

发布时间:2024-07-07 19:02:37



2、(美)约翰.A.昆奇著,吕一林译,?市场营销管理—教程与案例?北京.北京大学出版社,2000 3、查尔斯.戴克著,李圣贤译宝洁的观点内蒙古.内蒙古人民出版社1999 4、JamesAFitzsimmons著,张金成范秀成译,《服务管理》,北京.机械工业出版社2000 5、等著,张金成等译,《互动服务营销》北京.机械工业出版社2000 6.菲利普??科特勒.营销管理[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2001

wikipedia "marketing" 有非常多的连结中英文都有Marketing is an integrated communications-based process through which individuals and communities discover that existing and newly-identified needs and wants may be satisfied by the products and services of is defined by the American Marketing Association as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. The term developed from the original meaning which referred literally to going to market, as in shopping, or going to a market to buy or sell goods or practice tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising, distribution and selling. It is also concerned with anticipating the customers' future needs and wants, which are often discovered through market research. Seen from a systems point of view, sales process engineering views marketing as a set of processes that are interconnected and interdependent with other functions, whose methods can be improved using a variety of relatively new is influenced by many of the social sciences, particularly psychology, sociology, and economics. Anthropology and neuroscience are also small but growing influences. Market research underpins these activities through advertising, it is also related to many of the creative arts. The marketing literature is also infamous for re-inventing itself and its vocabulary according to the times and the PsMain article: Marketing mixIn the early 1960s, Professor Neil Borden at Harvard Business School identified a number of company performance actions that can influence the consumer decision to purchase goods or services. Borden suggested that all those actions of the company represented a “Marketing Mix”. Professor E. Jerome McCarthy, also at the Harvard Business School in the early 1960s, suggested that the Marketing Mix contained 4 elements: product, price, place and promotion. * Product: The product aspects of marketing deal with the specifications of the actual goods or services, and how it relates to the end-user's needs and wants. The scope of a product generally includes supporting elements such as warranties, guarantees, and support. * Pricing: This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts. The price need not be monetary; it can simply be what is exchanged for the product or services, . time, energy, or attention. Methods of setting prices optimally are in the domain of pricing science. * Placement (or distribution): refers to how the product gets to the customer; for example, point-of-sale placement or retailing. This third P has also sometimes been called Place, referring to the channel by which a product or service is sold (. online vs. retail), which geographic region or industry, to which segment (young adults, families, business people), etc. also referring to how the environment in which the product is sold in can affect sales. * Promotion: This includes advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and personal selling. Branding refers to the various methods of promoting the product, brand, or company.













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[1]王艳梅;宏观调控背景下房地产企业营销策略创新[J].商业时代,2010,(22):121-122. 摘要:面对各地持续上升的房价和舆论的压力,中央近期连打房地产市场调控"组合拳"开始了新一轮楼市调控。对于房地产开发企业来讲,目前的宏观调控形势和市场竞争环境已经相当严峻,房地产企业要想抓住机遇,迎接挑战,必须树立现代的营销观念,创新房地产营销策略,使企业在激烈的市场竞争中立足。 [2]赵瑾;浅析我国中小房地产企业品牌价格评价及品牌营销策略[J].中国外资,2011,(23):60+62. 摘要:近20年以来,我国房地产开发企业多是采用粗放型的发展方式,特别是一些中小房地产企业,更是只重视短期利益,品牌意识淡薄。而2010年以来,国家政策面不断加大房地产市场的调控力度,房地产开发企业纷纷进入了"冬季",如何在政策面趋紧的背景下,中小房地产企业如何实现快速可持续的发展,这将是我国中小房地产商未来几年需要面对的问题。本文对我国中小房地产企业的品牌价格评价及相关营销策略进行深入研究,希望本文的研究可以为我国房地市场健康、快速的发展做出贡献。 [3]戴春山;基于顾客满意的房地产体验营销策略探讨[J].商业时代,2011,(34):35-36. 摘要:顾客满意是顾客在消费后感受到满足的一种心理体验。房地产的体验营销是将消费者购房的全过程体验作为整体,站在消费者的感官、情感、思考、行动和关联等角度,重新设计房地产项目,为消费者创造值得回忆和持续愉悦的丰富体验,从而促进项目的销售。为此,房地产商要对房地产体验营销策略进行精心策划,为客户创造全方位的体验。通过房地产体验营销来打动购房者,引起情感上的共鸣,提高消费者的满意度,从而达到迅速销售的目的。 [4]孟德胜;浅谈房地产营销策略及创新[J].内蒙古科技与经济,2011,(21):30-31. 摘要:对房地产营销策略、销售方式、存在的问题及营销策略的创新等进行了阐述,并提出了具体营销策略,即:在整个销售过程中贯穿以人为本的原则,让房地产的开发销售真正建立在市场的需求、消费者的需求之上,只有这样,才能创出品牌,在竞争中立于不败之地。 [5]徐瑞琳;我国房地产营销策略分析[J].企业导报,2011,(18):108-109. 摘要:随着我国房地产业不断高速发展,我国房地产市场已出现由卖方市场向买方市场过度的趋势。面对市场变化,如何迎合消费者的口味,吸引更多消费者成为各房地产企业在激烈的市场竞争中亟需解决的问题。因此,房地产商不得不研究市场规律,重视营销问题,把营销管理上升到企业发展的战略高度,以满足消费者需求为目的制定营销策略。 [6]李德云;房地产六大营销策略探讨[J].现代营销(学苑版),2011,(11):75. 摘要:市场营销是房地产经营过程中不可缺少的组成部分。在新形势下,随着市场的成熟,制度的健全以及长期发展过程中积累的一些问题,我国的房地产营销策略遭遇了有力的挑战,房地产营销策略的发展说明,为了赢得市场竞争,需要进行营销策略的创新。 [7]田硕;杨舜宇;刘鹏;女性消费心理与房地产营销策略研究[J].中国商贸,2010,(26):23-24. 摘要:在我国,女性消费心理随着社会的发展而发生了重大变化,呈现了新的特征。同时,女性消费者已经成为市场中的主角,在购买活动中起着特殊作用。她们不仅掌管了城市家庭日常支出的话语权,甚至超越男性成为房屋、汽车等家庭大额消费支出的主导者。因此,研究女性消费心理特征对于房地产企业有着重大意义。本文就女性消费心理与房地产营销策略谈谈自己的看法。 [8]戴庆春;卢毅;基于顾客价值的房地产营销策略研究[J].重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版),2010,(23):101-103. 摘要:根据菲利普·科特勒的顾客让渡价值理论,结合我国房地产产品的特点,分析了房地产顾客价值的构成。认为在市场竞争日趋激烈的形势下,房地产企业需要努力提升"顾客让渡价值"。就企业如何实现"顾客让渡价值"最大化提出了建议。 [9]崔银香;关于我国当前房地产企业市场营销策略的讨论[J].经营管理者,2010,(23):132. 摘要:本文分析了当前我国房地产企业在市场营销中存在的问题,总结了新形势下房地产市场营销所面对的市场环境特征,并据此提出了房地产企业加强市场营销的对策措施。 [10]于晓菲;刘章美;“后危机时代”房地产新政对消费者行为的影响分析——兼论房地产企业营销策略调整[J].特区经济,2011,(02):292-293. 摘要:2009年第四季度,中国经济企稳回升,步入"后危机时代"。房地产行业在我国经济回暖过程中功不可没。但投机需求抬头引致过高房价引发了去年4月份房地产新政的出台。本文旨在立足新形势,通过对消费者构成变化及其行为特点的透彻分析,提出新形势下房地产企业的营销策略调整方向,为房地产企业持续发展提供动力。 [11]王瑞玲;宋春叶;房地产项目营销策略研究——以重庆某房地产项目为例[J].重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版),2011,(01):95-97. 摘要:房地产营销策划对房地产项目的销售起导向作用,要结合所在楼盘,进行市场分析,制定营销策略来扩大房地产的有效市场,保证销售目标的实现。房地产营销策略涉及多个方面,以重庆某房地产项目为例,研究了具体的营销推广策略。 [12]蒋栩涛;二、三线城市房地产营销策略研究[J].现代经济信息,2011,(02):87. 摘要:二、三线城市的经济水平、消费观念、生活习性等与一线城市有着本质的区别,其营销策略、推广方式等自然也大相径庭。根据本人多年的市场运作经验,以及在众多城市的实战体会,现就二、三线城市房地产营销策略浅谈一些个人体会。 [13]胡树红;浅谈房地产营销策略及创新[J].上海房地,2011,(02):49-50. 摘要:<正>楼市新政的影响已经逐渐显现出来。纵观近期楼市,部分开发商适当调整了开盘价格,有的采用了打折促销的方式来吸引购房者。房地产企业要想抓住机遇,必须树立现代的营销观念,掌握现代的营销技术,营销策略创新势在必行。 [14]元云丽;李公正;浅谈老年房地产项目的营销策略[J].经营管理者,2011,(03):65-66. 摘要:面对我国进入老龄化社会,老年人生活问题已越来越被社会所关注,国家鼓励开发商进行老年人住宅地产的开发。十七大《报告》在"加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设"中强调要"加强老龄工作"。政府、社会都在积极支持探索、创新多元化的城市养老模式,解决在创新养老模式中所遇到的各种问题,为更好满足老龄人口的需求做出切实可行的行动。日前国家民政部及地方各级民政部门从社会各方面宣传全面关心和帮助老人,尤其是老年人养老与生活方面,并鼓励开发商从事老年人住宅的开发。本文有针对性地对老年地产开发中的营销问题进行了研究。 [15]李玉良;对不同特征房地产的营销策略分析[J].中国市场,2011,(10):87-88. 摘要:每个房地产都有其自身的特征,不同区位、不同建筑特色的房地产价位也不尽相同。房地产企业在投资选址、开发以及营销阶段需要考虑房地产特征的影响。本文从影响房地产价格的因素着手,提出借势营销的策略;具有不同特征的房地产可以结合自身特有的优势,采用对比宣传等手段,进行相关房地产营销。 [16]孙唯淞;万科房地产多品牌营销策略研究[J].经营管理者,2011,(05):195. 摘要:<正>一、万科多品牌营销策略作为中国房地产业的领导者,万科早在2001年就开始和国际著名的4A级广告公司Greyworldwide(精信广告)合作,制定万科的品牌战 [17]隋平;房地产市场营销策略研究[J].经营管理者,2011,(05):196. 摘要:<正>伴随着全球性金融危机的爆发,对房地产业发展较快较早的城市来说,影响较大。很多中小型的建筑企业都因为企业资金实力差,技术水平低等原因受金融危机的影响较大,纷纷倒闭。房地产业已经成为 [18]韩结;浅析国家宏观调控下房地产市场营销策略[J].现代经济信息,2011,(04):12+14. 摘要:我国的房地产市场经过了20多年的发展,已成为我国经济的支柱产业。但是鉴于目前我国房地产市场中的诸多过热现象,国家采取了相应的宏观调控办法,通过政策手段,控制了房地产项目运作中最基本的土地和资金,并通过房产税收等形式,抑制了房地产市场中的投机需求。本文主要分析了国家宏观调控下房地产营销的新形势和房地产营销面临的问题,并浅述了对如何完善营销策略的几点认识。 [19]杨晓梅;浅议如何制定房地产市场营销策略[J].现代经济信息,2011,(06):100. 摘要:市场营销是房地产企业经营和运作的生命线。因此为了保障企业健康发展,就要制定科学、合理的营销策略。 [20]刘飞;朱泽宇;浅析海南旅游房地产营销策略[J].China's Foreign Trade,2011,(06):94. 摘要:海南旅游房地产近年来快速发展,在扩大内需、促进就业和拉动经济发展等诸多方面都起了重要作用。这是由于海南特殊的资源环境、市场价格、和旅游市场发达等诸多优势使然。但是海南经济相对落后、基础设施不足和专业人才缺乏等劣势问题,也在制约可持续发展。海南要健康稳定发展旅游房地产业,就要扬长避短,注意筹划规划,加快人才队伍建设,健全法律约束机制,加速基础配套设施建设,积极创新,提高核心竞争力。 [21]丁纪平;房地产项目的市场定位和营销策略研究[J].中小企业管理与科技(上旬刊),2011,(05):62. 摘要:在市场竞争日趋激烈的今天,成功的关键在于企业的产品市场定位是否准确,营销策略是否实用有效。作为房地产开发企业,项目的市场定位和营销策略,简单地说即开发商想生产什么样的产品?卖给谁?怎样尽快卖出等。本文就房地产项目市场定位的内容、基本原则、存在问题及原因等方面探讨了对房地产项目定位和市场营销策略的问题。 [22]李耀炜;张利霞;房地产中介网络服务营销策略[J].合作经济与科技,2011,(12):76-77. 摘要:改革开放以来,中国整体社会经济的发展有了巨大变化,房地产也随之在调整。作为一个新兴产业,房地产中介在国民经济中的作用越来越突出。本文就是从房地产中介、竞争状况等几个方面进行分析,对企业内部管理、房地产市场营销提出自己的看法,可以有效地帮助房地产中介网络发展,从而带动经济的发展。 [23]朱益新;浅析无锡金科房地产品牌营销策略[J].市场论坛,2011,(04):66-67. 摘要:品牌作为企业的一种无形资产,不仅成为企业竞争的核心内容和手段,而且也成为赢得顾客忠诚以及企业求得长期生存与发展的关键。文章通过对无锡金科房地产公司的品牌营销实施进行分析,提出了对其品牌营销的一些改进建议。 [24]王惠;试论宏观调控背景下房地产企业营销策略[J].经济师,2011,(03):276+279. 摘要:面对各地持续上升的房价和舆论的压力,中央近期连打房地产市场调控"组合拳",开始了新一轮楼市调控。对于房地产开发企业来讲,目前的宏观调控形势和市场竞争环境已经相当严峻,房地产企业要想抓住机遇,迎接挑战,必须树立现代的营销观念,创新房地产营销策略,使企业在激烈的市场竞争中立足。 [25]曾春水;提升房地产企业核心竞争力的4V营销策略构建[J].企业经济,2011,;(04):159-161. 摘要:在楼市调控愈来愈严厉、行业竞争愈来愈激烈的市场背景下,房地产企业能否在竞争中占有一席之地,关键看其是否具有核心竞争能力。本文基于房地产企业核心竞争力的提升,从四个方面简述了4V营销策略的构建:一是实施差异化的营销;二是强化产品功能的弹性;三是增加产品的附加价值;四是促使顾客与企业产生共鸣。 [26]袁珂;房地产广告的营销策略[J].新闻爱好者,2011,(09):74-75. 摘要:随着开发商到处跑马圈地,无论是消费者的自住还是投资,巨大的市场需求让房地产在近几年飞速发展。房地产广告在此扮演了举足轻重的角色,在房地产开发的各个阶段,广告的身影无处不在,市中心、广场、公交车、报纸、电视、广播、网络等,凡是有人群的地方,皆活跃着房地产广告。房地产行业也尤其重视广告营销策略,在整个房地产开发预算中,广告营销预算必须占有一定的份额。同样在预售期、开盘期、持续销售期、尾盘期,开发商不断调整自身的广告策略,在保证良性运作的前提下,最大化地促进销售。 [27]袁珂;房地产营销策略研究[J].新闻爱好者,2011,(11):115-116. 摘要:<正>近十年来,房地产经济经历了长足的发展。从20世纪80年代的筒子楼到现代的薄板建筑、花园洋房、SOHO建筑、LOFT建筑等形式,再到绿色、科技、环保、低密度的别墅院落,无论是户型设计还是营销手段,都在不断创新。目前的房地产市场,为了取得更大的经济效益,营销策略不断变化翻 [28]何佩;房地产市场营销策略及其应用[J].经营管理者,2011,(10):161. 摘要:从当前我国房地产市场营销的现状出发,可以发掘出存在的主要问题,通过分析房地产市场营销策略的主要内容和作用,并且研究了房地产市场营销策略的创新发展,可以更好地指导房地产市场营销。 [29]严琳;基于消费者购房心理的房地产体验营销策略研究[J].商业时代,2011,(13):30-32. 摘要:我国房地产行业已经进入到以消费者为主的理性消费时代,传统的战略优势已不能适应变化的竞争环境和顾客需求。地产商必须引入能够提升产品附加价值、满足顾客精神需求的新型营销模式——体验营销。本文以消费者购房时呈现的心理特点为基础,对房地产行业实施体验营销策略进行了探讨,按照体验营销的"5Es"组合策略,地产商在实施体验营销策略时要做好五个环节,希望能为房地产营销提供借鉴。 [30]徐丽蓉;新形势下房地产营销策略研究[J].湖南社会科学,2011,(03):129-131. 摘要:我国房地产营销中存在着市场定位不合理、营销方式过度依赖传统广告、缺少品牌意识和乱打概念牌等问题。因此,新形势下,必须准确定位市场、实施多种营销手段提升广告品质、实施品牌营销、充实文化营销内涵,从而推动房地产业健康、稳定发展。 [31]杨光宇;浅析房地产营销策略——以中山市房地产市场为例[J].成功(教育),2011,(09):288-289. 摘要:<正>一、引言房地产市场营销的产生是生产力发展和商品经济发达的必然产物,市场营销是房地产经营过程中不可缺少的组成部分。强有力的房地产市场营销活动不仅可以促进地区的经济繁荣,还有助于将计划中的房地产开发建设方案变成现实,使 [32]倪维栋;我国房地产市场营销策略走向的初探[J].现代商业,2011,(21):60. 摘要:目前,伴随着房地产的理性化发展、房地产市场的激烈化竞争,以及土地资源稀缺、住房需求下降、房产价格持续上涨、住宅空置率升高等新形势。如何创新房地产营销策略,才能保证出奇制胜,脱颖而出,提升顾客满意度,在准确定位的基础上进行差异化战略,实施全面质量营销模式势在必行。 [33]吕顺来;新疆房地产企业营销策略研究[J].现代商业,2011,(24):54+53. 摘要:与其他商品销售不同,房地产企业营销是一项复杂且系统的工程,关系到房地产企业的健康发展。本文首先介绍了房地产几大典型营销策略;其次归纳了当前新疆房地产企业营销中存在的问题;最后提出相应的解决对策。 [34]张程;浅议房地产体验营销策略[J].科技风,2010,(24):98+102. 摘要:随着我国房地产市场进入以消费者为主体的理性消费时代,房地产营销的重心逐渐由"以产品为中心"向"以消费者为中心"转移。于是,领悟顾客感性行为,增强顾客感官体验,提升产品附加价值,满足顾客精神需求的营销模式体验式营销开始在房地产营销中得到应用。本文从体验营销的涵义入手,分析了体验营销对房地产消费行为的主要作用,并探讨几种实用有效的房地产体验营销策略。 [35]范陈琦;新时期房地产企业营销策略研究[J].China's Foreign Trade,2011,(18):128. 摘要:随着我国房地产政策法规的逐步完善,和一系列房价限价政策的出台,房地产企业面临银根收紧,投资性购房者减少,住宅空置率不断升高和一线城市房价下行的多重压力。因此房地产企业把握住营销策略发展趋势,适时调整其营销策略势在必行。 [36]邓静;社会系统论与房地产营销策略初探[J].社科与经济信息,2002,(10):97-99. 摘要:<正> 社会系统论在营销学中已经得到了比较广泛的运用,然而,近年来,真正从系统论角度来考察并研究房地产营销策略的文章并不多见。笔者认为,房地产营销涉及许多方面的问题,通过社会系统论对营销策略加以仔细思考和分析,有助于我们从宏观和微观两个方面把握消费者的心理,推动整个房地产营销事业的发展。 [37]张闻;基于可持续发展背景的长沙市房地产绿色营销策略探析[J].商业文化(上半月),2011,(11):228-229. 摘要:进入21世纪以来,随着我国住房制度改革的不断深化以及房地产业的迅猛发展,长沙房地产业经历了一个从无到有、不断壮大的发展历程。与此同时,可持续发展理念和绿色消费观念正作为一种新型发展观念和新型消费观念席卷全球,在这种背景下,长沙房地产企业要想在现有的基础上求的更好的健康持续发展,就必须学会与时俱进实行绿色营销战略,走可持续发展之路,这不仅对全社会的可持续发展具有重要意义,更对长沙市房地产企业自身的健康长远发展具有现实意义。本文中笔者针对当前长沙市房地产企业的发展现状,就长沙市房地产企业绿色营销中存在问题进行研究,并就此提出一些长沙市房地产基于可持续发展的绿色营销策略,旨在为长沙市房地产企业的发展出谋献策。 [38]李庚;宏观调控下中小城市房地产的营销策略[J].经济导刊,2011,(07):56-57. 摘要:<正>近年来,由于中央出台限购令等楼市调控政策,而且调控力度不断加大,使房地产市场的投机性需求得到有效抑制。房价上涨的势头受到进一步抑制。尽管如此,有关专业人士仍然认为中央还会加强房地产调控力度,同时房地产政策变化也难以估计。针对目前形势,房地产商应当采取怎么样的营销策略,方能出奇制胜、占领市场呢?市场竞争的加剧,如果房产商单纯依靠广告、促销等手段推销楼盘,已不再适应当前市场的发展,而品牌、文化、诚信、环保营销等逐渐成为决定项目成败关键因素。 [39]唐吉雄;小城市房地产营销策略探讨[J].消费导刊,2010,(02):4. 摘要:通过对小城市房地产市场进行分析,探讨小城市房地产营销策略可采取的措施。 [40]陈姿翰;绿色元素在房地产企业营销策略中应用[J].现代营销(学苑版),2010,(03):88-89. 摘要:企业开展绿色营销是社会和企业的双赢之举,有利于可持续发展战略的实现。笔者从开发绿色住宅、选择绿色渠道、开展绿色促销三方面探讨了绿色元素在房地产企业营销策略中应用。 [41]胡娟;我国房地产品牌营销策略[J].企业导报,2010,(03):141-142. 摘要:面对日益激烈的市场竞争,房地产业已进入了品牌竞争时代。对房地产业发展状况作基本回顾后,研究并提出了新的市场环境下房地产的品牌营销策略,以期对房地产业在长远的发展中有所裨益。 [42]李燕;房地产产品差异化的营销策略分析[J].现代经济信息,2010,(06):71+73. 摘要:竞争是市场经济的基本特征之一,有竞争就有竞争的策略。对房地产而言,行业竞争的主要表现之一,就是房地产销售的竞争,就是营销策略的竞争。在技术水平相当的情况下,销售策略的优劣就决定了房地产商竞争地位的优劣,因此科学合理的营销策略,是房地产开发商所必须取得竞争优势的基本要素之一。本文将对房地产的营销策略进行分析。 [43]代韵竹;试论新时期房地产市场营销策略[J].现代经济信息,2010,(04):32. 摘要:目前,房地产企业面临土地资源稀缺、住房需求下降、房产价格持续上涨、住宅空置率升高的新形势。因此,创新房地产营销策略,提升顾客满意度,在准确定位的基础上进行差异化战略,实施全面质量营销模式势在必行。本文就如何在新时期进行房地产营销进行分析,提出了一些自己的观点。 [44]杨宇;张二毛;李丙涛;金融危机背景下我国房地产企业的营销策略研究[J].广西大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2010,(S1):247-248. 摘要:金融危机爆发后,我国房地产市场一路走低,陷入低迷。2009年上半年,我国楼市又出现逆势上扬,房地产市场前景依旧未明。本文在分析金融危机背景下我国房地产企业现状和其营销面临的新形势的基础上,提出金融危机背景下我国房地产企业的营销策略。包括精确定位、采取合理的价格策略、寻求共赢的营销同盟,建立创新的商业模式、诚信第一,质量是保证,树立品牌、及绿色营销是归途。 [45]黄卉;房地产营销策略探讨[J].新闻天地(下半月刊),2010,(05):62-63. 摘要:房地产开发项目营销策划的实施,是企业发展的关键,关系到房地产企业在激烈竞争的房地产市场上能否立足和市场营销的成败。本文主要探讨了房地产营销策略,并提出了房地产营销的对策及建议。 [46]滕进;中国房地产企业的市场营销战略研究[J].China's Foreign Trade,2010,(12):31. 摘要:本文简单分析了中国房地产市场的发展过程,指出了当前房地产市场存在的问题以及市场营销对房地产企业的重要性,并对不同的营销手段进行了简单阐述。只有不断加强企业的市场营销,才能在未来市场得到充分发展。 [47]韩剑;浅析如何完善房地产营销策略[J].经营管理者,2010,(11):153. 摘要:随着中国经济市场化不断深入发展,房地产市场也经历了从小到大的发展历程。我国房地产市场营销起步较晚,再加上市场化进程不完善,房地产营销方面还存在着很多问题,本文就此做一分析。 [48]熊红胜;浅议房地产市场营销策略[J].湖北广播电视大学学报,2010,;(07):88-89. 摘要:随着经济的发展和改革开放的深化,房地产业已经成为我国国民经济的重要行业,房地产市场已成为社会主义市场体系的重要组成部分,关于房地产的研究已成为应用经济研究的一个重要分支,在研究需求与供给的前提下,销售的情况直接关系着房地产市场的好与坏,因此房地产的销售策略有着举足轻重的位置。 [49]张超;经济危机下的房地产营销策略探讨[J].现代经济信息,2010,(12):66+68. 摘要:伴随着房地产的理性化发展以及房地产市场的激烈化竞争,房地产营销策略要出奇制胜,才能脱颖而出。而在以房产泡沫为罪魁祸首的经济危机下,房地产营销策略更是个值得探讨的话题。本文就经济危机下的房地产营销策略进行了客观的分析与探索性的研究。 [50]邓雨男;浅析房地产市场营销策略[J].经济师,2010,(07):221-222. 摘要:文章总结了房地产市场细分的作用及依据,准确的房地产市场细分对于一次成功的开发至关重要。












市场营销和财务两个部门可以说是一个企业及整个企业集团的左膀右臂,但两个部门有时会因为业务和预算等产生决策冲突,解决两个部门的矛盾,使他们友好协调、均衡发展,成为总经或懂事长的首要问题市场营销与财务部门的关系两者均是现代企业的重要部门(少数企业除外),可以说是相互依存、相互发展的部门。市场营销往往需要灵活的头脑和先进的市场意识及各种灵活的公关技巧,有时会增大风险。财务人员需要的是严谨的态度和作风,有时会因为过于保守而失去市场机遇。为了使两者都不因为自己的缺点造成损失,扬长避短,财务应为营销提供决策依据,营销为财务提供及时的市场信息,使两者紧随市场,把风险降到最低,使财务成果达到最佳,更有利于企业的发展。, 市场营销与财务部门的矛盾可以说,市场经济越完善,越需要现代化高素质的营销队伍和营销组织。例如日本出现了专业营销公司和职业营销人员,他们与厂家签约负责产品的销售,这样使厂家节约营销费用,同时使社会分工更细。而在中国,各厂家要负责各自的营销,各自的营销理念和思维模式都不一致。有些部门或行业(如超市)面对直接消费者,这里一般存在友好的服务态度,从服务中渗入许多人性因素,恰倒好处的微笑及对人生每日一思的祝愿放入顾客的购物袋中,可以说是比较时尚的营销理念。 计划经济时代是产品至上的年代, 只要能生产就能卖出去,不存在什么营销。在不完全的市场经济条件下,企业的销售焦点在于市场份额。重视销售额这一指标也成为理所当然的事,他们认为企业产品市场的成功自然会带来利润的增长。为此,直到现在,许多企业把市场份额看得太重。财务作为出谋划策、提供决策依据的部门,时常认为营销部门的大量营业费用和预算用于广告、市场开发、促销和销售人员,用于市场的钱到底取得多大效果,到底能获得多少投资利润率,概念十分模糊。他们认为营销部门根本没有考虑到整体的财务效果,仅是把目标放在自己的工作业绩上。甚至还认为营销人员工作不力,时常就折价销售,未考虑到折扣成本和获利能力,不懂得如何去理财,甚至为收不到货款而发愁,影响收益水平。营销人员认为财务人员过于死板,把钱抠得太紧,限制用于市场开发的投资,常常因他们过于谨慎而丧失宝贵的市场机会,主要原因是回避自己应承担的风险,甚至认为提供的定价根本脱离市场不易实际操作,迫使他们只好凭经验办事,凭一些理论法则去判断。 1 产生矛盾的原因 这是由两者的关系决定的。大家似乎都很努力地工作,然而效果却与当初计划相差甚远,财务成果也 不让人满意,双方相互抱怨,双方都承认有效的财务支持是成功营销的前提。为什么会这样呢?它们之所以矛盾重重就在于缺乏沟通与合作,两者之间没有相互信任、相互依赖的平台,充满的是相互间的排斥。


这些都是国外网站上的,没有中文翻译的,看不懂的话试试翻译器,查查字典什么的,我要是给你翻译怕误导你。Zara: Cool Clothes Now, Not Later Ask any urban European female under the age of 30 and chances are she has shopped at Zara, the clothier whose inexpensive but stylish offerings have attracted a cult following. Zara also sells men’s fashions, again aimed at the stylish and Soto, a college tennis player from France with dark eyes and devastating good looks, was asked to compare Zara to The Gap, the . - based clothing giant with a major presence in Europe. His response: “I don’t know. I’ve never shopped at The Gap.”Most . young adults have never shopped at Zara, but that seems likely to change in the near future. In the past five years Zara has grown from 179 stores mostly in Spain to 450 stores in 29 countries including the United States and Canada. Zara now has stores in New York, New Jersey, Miami, and Toronto—with more on the Zara is unlikely to displace The Gap in the . market, they are certain to offer . consumers an option previously unavailable to them. They have a sound if unusual marketing strategy in which logistics plays an important role. Logistics also plays an important role in Zara’s growth plans, notably its expansion into the . ’s Marketing StrategyZara’s marketing strategy focuses on product variety, speed-to-market, and store location. It is also notable for what it excludes. Zara does not advertise in the traditional sense. If you want to find out what’s currently available at the Zara stores you have two options: go to the web site or go to the store. Zara puts 10,000 different items on the store shelves in a single year. It can take a new style from concept to store shelf in 10-14 days in an industry where nine months is the norm. In its primary European markets, Zara locates its stores close together. Visitors comment that Zara in Madrid is like Starbucks in a major . city—you see another store on every street ’s Toronto store is located just north of the center of downtown in a major shopping district dense with malls and lined with stand-alone stores and giant office buildings. The potential for intense competition is clear.“These office buildings are full of the people we want as customers. We want them to stop in at lunch or after work. We want to see them often, so we have to change what we have on the shelves,” said Zara’s Toronto store manager. “They could shop in a lot of other stores, so we have to make it worth their time to come here.”This also helps explain why the company does not advertise. If a Zara customer wants to know what Zara has, he or she must go to the store. The stock changes often, with most items staying on the shelf for only a month, so the customer often finds something new and appealing. By the same token, if the customer finds nothing to buy this visit, the store’s regular customers know that tomorrow or next week—sometime soon—new goods will be on Zara’s shelves. That makes it worth another relies heavily on store employees for market information. If a customer looks at a sweater and comments, “That would look really nice with a cowl collar,” an employee can relay that information to Spain where managers decide whether or not to produce the suggested item. If they decide to make it, they can put it on the shelf in Toronto in two weeks or less, partly because they ship by air. Ocean shipping would add at least another ten days to the time it takes to get the product in front of the customer, undermining the speed-to-market and product variety Role of LogisticsPutting the variety of goods on the shelves in Toronto and other North American stores requires an unusual, though not unique, logistics strategy for the fashion industry. Zara air expresses goods from its single distribution center in Spain, usually in small quantities. In the 1970’s, The Limited used a similar strategy to support its test marketing, air expressing small quantities of new styles from Asia to . stores. In Zara’s strategy, however, the speedy shipments are part of the core strategy, not just test marketing. Zara also ships frequently, allowing lower inventories while serving its multinational market from a single distribution center in Spain.“We receive shipments o n Tuesday and Saturday, which means that we have different items in the store at least twice a week. While each shipment replenishes items that sell well, each also includes new items. That’s why our customers come in often,” the Toronto store manager said. “We might get ten of one item and five of another. We’re constantly testing.”The density of Zara’s store locations in Europe helps achieve logistics efficiencies. They can fill trucks for frequent shipment in markets close to production and ship larger quantities by air to more distant stores. Zara keeps transportation costs low on the supply side, since most of the production takes place in Spain. This contrasts radically to most large fashion manufacturers, which rely on low cost manufacturing in Asia and South America, but then pay higher inventory costs and move goods to market more air express strategy also allows Zara to maintain a multinational market presence with only one distribution center. They trade higher transportation costs for lower warehousing and inventory costs. Add to this the idea that fast transportationsupports the product-innovation strategy that is the heart of Zara’s marketing, and the importance of logistics in Zara’s marketing strategy is Results and the FutureZara’s parent company, Inditex, reached $ billion in 2001 revenue. This made it the fastest growing clothing manufacturer in the world. Zara, Inditex’s fastest growing division, turns its inventory twice as fast as major competitors, with an inventory-to-sales of 7% compared to an industry average of 14%. Their profitability in European operations (15%) is fifty percent higher than that of its major competitors. Zara manufactures 80% of its clothing in Europe, with most of the remaining 20% is sourced in top managers are understandably closed-mouthed about their plans, Zara seems ideally positioned to penetrate the . market in a major way. With some manufacturing already in Mexico, they could easily open a second distribution center aimed directly at the . market. This would make their youth-oriented styles widely available in the world’s most lucrative 1 – Zara’s Business Model and Competitive AnalysisZara, the most profitable brand of Inditex SA, the Spanish clothing retail group, opened its first store in 1975 in La Coruña, Spain; a city which eventually became the central headquarters for Zara’s global operations. Since then they have expanded operations into 45 countries with 531 stores located in the most important shopping districts of more than 400 cities in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa. Throughout this expansion Zara has remained focused on its core fashion philosophy that creativity and quality design together with a rapid response to market demands will yield profitable results. In order to realized these results Zara developed a business model that incorporated the following three goals for operations: develop a system the requires short lead times, decrease quantities produced to decrease inventory risk, and increase the number of available styles and/or choice. These goals helped to formulate a unique value proposition: to combine moderate prices with the ability to offer new clothing styles faster than its competitors. These three goals helped to shape Zara’s current business model. Zara’s Business ModelZara’s business model can be broken down into three basic components: concept, capabilities, and value drivers. Zara’s fundamental concept is to maintain design, production, and distribution processes that will enable Zara to respond quickly to shifts in consumer demands. José María Castellano, CEO of Inditex stated that "the fashion world is in constant flux and is driven not by supply but by customer demand. We need to give consumers what they want, and if I go to South America or Asia to make clothes, I simply can't move fast enough." This highlights the importance of this quick response time to Zara’s of Zara, or the required resources needed to exploit the opportunities and execute this conceptual strategy, are numerous for Zara. Zara maintains tight control over their production processes keeping design and manufacturing in-house or with some strategic partnerships located nearby Headquarters. Currently, Zara maintains 80% of its production processes in Europe, 50% in Spain which is very close to La Coruña headquarters. They have strategic agreements with local manufacturers that ensure timely delivery and service. Through these strategic partnerships and the benefits brought by this proximity of manufacturing and operational processes, Zara maintains the flexibility necessary to design and produce over 12000 new items annually. This capability allows Zara to achieve their strategy of expedited response to consumer demand. Value drivers for Zara are both tangible and intangible in the benefits that are returned to all stakeholders. Tangibly, Inditex, the parent company of Zara, has net margin on operations and their market capitalization (Equity – market value) is �13, 981 (in thousands) in 2002. Their net working capital (current assets – current liabilities) is �133 (in thousands) . Additionally, the success of Zara can be demonstrated through their outstanding financial performance. From 1996 to 2000, Inditex SA tripled their corporate profits and in 2001, a year of overall economic downturn in the retail industry, Inditex SA saw a 31% increase in profits. Intangibly, customer loyalty and brand recognition have provided significant value to Zara. The number of consumers they attract continues to rise and their brand is synonymous with the cutting edge of fashion at affordable prices. The successful implementation of Zara’s business model provides great value to stakeholders and differentiates their business from their peers. Competitive AdvantageFundamental to Zara’s success is their commitment to rapid response in customer trends in fashion, producing clothing often and with short life spans (10 wears). Their commitment to this goal and the capabilities that they have developed to achieve it, have provided significant competitive advantage to Zara especially in the areas of product development, strategic partnerships and cost of production, advertising and marketing, and information technology infrastructure. The efficiencies and processes developed in these four functions differ significantly from their competitors and stand out in providing additional value and profitability to 1: Zara’s Business ModelProduct DevelopmentZara’s unique approach to product development is instrumental to their success. Zara gives store managers significant autonomy in both determining the products to display in their stores and which to place on sale, and relaying market research and store trends back to their headquarters in La Coruña. At headquarters there are teams of commercials who take this information into account to design and effectively plan and produce all of Zara’s products. Zara maintains a design team of 200 people, all of which produce approximately 12,000 new styles per year for Zara. The process of obtaining market information and relaying it to design and production teams expedites product development by shortening the throughput time of a product to 3-4 weeks from design to distribution. This process is very different from its competitors. Many competitors rely on a small elite design team that plans both design and production needs well in advance. Stores have little autonomy in deciding which products to display or put on sale because Headquarters plans accordingly and ships quantities as forecasted. Zara’s speed to market in product development exceeds the capabilities of its competitors. This in itself provides additional value to stakeholders, customers, and stores in producing quality clothing at affordable prices .Zara’s product development capabilities are essential to Zara’s business strategy and future success. Strategic Partnerships and Cost of ProductionIn comparison to competitors, Zara’s business strategy, in regards to strategic partnerships and cost of production, provide for a strategic competitive advantage. Zara, unlike its competitors such as Gap, Benetton, and H&M, does not use Asian outsourcing. Eighty percent of Zara’s materials are manufactured in Europe, with 50% made in Zara controlled facilities in the Galicia region of Spain near headquarters. Most of Zara’s competitors have 100% outsourcing to cheap Asian countries. Though the cost of production in Spain is 17-20% more expensive than Asia, Zara does have a competitive advantage over its competitors in regards to operations. The local strategic partnerships that Zara maintains with manufacturers in Europe allow for a product throughput time of 3-4 weeks from conception to distribution. To make this happen, the company designs and cuts its fabric in-house and it acquires fabrics in only four colors to keep costs low. Zara postpones dyeing and printing designs until close to manufacture, thereby reducing waste and minimizing the need to clear unsold inventories. The proximity of these suppliers gives Zara great flexibility in adapting their product lines based on up to date market trends and consumer behavior. It also decreases costs of holding inventory. Zara’s competitors, through outsourcing to Asian countries such as China, sacrifice the benefits of proximity for low labor and production costs. Though there is a cost advantage in their approach in regards to labor, the lack of flexibility in changing orders based on current trends hinders their operational efficiencies. Inventory costs are higher for competitors because orders are placed for a whole season well in advance and then held in distribution facilities until periodic shipment to stores. This proximity effect and the flexibility that it gives Zara is fundamental to their basic concept to respond quickly to shifts in consumer demand and has provided them with a competitive edge in comparison to their peers. Advertising and MarketingZara’s unique approach to advertising and marketing is an additional factor within their business model that adds to their success. Zara spends of total revenues on advertising and marketing. This is significantly less then their competitors who on average spend 3-4% of their total revenues on similar expenditures. Hence, Zara maintains a cost advantage to their competitors in marketing activities. In order to effectively complete with their peers Zara uses location, store layout, and product life cycles to act as their marketing tool to consumers. For instance, Zara strategically locates all of their stores in prime retail districts for visibility marketing. Additionally, because of the product development cycles mentioned earlier, customers are trained to visit Zara stores often because new items are presented weekly and are often not restocked. This feeling of scarcity encourages customers to come to the stores and buy frequently. Lastly, in order to keep the stores looking fresh and trendy; Zara invests heavily in their store layouts. They have a testing facility nearby their headquarters in Spain where different types of store layouts are tested. Each Zara store is remodeled every 5 years in order to keep up with current trends. Zara does not invest heavily in direct marketing, though their efforts in image/brand marketing do a great deal to attract a loyal customer base. Their cost advantage and ability to maintain brand recognition and customer loyalty are essential elements of Zara’s capabilities that build value in the and Communication TechnologiesZara’s information and communication protocols are significantly different from its competitors. Zara spends less than of total revenue on IT and IT employees account for only of Zara’s total workforce. This differs from their competitors who spend on average 2% of total revenue on IT expenditures and have of their total workforce devoted to IT. Zara utilizes human intelligence (from store managers and market research) and information technology (such as their PDA devices) in order to have a hybrid model for information flow from stores to headquarters. For example, managers at Zara stores use handheld devices to send standardized information regarding customer feedback and ordering needs directly to in-house designers. This not only keeps Zara's designers informed of fast-changing customer trends and demand, but also provides the company with insight on less-desirable merchandise. Unlike Zara’s hybrid model (which incorporates human intelligence and IT applications), competitors rely almost completely on information technology. Zara’s unique approach of human intelligence assisted IT solutions results in well-managed inventories, linkages between demand and supply, and reduced costs from obsolete merchandise; however, there is still room for improvement in their IT processes to realize more effective management of inventory levels. Hence, the hybrid information and communication system that Zara uses provides cost advantages to Zara’s operations and helps to abide by their fundamental principle to have the ability to rapidly respond to changes in consumer ’s concept, capabilities, and value drivers, as demonstrated through their business model, have proven to be extremely successful. Their resistance to outsourcing, concentration on core operations and production capabilities, and focus on the pulse of fashion have made them one of the most successful clothing retails. In the event of future global expansion, their future success and sustainability will be drawn into quention. They will need to adapt their business capabilities of product development, strategic partnerships and cost of production, marketing and advertising, and information and communication technologies in order to adjust to increasing global operations. Question 2 – Key Decision Makers and Information Management in OperationsThe key decision makers in the ordering process on the face of it are the store managers and the commercials at the HQ. However, there are certain issues that need to be addressed here. The store manager’s decision influence on the replenishment of garments is limited to a single order (twice a week) based on manually auditing the quantities required for the store. This information is subsequently sent to the HQ. Although they are the decision makers in this case, the order is still conditional. In the fulfillment phase of the operations, the aggregated demand is ascertained and the supply is allocated according to past performance of the various garments at the stores.还有这个pdf版的:这些是不是你想要的呢?

wikipedia "marketing" 有非常多的连结中英文都有Marketing is an integrated communications-based process through which individuals and communities discover that existing and newly-identified needs and wants may be satisfied by the products and services of is defined by the American Marketing Association as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. The term developed from the original meaning which referred literally to going to market, as in shopping, or going to a market to buy or sell goods or practice tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising, distribution and selling. It is also concerned with anticipating the customers' future needs and wants, which are often discovered through market research. Seen from a systems point of view, sales process engineering views marketing as a set of processes that are interconnected and interdependent with other functions, whose methods can be improved using a variety of relatively new is influenced by many of the social sciences, particularly psychology, sociology, and economics. Anthropology and neuroscience are also small but growing influences. Market research underpins these activities through advertising, it is also related to many of the creative arts. The marketing literature is also infamous for re-inventing itself and its vocabulary according to the times and the PsMain article: Marketing mixIn the early 1960s, Professor Neil Borden at Harvard Business School identified a number of company performance actions that can influence the consumer decision to purchase goods or services. Borden suggested that all those actions of the company represented a “Marketing Mix”. Professor E. Jerome McCarthy, also at the Harvard Business School in the early 1960s, suggested that the Marketing Mix contained 4 elements: product, price, place and promotion. * Product: The product aspects of marketing deal with the specifications of the actual goods or services, and how it relates to the end-user's needs and wants. The scope of a product generally includes supporting elements such as warranties, guarantees, and support. * Pricing: This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts. The price need not be monetary; it can simply be what is exchanged for the product or services, . time, energy, or attention. Methods of setting prices optimally are in the domain of pricing science. * Placement (or distribution): refers to how the product gets to the customer; for example, point-of-sale placement or retailing. This third P has also sometimes been called Place, referring to the channel by which a product or service is sold (. online vs. retail), which geographic region or industry, to which segment (young adults, families, business people), etc. also referring to how the environment in which the product is sold in can affect sales. * Promotion: This includes advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and personal selling. Branding refers to the various methods of promoting the product, brand, or company.

市场营销 Marketing市场营销(Marketing)又称为 市场学、市场行销或行销学。简称“营销”,台湾常称作“行销”,是指个人或集体通过交易其创造的产品或价值以获得所需之物实现双赢或多赢的过程。权威定义美国市场营销协会下的定义是:行销是创造、沟通与传送价值给顾客,及经营顾客关系以便让组织与其利益关系人受益的一种组织功能与程序菲利普·科特勒下的定义强调了营销的价值导向:市场营销是个人和集体通过创造,提供出售,并同别人交换和价值,以获得其所需所欲之物的一种社会和管理过程。而格隆罗斯给的定义强调了营销的目的:营销是在一种利益之上下,通过相互交换和承诺,建立、维持、巩固与消费者及其他参与者的关系,实现各方的目的)。[编辑] 新式定义台湾的江亘松在<你的行销行不行>中强调行销的变动性,利用行销的英文 Marketing 作了下面的定义「什麼是行销?」就字面上来说,「行销」的英文是「Marketing」,若把 Marketing 这个字拆成 Market(市场)与 ing(英文的现在进行式表示方法)这两个部分,那行销可以用「市场的现在进行式」来表达产品、价格、促销、通路的变动性导致供需双方的微妙关系。<你的行销行不行>ISBN: 978-986-82609-5-5,理财文化, 出版[编辑] 市场营销理论发展的四个阶段初创阶段(1900年—1920年)功能研究阶段(1921年—1945年)现代市场营销学形成和发展阶段(1945年—1980年)营销扩展阶段(1980年以后)[编辑] 市场与需求市场营销学中的市场可以等同于需求,即研究消费者的现实需求和潜在需求。美国市场营销协会(AMA)的定义委员会1960年对市场提出以下的定义:“ 市场是指一种货物或劳务的潜在购买者的集合需求。 ”菲利普·科特勒把市场定义为“ 市场是指某种产品的所有实际的和潜在的购买者的集合。 ”[编辑] 市场的类型市场从不同角度,可以划分为不同的类型。其中按商品的基本属性可划分为一般商品市场和特殊商品市场。一般商品市场指狭义的商品市场,即货物市场,包括消费品市场和工业品市场;特殊商品市场指为满足消费者的资金需要和服务需要而形成的市场,包括资本市场,劳动力市场和技术信息市场。对以上两种市场作分析时一般要研究消费者市场,产业市场和政府市场。市场营销环境分析常用的方法为SWOT分析方法,它是英文Strength(优势)、Weakness(劣势)、Opportunity(机会)、Threaten(威胁)的意思。从内部环境分析优劣势,从外部环境分析机会与威胁。[编辑] 市场营销策略营销组合的四个因素常称作4P,即:产品(Product)价格 (Price)推广 (Promotion)通路与配销 (Place&Distribution)这四个因素应用到营销过程中,就形成了四方面的营销策略。加上政治POLITICS和公共关系PUBLIC,是为6P。1981年布姆斯(Booms)和比特纳(Bitner)建议在传统市场营销理论4Ps的基础上增加三个“服务性的P”,即:人员(People)、流程(Process)、环境(或是或实体环境;Physical evidence)。根据与市场竞争对手对抗的需要而制定富有竞争力的产品、价格、渠道和促销政策。这一时期诞生了著名的4P理论。当时还是大众媒体盛行的时代,依靠大众媒体促进销售,无差异化策略成为这一阶段的明显特征。[编辑] 产品产品策略主要研究新产品开发,产品生命周期,品牌策略等,是价格策略,促销策略和分销策略的基础。[编辑] 价格价格策略又称定价策略,主要研究产品的定价、调价等[[市场营销工具][编辑] 推广推广是将组织与产品讯息传播给目标市场的活动,它主要的焦点在於沟通。透过推广,企业试图让消费者知晓、了解、喜爱或购买产品,进而影响产品的知名度、形象、销售量,乃至於企业的生长与生存。有了推广,消费者才可得知产品提供何种利益、价格多少、可以到什麼地方购买及如何购买等,而这些消费者反应会进一步协助推动其他行销组合(产品、价格、通路)。[编辑] 通路又称渠道策略,也称为促销。它代表企业(机构)在将自身产品送抵最终消费者之前,所制定的与各类分销商之间的贸易关系、成本分摊和利益分配方式的综合体系。这里的分销商既包含批发商,也包含零售商,甚至包含物流配送商和直销公司的直销人员。企业制定分销政策的目的是:让产品更顺畅地到达顾客手中,既要保证分销成本低廉,又要保证顾客对送货期、送货量、装配服务、疑难咨询等方面的要求。在产品日益丰富的情况下,分销政策可能变得越来越难制定,因为相对于产品和品牌的过量,分销商则显得稀少,因而后者拥有了大量讨价还价的权力,力图从制造商或上游企业那里获得更大的利益分成比例。零售商在最近10年的表现尤其令人瞩目,它们不仅从事零售,也开始插手于产品的上游生产过程,并以自己的店铺名称或独创名称作为自己所产新品的品牌——即自有品牌(private brand/label),或叫店铺品牌(store brand/label)。这更深地威胁到了纯粹的制造企业的利润空间,当然也大大增加了后者制定分销策略的难度。[编辑] 人员(People)所有的人都直接或间接地被卷入某种服务的消费过程中,这是7P营销组合很重要的一个观点。知识工作者、白领雇员、管理人员以及部分消费者将额外的价值增加到了既有的社会总产品或服务的供给中,这部分价值往往非常显著。[编辑] 流程(Process)服务通过一定的程序、机制以及活动得以实现的过程(亦即消费者管理流程),是市场营销战略的一个关键要素。[编辑] 环境(Physical Evidence)包括服务供给得以顺利传送的服务环境,有形商品承载和表达服务的能力,当前消费者的无形消费体验,以及向潜在顾客传递消费满足感的能力。[编辑] 4C包括:顾客(Customer)成本(Cost)沟通(Communication)便利(convenience)。加上机会Chance,市场变化Change为6C。不销售制造的产品,而要将满足消费者需求的产品售出;不要依竞争者或者自我的盈利策略定价,而是要通过一系列测试手段了解消费者为满足需求愿付出的成本;不要以自身为出发点,想着网点怎么布置,采用什么样的通路策略,而要关注消费者购买产品的便利性;不是想着如何通过媒体传播来提升销量,而要和消费者互动沟通。[编辑] 营销种类[编辑] 整合营销整合营销传播(Integrated Marketing Communications )[编辑] 数据库营销(DATABASE MARKETING)[编辑] 网络营销(Internet Marketing)网络营销是企业整体营销战略的一个组成部分,是为实现企业总体经营目标所进行的,以互联网为基本手段营造网上经营环境的各种活动。网络营销的职能包括网站推广、网络品牌、信息发布、在线调研、顾客关系、顾客服务、销售渠道、销售促进八个方面。Viral Marketing[编辑] 标竿行销(Bench Marketing)由江亘松在<你的行销行不行>提出以某个市场上已经存在的竞争者为比较基准的行销方式,例如普腾这家公司於十几年前提出一句很经典的「Sorry,Sony」到现在还是经常被产业与学术界拿来当作行销的案例,近年来Audi一直宣称他们的部分车种在欧洲市场无论在性能或销售上都令双B感觉到威胁,这样的行销方法就是希望让那些原本没有打算买Audi的亚洲买家去思考,为什麼欧洲的消费者愿意买的车在亚洲的我们却没有给予适当的评价。当然要提出这样的行销方式势必要先对自己的产品有一定的信心,否则如果「如花」喊出「Sorry林志玲」认同的观众应该不会太多吧。Viral Marketing[编辑] 直效营销(DIRECT MARKETING)根据kotler.keller行销管理学第12版中译本直效行销(direct marketing)是在没有中间行销商的情况下,利用消费者直接(consumer direct,CD)通路来接触及传送货品和服务给客户。主要通路包括直接信函、型录、电话推销,电视购物、小的售票亭、网路和汽车广告。直效行销是互动是行销系统,利用一种或多种媒体影响任何地区可衡量的回应或交易。特别是在电子行销中正快速成长。[编辑] 关系营销(RELATIONSHIP MARKETING)在很多情况下,公司并不能寻求即时的交易,所以他们会与长期供应商建立顾客关系。公司想要展现给顾客的是卓越的服务能力,现在的顾客多是大型且全球性的。他们偏好可以提供不同地区配套产品或服务的供应商,且可以快速解决各地的问题。当顾客关系管理计画被执行时,组织就必须同时注重顾客和产品管理。同时,公司必须明白,虽然关系行销很重要,但并不是在任何情况下都会有效的。因此,公司必须评估哪一个部门与哪一种特定的顾客采用关系行销最有利。[编辑] 燎原式行销由江亘松在<你的行销行不行>提出「燎原式行销」的重点在於,以自己强大的财力为基础,先采取竞争对手无法跟随并获利的低价策略,逼迫市场竞争者纷纷退出并且树立警告指标不让其他潜在业者轻易越矩,这样在下一个不怕死的竞争者出现之前,就可以创造一个无竞争者的独占市场。[编辑] 绿色营销[编辑] 社会营销[编辑] 营销社团[编辑] 市场调研市场调研又称营销调研,指企业在市场营销决策过程中,需要系统客观收集和分析有关营销活动的信息所做的研究。营销调研活动涉及到产品,广告,促销渠道选择,竞争者等诸多方面。[编辑] 营销理论的新发展病毒式营销关系营销数据库营销网络营销国际营销绿色营销服务营销过程营销收益管理Marketing is an ongoing process of planning and executing the marketing mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) for products, services or ideas to create exchange between individuals and tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising, distribution and selling. It is also concerned with anticipating the customers' future needs and wants, which are often discovered through market , marketing is the process of creating or directing an organization to be successful in selling a product or service that people not only desire, but are willing to good marketing must be able to create a "proposition" or set of benefits for the end customer that delivers value through products or specialist areas include:advertising and brandingcommunicationsdatabase marketingdirect marketingevent organizationfield marketingglobal marketinginternational marketinginternet marketingindustrial marketingmarket researchpublic relationsretailingsearch engine marketingmarketing strategymarketing planstrategic managementExperiential marketingSocial Influence MarketingContents [hide]1 Introduction2 Concept of Marketing3 Two levels of marketing4 Four Seven Ps5 Four New Ps6 Steps in product design7 Requirements of good Forms of packaging8 Significance of a trademark9 Brands10 Factors influencing Steps to determine price11 Distribution (Place) Reasons for direct selling Reasons for indirect selling Reasons for using Reasons for bypassing Ways of bypassing Agents12 Marketing Functions and advantages of successful Requirements of a good Eight steps in an advertising Personal Sales Marketing Public Relations (MPR)13 Customer focus14 Product focus15 See also16 Related lists17 References[edit] IntroductionA market-focused, or customer-focused, organization first determines what its potential customers desire, and then builds the product or service. Marketing theory and practice is justified in the belief that customers use a product or service because they have a need, or because it provides a perceived major factors of marketing are the recruitment of new customers (acquisition) and the retention and expansion of relationships with existing customers (base management). Once a marketer has converted the prospective buyer, base management marketing takes over. The process for base management shifts the marketer to building a relationship, nurturing the links, enhancing the benefits that sold the buyer in the first place, and improving the product/service continuously to protect the business from competitive a marketing plan to be successful, the mix of the four "Ps" must reflect the wants and desires of the consumers or Shoppers in the target market. Trying to convince a market segment to buy something they don't want is extremely expensive and seldom successful. Marketers depend on insights from marketing research, both formal and informal, to determine what consumers want and what they are willing to pay for. Marketers hope that this process will give them a sustainable competitive advantage. Marketing management is the practical application of this process. The offer is also an important addition to the 4P's most organizations, the activities encompassed by the marketing function are led by a Vice President or Director of Marketing. A growing number of organizations, especially large US companies, have a Chief Marketing Officer position, reporting to the Chief Executive American Marketing Association (AMA) states, "Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders."[1]Marketing methods are informed by many of the social sciences, particularly psychology, sociology, and economics. Anthropology is also a small, but growing influence. Market research underpins these activities. Through advertising, it is also related to many of the creative arts. Marketing is a wide and heavily interconnected subject with extensive publications. It is also an area of activity infamous for re-inventing itself and its vocabulary according to the times and the culture.[edit] Concept of MarketingMarketing is an instructive business domain that serves to inform and educate target markets about the value and competitive advantage of a company and its products. “Value” is worth derived by the customer from owning and using the product. “Competitive Advantage” is a depiction that the company or its products are each doing something better than their competition in a way that could benefit the is focused on the task of conveying pertinent company and product related information to specific customers, and there are a multitude of decisions (strategies) to be made within the marketing domain regarding what information to deliver, how much information to deliver, to whom to deliver, how to deliver, to deliver, and where to deliver. Once the decisions are made, there are numerous ways (tactics) and processes that could be employed in support of the selected goal of marketing is to build and maintain a preference for a company and its products within the target markets. The goal of any business is to build mutually profitable and sustainable relationships with its customers. While all business domains are responsible for accomplishing this goal, the marketing domain bears a significant share of the the larger scope of its definition, marketing is performed through the actions of three coordinated disciplines named: “Product Marketing”, “Corporate Marketing”, and “Marketing Communications”. [2][edit] Two levels of marketingStrategic marketing: attempts to determine how an organization competes against its competitors in a market place. In particular, it aims at generating a competitive advantage relative to its marketing: executes marketing functions to attract and keep customers and to maximize the value derived for them, as well as to satisfy the customer with prompt services and meeting the customer expectations. Operational Marketing includes the determination of the porter's five forces[





1. 胡继承,市场营销与策划,科学出版社,2003

2. 甘碧群,市场营销学,武汉大学出版社,

3. 胡德华,市场营销经典案例与解读,电子工业出版社,

4. 市场营销学模拟试卷编写组,《市场营销学》考试指导与模拟试卷,北京大学出版社,

5. 侯贵生,市场营销综合实训教程,重庆大学出版社,

6. 盛敏、元明顺、刘艳玲,marketing市场营销学案例,清华大学出版社,

7. 国际金融公司中国项目中心开发组,市场营销概论,上海科学技术出版社,

8. 文腊梅、冯和平、江劲松,市场营销实务,湖南大学出版社,

9. 林长富,市场营销原理,机械工业出版社,

10. 符莎莉,国际市场营销理论与实务,电子工业出版社,

11. 张晋光、黄国辉,市场营销,机械工业出版社,

12. 何永祺,基础市场营销学,暨南大学出版社,

13. 【美】科特勒,现代营销学之父菲利普科特勒经典译丛:市场营销,华夏出版社,

14. 【美】科特勒、梅汝和、梅清豪、周安柱,营销管理(新千年版,第十版),中国人民大学出版社,

15. (美)加里·阿姆斯特郎、(美)菲利普·科特勒、俞利军,科特勒市场营销教程,华夏出版社,

16. (美)加里·阿姆斯特郎、(美)菲利普·科特勒,市场营销管理,清华大学出版社,

17. 孙全治,市场营销案例分析,东南大学出版社,

18. (美)昆奇等、吕一林等,市场营销管理:教程和案例,北京大学出版社,

19. An Introduction,科特勒市场营销教程(英文原版.6)华夏出版社,

20. 邱斌等,市场营销学:基本原理与经典案例——21世纪企业战略丛书,东南大学出版社,

21. 王中亮,现代市场营销学,立信会计出版社,

22. 曾晓洋、胡维平,市场营销学案例集(第二辑),上海财经大学出版社,

23. 郭国庆,市场营销学通论(第三版),中国人民大学出版社,

24. 李品媛等,市场营销学精选案例评析,安徽人民出版社,

25. (美)索罗门等、何伟祥、熊荣生等,市场营销学原理:第4版,经济科学出版社,

26. 王方华,市场营销学,复旦大学出版社,

27. (美)布恩等、赵银德等,当代市场营销学,机械工业出版社,

28. 普赖德等、梅清豪等,营销观念与战略,中国人民大学出版社,

29. (美)埃策尔、(美)沃克、(美)斯坦顿、张平淡、牛海鹏,新时代的市场营销(第13版),企业管理出版社,

30. (美)杰恩、贾光伟,市场营销策划与战(第六版),中信出版社,

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