in school.

encouraging all international organizations to come up with strategies for girls' education as part of their initial development plans. It has also started a movement to monitor school materials, facilities, and teachers to ensure that girls get a quality education that promotes appropriate perceptions of women, and that female students are given the same privileges as male students. other reputable organizations need now are the resources to fund their efforts.

You can help begin to change the lives of women around the world by making a financial gift or raising awareness about girls in the developing world who want to help raise awareness of the issues tha impact children. You can The need is clear, and though the obstacles to ending gender discrimination are high, they are not insurmountable.


women are essential to ending gender bias, starting by reducing the poverty that makes discrimination even worse in the developing world. The most basic skills in literacy and arithmetic open up opportunities for better-paying jobs for women. Uneducated women in rural areas of Zambia, for instance, are twice as likely to live in poverty as those who have had eight or more years of education. The longer a girl is able to stay in school, the greater her chances to pursue worthwhile employment, higher education, and a life without the hazards of extreme poverty.

Women who have had some schooling are more likely to get married later, survive childbirth, have fewer and healthier children, and make sure their own children complete school. They also understand hygiene and nutrition better and are more likely to prevent disease by visiting health care facilities. The UN estimates that for every year a woman spends in primary school, the risk of her child dying prematurely is reduced by 8 percent.

Girls' education also means comprehensive change for a society. As women get the opportunity to go to school and obtain higher-level jobs, they gain status in their communities. Status translates into the power to influence their families and societies.

Even bigger changes become possible as girls' education becomes the cultural norm. Women can't defend themselves against physical and sexual abuse until they have the authority to speak against it without fear. Knowledge gives that authority. Women who have been educated are half as likely to undergo harmful cultural practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM) and four times as likely to protect their daughters from it. The Global Campaign for Education also states that a primary education defends women against HIV/AIDS infection—disproportionately high for women in developing countries—by giving "the most marginalized groups in society—notably young women—the status and confidence needed to act on information and refuse unsafe sex."


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