

发布时间:2024-07-08 03:57:43


电气工程(Electrical Engineering简称EE)是现代科技领域中的核心学科之一,更是当今高新技术 电气工程领域中不可或缺的关键学科。例如正是电子技术的巨大进步才推动了以计算机网络为基础的信息时代的到来,并将改变人类的生活工作模式。电气工程的发展前景同样很有潜力,使得当今的学生就业比率一直传统的电气工程定义为用于创造产生电气与电子系统的有关学科的总和。电气系统所在领域是一个充满希望且具有挑战性的领域。 说电气系统属于工程专业,是因为工程学的挑战在于要设计所有电路系统,并把它们聚类成一个整体。Cyber-physics system是最有代表性的前沿电路系统,包括物联网、普适计算、传感器。 电气工程[2]是现代科技领域中的核心学科之一,更是当今高新技术领域中不可或缺的关键学科。从某种意义上讲,电气工程的发达程度代表着国家的科技进步水平。正因为此,电气工程的教育和科研一直在发达国家大学中占据十分重要的地位。美国大学电气工程学科在机构名称上有的学校称电气工程系,有的称为电气工程与信息科学系,有的称为电气工程与计算机科学系等等。该学科(系)在科研、教学及学术组织形式上与国内电气工程学科有较大不同。了解国外学科状态及教学、科研方向,对调整我们的学科方向、提高教学、科研水平具有十分重要的作用。 传统的电气工程定义为用于创造产生电气与电子系统的有关学科的总和。此定义本已经十分宽泛,但随着科学技术的飞速发展,21世纪的电气工程概念已经远远超出上述定义的范畴,斯坦福大学教授指出:今天的电气工程涵盖了几乎所有与电子、光子有关的工程行为。本领域知识宽度的巨大增长,要求我们重新检查甚至重新构造电气工程的学科方向、课程设置及其内容,以便使电气工程学科能有效地回应学生的需求、社会的需求、科技的进步和动态的科研环境。



用于分布式在线UPS中的并联逆变器的一种无线控制器A Wireless Controller for Parallel Inverters in Distributed Online UPS SystemsJosep M. Guerrero', Luis Garcia de Vicufia", Jose Matas'*, Jaume Miret", and Miguel Castilla". Departament #Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automatica i Informhtica Industrial. Universitat Polithica de CatalunyaC. Comte d'Urgell, -Barcelona. Spain. Email: .. Departament #Enginyeria Electrbnica. Universitat Polit6cnica de CatalunyaAV. Victor BaLguer s/n. 08800I - Vilanova i la Geltrh. SpainAbsiract - In this paper, a novel controller for parallelconnectedonline-UPS inverters without control wireinterconnections is presented. The wireless control technique isbased on the well-known droop method, which consists inintroducing P-oand Q-V schemes into the inverters, in order toshare properly the power drawn to the loads. The droop methodhas been widely used in applications of load sharing betweendifferent parallel-connected inverters. However, this methodhas several drawbacks that limited its application, such as atrade-off between output-voltage regulation and power sharingaccuracy, slow transient response, and frequency and phasedeviation. This last disadvantage makes impracticable themethod in online-UPS systems, since in this case every modulemust be in phase with the utility ac mains. To overcome theselimitations, we propose a novel control scheme, endowing to theparalleled-UPS system a proper transient response, strictlyfrequency and phase synchronization with the ac mains, andexcellent power sharing. Simulation and experimental resultsare reported confirming the validity of the proposed . INTRODUCTIONThe parallel operation of distributed Uninterruptible PowerSupplies (UPS) is presented as a suitable solution to supplycritical and sensitive loads, when high reliability and poweravailability are required. In the last years, many controlschemes for parallel-connected inverters has been raised,which are derived from parallel-schemes of dc-dc converters[I], such as the master-slave control [2], or the democraticcontrol [3]. In contrast, novel control schemes have beenappeared recently, such as the chain-structure control [4], orthe distributed control [ 5 ] . However, all these schemes needcontrol interconnections between modules and, hence, thereliability of the system is reduced since they can be a sourceof noise and failures. Moreover, these communication wireslimited the physical situation ofthe modules [6].In this sense, several control techniques has been proposedwithout control interconnections, such as the droop this method, the control loop achieves good power sharingmaking tight adjustments over the output voltage frequencyand amplitude of the inverter, with the objective tocompensate the active and reactive power unbalances [7].This concept is derived from the power system theory, inwhich the frequency of a generator drops when the powerdrawn to the utility line increases [8].0-7803-7906-3/03/$ 02003 IEEE. 1637However, this control approach has an inherent trade-offbetween voltage regulation and power sharing. In addition,this method exhibits slow dynamic-response, since it requireslow-pass filters to calculate the average value of the activeand reactive power. Hence, the stability and the dynamics ofthe whole system are hardly influenced by the characteristicsof these filters and by the value of the droop coefficients,which are bounded by the maximum allowed deviations ofthe output voltage amplitude and , when active power increases, the droopcharacteristic causes a frequency deviation from the nominalvalue and, consequently, it results in a variable phasedifference between the mains and the inverter output fact can be a problem when the bypass switch mustconnect the utility line directly to the critical bus in stead ofits phase difference. In [9], two possibilities are presented inorder to achieve phase synchronization for parallel lineinteractiveUPS systems. The first one is to locate a particularmodule near the bypass switch, which must to synchronizethe output voltage to the mains while supporting overloadcondition before switch on. The second possibility is to waitfor the instant when phase matching is produced to connectthe , the mentioned two folds cannot be applied to aparallel online-UPS system, since maximum transfer timeought to be less than a % of line period, and all the modulesmust be always synchronized with the mains when it ispresent. Hence, the modules should be prepared to transferdirectly the energy from the mains to the critical bus in caseof overload or failure [lo].In our previous works [11][12], we proposed differentcontrol schemes to overcome several limitations of theconventional droop method. However, these controllers bythemselves are inappropriate to apply to a parallel online-UPS system. In this paper, a novel wireless control scheme isproposed to parallel different online UPS modules with highperformance and restricted requirements. The controllerprovides: 1) proper transient response; 2) power sharingaccuracy; 3) stable frequency operation; and 4) good phasematching between the output-voltage and the utility , this new approach is especially suitable for paralleled-UPS systems with true redundancy, high reliability andpower availability. Simulation and experimental results arereported, confirming the validity of this control . 1. Equivalenl cimuif ofan invener connecled 10 a bust"Fig. 2. P-odraop . REVlEW OF THE CONVENTIONAL DROOP METHODFig. 1 shows the equivalent circuit of an inverter connectedto a common bus through coupled impedance. When thisimpedance is inductive, the active and reactive powers drawnto the load can be expressed asEVcosQ - V2 Q=where Xis the output reactance of an inverter; Q is the phaseangle between the output voltage of the inverter and thevoltage of the common bus; E and V are the amplitude of theoutput voltage of the inverter and the bus voltage, the above equations it can be derived that the activepower P is predominately dependent on the power angle Q,while the reactive power Q mostly depends on the outputvoltageamplitude. Consequently, most of wireless-control ofparalleled-inverters uses the conventional droop method,which introduces the following droops in the amplitude Eand the frequency U of the inverter output voltageu = w -mP (3)E = E ' - n Q , (4)being W* and E' the output voltage frequency and amplitudeat no load, respectively; m and n are the droop coefficientsfor the frequency and amplitude, , a coupled inductance is needed between theinverter output and the critical bus that fixes the outputimpedance, in order to ensure a proper power flow. However,it is bulky and increase:; the size and the cost of the UPSmodules. In addition, tho output voltage is highly distortedwhen supplying nonlinezr loads since the output impedanceis a pure is well known that if droop coefficients are increased,then good power sharing is achieved at the expense ofdegrading the voltage regulation (see Fig. 2).The inherent trade-off of this scheme restricts thementioned coefficients, which can be a serious limitation interms of transient response, power sharing accuracy, andsystem the other hand, lo carry out the droop functions,expressed by (3) and (4), it is necessary to calculate theaverage value over one line-cycle of the output active andreactive instantaneous power. This can be implemented bymeans of low pass filters with a smaller bandwidth than thatof the closed-loop inverter. Consequently, the powercalculation filters and droop coefficients determine, to a largeextent, the dynamics and the stability of the paralleledinvertersystem [ conclusion, the droop method has several intrinsicproblems to be applied a wireless paralleled-system ofonline UPS, which can he summed-up as follows:Static trade-off between the output-voltage regulation(frequency and amplitude) and the power-sharingaccuracy (active an4d reactive).2) Limited transient response. The system dynamicsdepends on the power-calculation filter characteristics,the droop coefficients, and the output of ac mains synchronization. The frequency andphase deviations, due to the frequency droop, makeimpracticable this method to a parallel-connectedonline UPS system, in which every UPS should becontinuously synchronized to the public ac )3)111. PROPOSED CONTROL FOR PARALLEL ONLINE UPSINVERTERSIn this work, we will try to overcome the above limitationsand to synthesize a novel control strategy withoutcommunication wires that could be appropriate to highperformanceparalleled industrial UPS. The objective is toconnect online UPS inverters in parallel without usingcontrol interconnections. This kind of systems, also namedinverter-preferred, should be continuously synchronized tothe utility line. When an overload or an inverter failureoccurs, a static bypass switch may connect the input line tothe load, bypassing the inve:rter [14][15].Fig. 3 shows the general diagram of a distributed onlineUPS system. This system consists of two buses: the utilitybus, which is connected lo the public ac mains; and thesecure bus, connected to the distributed critical loads. Theinterface between these buses is based on a number of onlineUPS modules connected in parallel, which providescontinuously power to the: loads [16]. The UPS modulesinclude a rectifier, a set of batteries, an inverter, and a staticbypass ac mainsutility busI I Ij distributed loads !Fig. 3. Online distributed UPS /I 4(4Fig. 4. Operation modes of an online UPS.(a) Normal operation. (b) Bypass operation. (c) Mains failureThe main operation modes of a distributed online UPS1) Normal operation: The power flows to the load, fromthe utility through the distributed UPS ) Mains failure: When the public ac mains fails, theUPS inverters supply the power to the loads, from thebatteries, without operation: When an overload situation occurs,the bypass switch must connect the critical busdirectly to the ac mains, in order to guarantee thecontinuous supply of the loads, avoiding the damageof the UPS this reason, the output-voltage waveform should besynchronized to the mains, when this last is are listed below (see Fig. 5):3)Nevertheless, as we state before, the conventional droopmethod can not satisfy the need for synchronization with theutility, due to the frequency variation of the inverters, whichprovokes a phase obtain the required performance, we present a transientP-w droop without frequency-deviation in steady-state,proposed previously by OUT in [ 111w=o -mP (5)where is the active power signal without the dccomponent,which is done by. -I t -1sP= p ,( s + t - ' ) ( s + o , )being zthe time constant of the transient droop transient droop function ensures a stable frequencyregulation under steady-state conditions, and 'at the sametime, achieves active power balance by adjusting thefrequency of the modules during a load transient. Besides, toadjust the phase of the modules we propose an additionalsynchronizing loop, yieldingo=w'-m%k,A$, (7)where A$ is the phase difference between the inverter and themains; and k, is the proportional constant of the frequencyadjust. The steady-state frequency reference w* can beobtained by measuring the utility line second term of the previous equality trends to zero insteady state, leading tow = w' - k4($ -@'), (8)being $and $* the phase angles of the output voltage inverterand the utility mains, into account that w = d $ / d t , we can obtain thenext differential equation, which is stable fork, positived$ *dt dt- + km$ = - + k,$' . (9)Thus, when phase difference increases, frequency willdecrease slightly and, hence, all :he UPS modules will besynchronized with the utility, while sharing the power drawnto the . CONTROLLIEMRP LEMENTATIONFig. 5 depicts the block diagram of the proposedcontroller. The average active power P , without the dccomponent, can be obtained by means of multiplying theoutput voltage by the output current, and filtering the product........................................................................................io",.LSj'nchronirorion loop.......................................................................................Fig. 5. Block diagram of the proposed a band-pass filter. In a similar way, the averagereactive power is obtained, hut in this case the output-voltagemust be delayed 90 degrees, and using a low-pass order to adjust the output voltage frequency, equation(7) is implemented, which corresponds to the frequencymains drooped by two transient-terms: the transient activepower signal term; and the phase difference term, whichis added in order to synchronize the output voltage with theac mains, in a phase-locked loop (PLL) fashion. The outputvoltageamplitude is regulated by using the conventionaldroop method (4).Finally, the physical coupled inductance can be avoided byusing a virtual inductor [17]. This concept consists inemulated an inductance behavior, by drooping the outputvoltage proportionally to the time derivative of the outputcurrent. However, when supplying nonlinear loads, the highordercurrent-harmonics can increase too much the outputvoltageTHD. This can be easily solved by using a high-passfilter instead of a pure-derivative term of the output current,which is useful to share linear and nonlinear loads [I 1][12].Furthermore, the proper design of this output inductance canreduce, to a large extent, the unbalance line-impedanceimpact over the power sharing . SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTARELS ULTSThe proposed control scheme, (4) and (7), was simulatedwith the parameters listed in Table 1 and the scheme shownin Fig. 6, for a two paralleled inverters system. Thecoefficients m, n, T, and kv were chosen to ensure stability,proper transient response and good phase matching. Fig. 7shows the waveforms of the frequency, circulating currents,phase difference between the modules and the utility line,and the evolution of the active and reactive powers. Note theexcellent synchronization between the modules and theACmiiinr 4 j. ...L...... ..........................B...u...n...... ................................... iFig. 6. Parallel operation oftwa online UPS modules,mains, and, at the same time, the good power sharingobtained. This characteristik let us to apply the controller tothe online UPS paralleled I-kVA UPS modules were built and tested in order toshow the validity of the proposed approach. Each UPSinverter consisted of a single-phase IGBT full-bridge with aswitching frequency of 20 kHz and an LC output filter, withthe following parameters: 1. = 1 mH, C = 20 WF, Vi" = 400V,v, = 220 V, I50 Hz. The controllers of these inverters werebased on three loops: an inner current-loop, an outer PIcontroller that ensures voltage regulation, and the loadsharingcontroller, based on (4) and (7). The last controllerwas implemented by means of a TMS320LF2407A, fixedpoint40 MHz digital sigrial processor (DSP) from TexasInstruments (see Fig. 8), using the parameters listed in TableI. The DSP-controller also includes a PLL block in order tosynchronize the inverter with the common bus. When thisoccurs, the static bypass switch is tumed on, and the droopbasedcontrol is 7 Wa\cfc)rms for , ;mnectcd in parallel. rpchrontred io Ihc ac mdnl.(a) Frequencics ufhoth UPS (b) Clrculattng currcni among modulcs. (CJ Phmc d!Nercn;: betucen ihc UPS a#>dth e ai mum(d) Ikiril uf the phze diNmncc (e) md (0 Activc and rcactlw pouerr "I ooih UPSNote that the iimc-acs arc deliheratcly JiNercni due in thc disiinct timuion*uni) ofthe \ THE PARALLELESDYS Order I IFilter Cut-off Frequency I 0, I 10 I ragsFig. 8 shows the output-current transient response of theUPS inverters. First, the two UPS are operating in parallelwithout load. Notice that a small reactive current is circlingbetween the modules, due to the measurement , a nonlinear load, with a crest factor of 3, is connectedsuddenly. This result shows the good dynamics and loadsharingof the paralleled system when sharing a . 8. Output current for the two paralleled UPS, during the connection of Bcommon nonlinear load with a crest factor of 3. (Axis-x: 20 mddiv. Axis-y:5 Mdiv.).VI. CONCLUSIONSIn this paper, a novel load-sharing controller for parallelconnectedonline UPS systems, was proposed. The controlleris based on the droop method, which avoids the use ofcontrol interconnections. In a sharp contrast with theconventional droop method, the controller presented is ableto keep the output-voltage frequency and phase strictlysynchronized with the utility ac mains, while maintaininggood load sharing for linear and nonlinear loads. This fact letus to extend the droop method to paralleled online the other hand, the proposed controller emulates aspecial kind of impedance, avoiding the use of a physicalcoupled inductance. results reported here show theeffectiveness of the proposed approach.


电气工程:1Electrical Engineering My decision to pursue graduate study in the United States is underscored by my desire to be a part of the graduate program at your institution. Purdue University offers the flexibility needed for such a vast and rapidly changing field. The research facilities and the faculty at the university are par excellent. Communications is an industry that has changed our lives. In a very short period it has changed the way we have looked at things since centuries. It is one industry that is going to shape our future for centuries to come. Hence my desire to do masters in electrical engineering with communications as my major. My interest in electronics blossomed during my high school years. It was the time when technology had begun to make an impact on the lives of people in India. Hence engineering with electronics as my major was the first choice for my undergraduate studies. Right since the beginning of my undergraduate study electronics is a subject that has fascinated me with its power of applications. The subjects that I have studied include Linear Electronics, Digital Electronics. These laid the foundation for my courses in Electronic Communication & Communication Systems at a later stage. My undergraduate studies already focus on the communications aspect of electronics. A masters degree in electrical engineering with communications as major field is the next logical step. For the past four months I have been working as a project trainee at the Indian Institute for Advanced Electronics. I am working on the design and development of a "PC Controlled Digital Serial Data Generator". This short stint has given me invaluable practical experience. It has given me the confidence to pursue a masters degree and also kindled a desire to do research. During the course of my work at IIAE, I have come across several scientists. Most of them work in different areas of communications. Interactions with them have made me realize the vastness and the scope of communications. My discussions with them convinced me that specializing in communications will suit me very well. The subject of research which interests me very much is spread spectrum communication systems. Coding theory and combinations is another research subject which arouses my curiosity. The subject Communication Theory which I am studying at present introduces these topics in theory. I am eager to find out more about the applications of coding theory to spread spectrum communication systems. In addition I have been a student member of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) for the past three years. Through its workshops/seminars and publications like the 'The Spectrum' it has exposed me to a lot of emerging technologies in the field of communications. It is a strong belief in my family that the American education system has the best to offer in the whole world. This belief arises out of the experience that my parents had when they did their Masters of Science in the University of Pennsylvania during the years 1967-69. If I can get an opportunity to be a part of that intellectually stimulating environment, I am sure my talents will be put to optimal use. India is a developing country with an enormous potential in the information technology business. To serve the needs of this developing industry and more important its vast population, communications is going to become of utmost importance. Thus conditions here are very conducive to supplement my aspirations when I return after completing my graduate studies. 2Electrical Engineering As a graduate student, I will undertake research and coursework in Electrical Engineering to enhance my competencies in this field. I intend to complete my master's degree in order to pursue my doctorate. The research that I am most interested in pursuing at Northeastern University surrounds the optical properties of MEMS devices, and the development of substrate-based fast electro-optical interfaces. My interest in this area stems from my undergraduate study in MEMs development for tri-axial accelerometers. Engineering has been a key interest of mine since childhood. While still in grade school I enjoyed listening to my father, an electrical engineer, teach me about advances in technology, and was always eager to hear more. I was introduced to my first computer at the age of five, and have loved interacting with them ever since. My decision to study engineering as a career was no surprise to those who knew me. In college I found that I was always studying something I enjoyed. I believe it is because I enjoy my life and my work that I have been successful. Spending hours in the laboratory is not something that I dread, but instead I take pride in my work and its successful completion. One example of this that is still fresh in my mind is the successful design of a fully functional microprocessor in the Xilinx environment. All told, the project took over 150 hours of each design-team member's time. However, I did not look on it as a drain, but an experience for learning and a focus for my professional and technical development. When we finished the project we felt the sense of worth and pride in completion of a task that was once above our level of knowledge. Pursuing a graduate degree in the research field I have chosen also feels like a challenge, and I know that study will frustrate me at times. However, I feel that my commitment to learning will not be swayed. I feel confident in my ability to be creative in my perspective, and to persevere. My ultimate goal is to be an innovator in the field I have chosen to study. Professionalism and creativity are my most valued strengths. At the heart of my interest is the advancement of man in concert with his environment. My personal philosophy of life will matter greatly during my study and after its completion. That is why I devote time to reflection on my goals and their implications. Money has never been a motivator for my work, nor do I think it will be in the future. However, as a professional and a graduate, I realize that my earning potential will be significant. That is why I also commit myself to charity and fairness. In the past I have been a member of the Boy Scouts of America, and have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. In the course of my experience in that organization, I learned respect and moral value. Now, as a member of the IEEE, I value my professional standing and its commensurate moral implications. Ethics in engineering is as important as technical skill, and as such I intend to uphold my own ethical obligations to the best of my ability. As a Northeastern University student, I would commit all that I have to offer to my study. I intend to pursue research in MEMS technology. At Rowan University as an undergraduate student I have already conducted some research and development of MEMS sensors for military applications, resulting in publication. An article, written by myself and my project member David Bowen and edited by our advisor Dr. Robert Krchnavek, was published in the NAVSEA Intelligent Ships Symposium Proceedings of 2001. The paper was titled "Designing a 3-Axis, Monolithic, MEMS-Based Accelerometer" and was under review for endorsement by the US Navy's NAVSEA facility in Philadelphia during that year. Building on my past success in MEMs design, I hope to advance my understanding. Through research at the graduate level, it is my hope to become familiar with, and innovate the design of MEMs Optics in hopes of creating a reliable and practical MEMs Electro-Optical Interface for use in consumer electronics. It is my hope, that through my research, optical waveguides for intradevice communication might be realized. Finally, my intent to pursue graduate study is laid plain. Study of MEMs optics is my intended focus, and I am committed to my goal. In pursuing a doctoral degree, I have closely analyzed myself to determine the reasons for my previous successes and my goals for the future. I have found that I do and have always enjoyed engineering, and that I have a strong desire to pursue my study further. I am prepared to commit myself to that study, and achieve what I have set out to do. 3I Wish to Pursue an MS Degree in Electrical Engineering During my senior year at Purdue University, I made a decision that has impacted the entire course of my education. While my classmates were making definite decisions about their career paths, I chose to implement a five-year plan of development and growth for myself. I designed this plan in order to examine various careers that I thought might interest me, as well as to expand upon my abilities at the time. As I was attaining a BS degree in Electrical Engineering, I decided to focus primarily on fields related to the VLSI (Very Large-Scale Integrated) circuits area. My main goals were either to gain work experience or to further my education by pursuing an MS degree in Electrical Engineering (MSEE). I saw an opportunity to both work and learn through employment at Xilinx Inc. Operating as a product engineer at a successful, high-tech semiconductor company has enabled me to utilize my technical and interpersonal skills in new and challenging ways. The position has also allowed me to interact with a multitude of departments including marketing, integrated circuit (IC) design, software/CAD development, manufacturing, reliability, accounting, and sales. I thus have gained an array of experience that extended beyond the parameters of my own responsibilities. In the workplace, I rely heavily upon the interpersonal techniques I developed as a counselor in a Purdue residence hall, as well as the organizational skills I had acquired through holding various leadership positions in cultural and engineering societies. I have also cultivated an interest in high-technology marketing that has continued to grow throughout my career. My experiences with Xilinx have heightened my hunger for knowledge in the VLSI field. Two months after joining the corporation, I applied to several part-time programs in the vicinity that would allow me to acquire an MSEE degree within two to three years. San Jose State seemed an ideal choice, for its evening MSEE courses would allow me to pursue two independent, full-time positions concurrently. The San Jose program has complimented my Xilinx duties well; both demand large levels of energy and enthusiasm while guiding me to my ultimate goal a high degree of education in VLSI sciences. The resources that I poured into both endeavors have reaped many gains. I have been promoted to a Product-Yield Engineering position within Xilinx's Coarse Grain Static Memory (CGSM) Product Engineering division. My extensive coursework plays a key role in my continued success at Xilinx. Relevant classes in advanced digital and analog VLSI design, as well as sub-micron ULSI technology, have allowed me to understand more completely the workings of Xilinx, a fab-less semiconductor company that also functions as a software and hardware design, testing, and marketing center. The gains in knowledge I have made through the combination of work experience and education have indeed been exponential. The academic records of my senior year at Purdue, coupled with my MSEE coursework, are ample proof of my dedication to learning. I feel I have overcome through hard work and dedication the brief "dry phase" I underwent at Purdue during the close of my sophomore and the first semester of my junior years. My performance at that time is in no way indicative of my usual achievements; they are instead the result of urgent family difficulties that required much foreign travel and serious attention to resolve. In May, I shall graduate with an MSEE degree from San Jose well ahead of my original estimates. This early graduation with Dean's Honors is the result of my firm belief in the value of diligence, as well as my renewed determination to strive for perfection in both work and school. I am now embarking on another five-year plan, during which I hope to fulfill several specific career goals. For instance, being part of a very dynamic and results-oriented Yield team at Xilinx calls for continuous development of computational and statistical techniques. The Yield team is divided to focus on specific process/fabrication issues and process (manufacturing) optimization. My own position is an integral part of the optimization group. Speed and cost issues continue to press high technology atmospheres towards optimization, probability and stochastic processes and systems, and rigorous simulations of mathematical models. The MS in EES&OR offered at your university will grant me the statistical knowledge that is crucial for process and production optimization in a fab-less environment. In addition, product engineering requires fundamental research on mathematical models for linear and non-linear programming, as well as the utilization of efficient computer software. I continuously employ the knowledge I gained at Purdue in Operations Research and advanced mathematics courses. Yet despite the value of these classes and my high performance in them, I now require further education to best fulfill my duties. An MS in the EES&OR field, will give me knowledge that is invaluable to a career in product development, project management and strategic planning. The program will allow me to improve decision-making skills in operations, strategy, and policy issues. I will strengthen my theory and application in countless areas:continuous, discrete, numerical optimization; probabilistic and stochastic processes; dynamic systems and simulation; economics, finance, and investment; decision analysis; dynamic programming and planning under uncertainty; operations and service; corporate and individual strategy; and private and public policy , the EES&OR program will not only help me to excel at Xilinx but will also further any future career. My commitment to work and education over the last three years proves that I will pursue this MS with enthusiasm and technical edge that the MS would provide is I will be working while attending Stanford, I shall mingle education with practical application, and bring to the table interesting problems from my experience and past education. Technical challenges encountered through projects in the EES&OR program will provide motivation and opportunity for methodological data collection, processing and presentation issues presented are integral to my future goals, and the management challenges raised will provide invaluable experience for professional practice. This will in turn build a solid foundation for a life-long career that can overcome any problem in decision-making. In addition, taking courses in economics, finance, and investment analysis will allow much growth of knowledge in investment issues in different industries. The EES&OR program thus appeals not only to my engineering, economics, science and mathematical background, but will compliment my technical abilities with the conceptual frameworks needed to analyze problems in operations, production, strategic planning, and marketing in the realm of emiconductor/IC/engineering systems. I feel that I am prepared to meet the challenges of the curriculum. My coursework in intermediate microeconomics and macroeconomics, international trade, operations research, linear algebra, and probabilistic methods, along with my extensive calculus background, will allow me to function well within the program. My long-term career goals include a move into marketing and product management. I believe that attaining this MS degree is the cornerstone to achieving my goals. It will give me the academic background necessary to succeed in product development, project management, and strategic planning. It will improve decision-making skills necessary for optimizing performance. The integration of two excellent programs in Economics Systems and Operations Research thus suits my current position and ties in with future goals perfectly by improving decision making in operations, strategy and policy. At present I desire to continue at Xilinx; attending a program that provides the flexibility and convenience of the SITN, is therefore imperative. Hence, being at Stanford as an HCP student alsoattracts me. I believe that Stanford is the best environment for me to achieve my goals while gaining exposure to and experience with a diverse student body and faculty. It is my belief that one continues to learn throughout one's life, and the most effective method of learning is through interaction with 's diversity offers an environment for learning, both inside and outside the classroom. I hope to share my varied knowledge with my classmates and to take from them a new understanding of topics that are foreign to me. I believe that no other school provides students with the combination of education and environment offered by Stanford. Its outstanding academic reputation, mingled with its diverse environment and thriving Bay Area location, creates an opportunity for growth that is second to none. I have many ambitions for myself as I embark on this stage of my life. I believe that an education from Stanford will provide invaluable experiences and skills that will allow me to become a successful and innovative business leader in the new millennium. 4Research Department of Biomedical Engineering is designed to research on and solve the bio-electrical and biomagnetic engineering problems in the field of biology and medicine with the aid of engineering principles and methods. Its main task is to explain, from perspective view of engineering, the biological and pathologic processes of the living organisms, especially human beings, and research on and develop the related medical devices and life science devices. Its research directions mainly include the modeling and emulation of the biological system, testing and analysis of biomedical signals, the biomedical imaging and processing , the biological effects of electromagnetic field and the development of artificial organs and medical devices, Bioengineering With the development and integration of electromagnetism, biology and medicine, biological electromagnetism exercises more and more influence on human life and health, environment protection and biological engineering. The research on electromagnetic bioengineering is a new research direction for IEECAS, mainly including research on rules of mutual influence between electromagnetic field and life matter, biological electromagnetic effect and its application in biology, medicine and medical equipment. At present, the research team has set up labs such as biological electromagnetic environment lab, biological electromagnetic signals & electromagnetic property testing lab, electromagnetic biological effect testing lab and biological electromagnetic simulation lab. It is equipped with various electrical and magnetic fields for experiments of biological electromagnetic effects, simulation software and biochemical experiment equipment. With such equipments, it can do biological electromagnetic experiments on live animals and detached live cells, detect, analyze and process the very weak biological electromagnetic signals, analyze and test live organism or detached cell under electromagnetic interaction with biochemical quantitative methods. The recent research work focuses on the effects 方向对不对,不知你要哪种,告诉我,我再接着找多的话email you

Control of Parallel Inverters in Distributed AC Power Systems with Consideration of Line Impedance Effect在分布式交流电力系统中考虑连线阻抗影响时的并联逆变器控制 论文发到你的邮箱了


1工作原理距离保护 Distance relays use voltages and currents acquired at the relay location to calculate the apparent impedance of the line from relay point to the fault point.距离继电器的使用电压和电流后天在接力的位置来计算的表观阻抗线中继站的故障点。 The calcu- lated apparent impedance Z is compared with the set- ting impedance Zset to decide whether the fault is inter- nal or external.的计算, lated明显阻抗Z是同一套婷阻抗Zset决定是否断层间的信号或外部。 During normal operation, the apparent impedance is generally larger than the Zset.在正常操作期间,明显的阻抗一般大于Zset 。 If the apparent impedance is less than Zset, then it is concluded that a fault has probably occurred in the protected line.如果明显阻抗小于Zset ,那么得出的结论是有可能发生故障的保护线。 Under fault conditions, the distance relay energizes the circuits to trip relevant circuit breakers to isolate the faulted line from the rest of the system[8].故障条件下,距离继电器的电路注入行有关断路器隔离断行的其余部分系统[ 8 ] 。 shows the working principle of distance protection.图1显示的工作原理,距离保护。 The startup element starts protection devices or fault calculating programs when fault occurs in the pro- tected line.启动元件启动保护装置或过失计算程序发生故障时,在亲tected线。 The measuring element, which is the center of distance protection, calculates the line impedance between the fault point and relay point.测量元素,这是中心的距离保护,计算线路阻抗之间的故障点和中继点。 The time delay element determines different time delays according to the result of the measuring element.的时间延迟因素确定不同的时间延迟根据测量结果的因素。 The output element executes the decision of protection.输出内容的决定,执行保护。 2 Configuration of simulation system 2配置的仿真系统 The dynamic simulation system for distance protec- tion proposed in this paper is designed according to its working principle and elementary configuration.动态仿真系统的距离保护法本文提出的目的是根据其工作原理和基本配置。 As shown in , the simulation system is composed of electromagnetic transient computing module, PT & CT module, data reading module, U & I display module, startup module, Fourier algorithm module, phase selec- tion module, impedance computing module, impedance comparison module and so on.图2所示的仿真系统是由电磁暂态计算模块,印尼与CT模块,数据读取模块, ü &余显示模块,启动模块,傅氏算法模块,相选择法模块,阻抗计算模块,阻抗比较模块等。 In this closed-loop simu- lation, the relay trip signal is fed back to control the cir- cuit breaker of power system model.在这个闭环仿真,接力行程信号反馈给控制电路- cuit断路器的电力系统模型。 This closed-loop simulation approach has greatly enhanced the accuracy of simulation and made it possible to simulate the dynamic interactions between power systems and protection systems.这闭环模拟方法,大大提高模拟的准确性和使之能够模拟动态电力系统之间的相互作用和保护系统。 Fault transient computing based on PSB 故障暂态计算的基础上公安局 The PSB was designed to provide a modern design tool that will allow users to rapidly and easily build models that simulate power systems.公安局的目的是提供一个现代化的设计工具,允许用户迅速,方便地建立模型,模拟电力系统。 The blockset uses the Simulink environment, allowing a model to be built using simple click and drag procedures.该模块利用Simulink环境下,允许的模式是采用简单的按一下并拖曳程序。 The libraries contain models of typical power equipment, such as transformers, lines, machines, and power electronics.该库包含型号的典型功耗设备,如变压器,线路,机器,电力电子技术。 These model's validity is based on the experience of the Power Systems Testing and Simulation Laboratory of Hydro-Québec, a large North American utility located in Canada.这些模型的有效性是基于经验,电力系统测试和模拟实验室水电魁北克,大型北美实用设在加拿大。 Matlab and its time domain solver Simulink create a friendly and open system.基于Matlab和Simulink的时域求解创建一个友好和开放的系统。 New models and libraries of power equipments may just be added to this package.新的模式和图书馆的电力设备可能会被添加到该程序包。 In this developing environment, we can finish all kinds of power system simulations[5—7]在此开发环境,我们可以完成各种各样的电力系统仿真[ 5-7 ]


你确定这是电气工程的?这是电子方面的 懒的看了 毕竟很多术语不懂

The design of a Tianjin chemical fiber textile factory power supply systemAbstractThis design aims to through to Tianjin, a chemical fiber textile factory for distribution system design allows designers to understand the design process of the power supply system of industrial enterprises and basic skills, in the design process not only to deepen the understanding of power supply and distribution of the technology, training of theoretical knowledge of flexible application ability. Design process including: load calculation, scheme demonstration, short circuit calculation, equipment selection, reactive power compensation and the distribution of the design etc.. The sewage treatment plant for secondary load, two power supply into line, plant a total of two step-down substation (35KV/10KV). 10KV/).Because of the power supply power factor greater than , so the compensation in low voltage side capacitor to meet requirements of. The current through the load calculation andthe calculation of the short-circuit point selection of equipment, so as to meet therequirements. In the design process of the safety and reliability of power supply system are fully considered, and strive to make the economy R & D center building electrical designAbstractThe design for the electrical design of a Suzhou R & D center building. Electrical design follow the civil architectural electrical design code (jgj16-2008), and in accordance with the current national standard and standard. According to the size and functional demand of construction, query specification, the building belongs to the high-rise civil buildings, building category for a class of construction, the fire resistance rating for a level, the lightning protection level for secondary and general lighting with three load power supply, fire power and the important load with a load power supply, the connection of the low voltage distribution system protection system design using lightning protection building electrical design includes two parts: the design of power system and the weak system design. These include high voltage low voltage power distribution design, lighting system design, lightning protection and grounding system design; weak part including fire protection system design and cable TV system design, design of a telephone system, network system design, security system design. Design should be according to the construction scale, the use requirement and design principle, calculated according to the technical specifications, and wire and the equipment selection, so as to meet the economic rationality and energy conservation requirements, ensure the power supply reliability.

1工作原理距离保护 距离继电器的使用电压和电流后天在接力的位置来计算的表观阻抗线中继站的故障点。的计算, lated明显阻抗Z是同一套婷阻抗Zset决定是否断层间的信号或外部。在正常操作期间,明显的阻抗一般大于Zset 。如果明显阻抗小于Zset ,那么得出的结论是有可能发生故障的保护线。故障条件下,距离继电器的电路注入行有关断路器隔离断行的其余部分系统[ 8 ] 。 图1显示的工作原理,距离保护。启动元件启动保护装置或过失计算程序发生故障时,在亲tected线。测量元素,这是中心的距离保护,计算线路阻抗之间的故障点和中继点。的时间延迟因素确定不同的时间延迟根据测量结果的因素。输出内容的决定,执行保护。 2配置的仿真系统 动态仿真系统的距离保护法本文提出的目的是根据其工作原理和基本配置。图2所示的仿真系统是由电磁暂态计算模块,印尼与CT模块,数据读取模块, ü &余显示模块,启动模块,傅氏算法模块,相选择法模块,阻抗计算模块,阻抗比较模块等。在这个闭环仿真,接力行程信号反馈给控制电路- cuit断路器的电力系统模型。这闭环模拟方法,大大提高模拟的准确性和使之能够模拟动态电力系统之间的相互作用和保护系统。 故障暂态计算的基础上公安局 公安局的目的是提供一个现代化的设计工具,允许用户迅速,方便地建立模型,模拟电力系统。该模块利用Simulink环境下,允许的模式是采用简单的按一下并拖曳程序。 该库包含型号的典型功耗设备,如变压器,线路,机器,电力电子技术。这些模型的有效性是基于经验,电力系统测试和模拟实验室水电魁北克,大型北美实用设在加拿大。 基于Matlab和Simulink的时域求解创建一个友好和开放的系统。新的模式和图书馆的电力设备可能会被添加到该程序包。在此开发环境,我们可以完成各种各样的电力系统仿真[ 5-7 ]

我昨天帮一个翻译了论文摘要, 翻译完了,TMD还说这不对,那不对。 GG翻译专业,专业八级都过了。 再也不详在做这费时不讨好的事情了。


电气自动化应用逐渐深入人们日常的工作与生活之中,使人们的生活方式发生了巨大的变化,电气自动化就是电气信息及其自动化工程,常见的家用电器都与电气自动化息息相关。下面是我为大家整理的电气自动化专业 毕业 论文 范文 ,供大家参考。

《 电气自动化技术在电气工程的运用 》


【关键词】电气工程;自动化;系统功能;应用 措施







处理电气工程内部的电网调度自动化改造事务,需要快速集合调度中心内的 显示器 、打印装置、计算机网络、服务终端等,其核心动机在于针对电网运营质量加以经济化调度,使得电网运行细节,都能够得到细致地监控、验证解析,方便在任何时间范围内,快速搜集电力生产期间的数据,使得发电控制、电力系统状态科学评估、合理调度、电力负荷预测等工序,都能够自动交接。如若当中衍生任何事故,电气自动化系统会快速追踪发生源,辅助技术人员在当下制定实施合理对策,尽量防止事故扩散,节省合理数目的成本资金。







作者:张诗淋 赵新亚 单位:沈阳职业技术学院电气工程学院





《 电气自动化技术在供电系统中的运用 》

































综合上述可知,电气自动化技术在供电系统中占据着重要地位,极大的提高了供电系统运行的智能化和自动化,推动我国供电系统技术与国际的接轨。因此,在进行供电系统规划设计的过程中,要 种植 电气自动化技术在其中的应用,并在遵循相关应用原则的前提下,将人工智能、仿真设计、实时监控等电气自动化技术应用在供电系统的配电网、变电站等中,提高供电系统运行的稳定性、可靠性和安全性。

《 电气自动化控制在建筑工程中的应用 》







现代智能建筑中自动化系统的工作原理如下:实时的数据采集;实时的控制决策;实时的控制输出。其系统包括自控给排水系统、照明控制系统、供配电系统以及消防安全系统等。其中,给排水系统包含生活给水系统、生活排水系统、市政给排水管网系统、市政水处理(包括给水处理以及废水处理)建筑给排水、 雨水 系统、消火栓系统、喷淋系统等。照明控制系统能够满足和实现不同的灯光效果,而且还能改善工作环境,提高工作效率,节约能源,延长灯具寿命,减少用户维护费用等等。供配电系统先从发电厂发出经过升压变压器(升压)到线路,中枢变电所这一部分为供电系统从中枢变电所经线路到用户变压器,开关柜这一部分完成大的配电系统从用户变电所到各个厂区或用电负荷,最后完成全部的配电。消防控制系统是指接到火警后,发出信号,相关设备自动转到到消防状态。例如电梯,在接到火警信号后,电梯自动关门转为下行至首层,由进入轿厢的消防员控制运行。除了以上所说的控制系统之外,为了满足不同人群对不同功能的需求,可以相应的根据建筑环境设置一些特定的子系统,如停车场管理系统、智能家居服务系统、物业管理应用系统等,实现个性化的自动管理。在现实生活中,为了实现现代智能建筑电气自动化系统功能的丰富性,必须建立一套完善健全的数字化控制体系,这是实现控制技术应用的基本条件,与此同时,建立远程控制管理中心,这样可以对本地控制台出现的故障及时进行处理,以此提高数字控制体系的安全性与可靠性。








众所周知,世界经济一体化、全球化是当今世界经济发展的主流,要想增强我国的综合国力,就要大力发展作为支柱性产业之一的建筑行业。然而,由于人们对建筑设计的要求逐渐增加,以往的传统性建筑已经满足不了人们的需求,于是智能楼宇出现在人们的视野之中,其带来的高品质生活享受,令人们向往不已。而智能建筑的建立又离不开电气自动化控制技术的支持。换句话说,智能建筑的出现,给电气自动化工程的发展带来了很好的平台,被广泛应用于很多领域及专业,其技术具有更新速度快,复杂程度高等特点,因此,需要相关工作人员不断地学习及积累 经验 ,与时俱进。


1. 电气自动化毕业论文范文

2. 电气工程自动化毕业论文范文

3. 电气工程及其自动化专业毕业论文

4. 电气自动化论文精选范文

5. 电气自动化毕业论文

6. 电力系统自动化论文范文

随着科学技术的快速发展,作为一门新兴的技术,电气工程及其自动化已被广泛应用到各个行业。下面是我为大家整理的电气工程及其自动化设计 毕业 论文,供大家参考。



中图分类号:TE08文献标识码: A






二、电气自动化节能设计的 方法


电能使用电缆作为传输工具,电缆作为一种电阻,在传输的过程中会有电能消耗掉,而电线中的电流却没有变化。要使得电线中电能在传输的过程中尽量的少损耗,就应该将改变电线的电阻,尽量使电线的电阻降到最低。导线的电阻与与导线的长度有关,线路越长线路的电阻就越大。那么如何来有效降低线路的电阻,将电能的消耗降到最低?可以采用以下几种 措施 :在电缆的选择上应该选择那些电阻率较小的材质的电缆;优化线路的布局,线路尽量采用最短线路,如能够直线布局最好;在有条件的情况下,供电源与用电源尽量缩到最短;尽量选用横截面较大的导线,导线的横截面与导线电阻成反比,采用较大横截面的导线,将能够有效的降低线路电阻,降低电能在传输中的损耗。






电气设备在正常运行的过程中,出现谐波是没有办法避免的,该谐波不但会降低电气设备的使用性,还会给电气设备的整体质量造成很大程度的损坏,从而导致非常严重的电气能源损耗和浪费。另外,由于谐波会经常的作用于电网上,还会引起电网电压不稳,这样就容易会出现失误操作,从而影响电气设备的健康运行。同时,谐波还会缩短电动机的使用寿命,还会打扰 其它 设备的工作等等。然而,有源滤波器的运行速度很快,可以彻底的滤波,当然价格也要比无源滤波器要高,可是它在工作的过程中不会产生任何副作用,因此,应用有源滤波器可以更加有效的对谐波进行过滤,减少谐波的出现,降低失误率,进一步提高供电的可靠性,还可以保证电气设备的正常运行,对电气设备起到了更好的保护。















摘要:随着我国社会经济发展脚步的不断加快,社会各领域对建筑电气工程自动化设计的要求也必然会越来越高,对建筑电气工程自动化设计质量进行严格控制,最大限度发挥其优势也成为了相关部门所面临的一项重大课题。鉴于此,文中笔者根据多年工作 经验 对建筑电气工程自动化设计存在的问题及自动化技术的完善策略进行简要阐述。


中图分类号:F407文献标识码: A

















一般来说,建筑中的弱点主要可以分为两种类型,一种是国家规定的安全电压等级及控制电压等低电压电能,有交流和直流之分,交流36V以下,直流24V以下,另一类是载有语音、图像以及数据等信息的信息源,比如说电话、电视以及计算机的信息等。而建筑电气工程自动化设计中所涉及到的弱电系统,通常指的是后者。然而,随着计算机技术的飞速发展,在原有弱电系统的基础上,又加入了计算机终端系统线路、网络终端系统线路以及电化 教育 系统线路的设计等。由于这类系统的网络设计涉及到要对电场、磁场或电磁场屏蔽直接地线路,因此,设计人员在对其进行设计的时候,必须要首先将防雷接地装置线路和屏蔽保护接地线路进行事先考虑和安排。




建筑中必须有一套自动化系统框架。这是为了保证建筑的正常运行的同时能够适应多种 外接设备 和用电系统,在建立自动化系统的同时要使其具备能够处理功能,发现问题的能力,这就需要在设计中加入适当的管理模块。并且根据需要,将设备的使用功能加载到管理模块中。









电气工程及其自动化设计毕业论文相关 文章 :

1. 电气工程及其自动化专业毕业论文

2. 电气工程及其自动化毕业论文

3. 有关电气工程及其自动化本科毕业论文

4. 电气工程及其自动化本科毕业论文

5. 有关电气工程及其自动化毕业论文

6. 电气工程及其自动化专业论文


摘 要:电气工程及其自动化专业是多学科相互交融的专业。电气工程(Electrical Engineering简称 EE) 是现代科技领域中的核心学科之一,更是当今高新技术领域中不可或缺的关键学科。从某种意义上讲,电气工程的发达程度代表着国家的科技进步水平。

关键词:电气工程及其自动化 专业 简介 发展









电气工程学科涉及工业、农业、交通运输、国防及人民生活等各领域,与电子科学与技术、计算机科学与技术、控制科学与工程、信息与通信工程、环境科学与工程、生物医学等学科交叉渗透,拓宽了电气工程学科的内涵与外延。随着科技的发展,电气工程的学科结构、研究领域、技术领域发生了很大变化。电气工程愈来愈多地应用信息技术、计算机技术、通信技术、电力电子技术和自动化技术,电气工程及其自动化专业内涵也发展演变为强电和弱电结合、电工技术和电子技术结合、软件和硬件结合、元件和系统结合。例如“电气工程”和“电子技术”以及“控制科学”交叉融合产生了“电力电子技术”; “电气工程”与“材料科学”的交叉融合产生了“超导电工技术”和“纳米电工技术”; “ 电气工程”与“机械工程”及“计算机学科” 的交叉融合产生了“机电一体化”新学科,已形成了以“机械”为主体、电气工程和计算机控制为技术核心、“机械+电气+计算机”的有机融合,“机电一体化”技术实际上就是电气自动化技术高度发展的一个阶段的必然产物,它是电气自动化领域中机械技术与电子技术有机结合的一种高新技术,也可以说隶属于“电气工程及其自动化”的专业范畴。随着科学技术的高速发展,电力成为国民经济中重要的生产资料及人民生活中必不可少的生活资料。当今,电气化水平的提高使得各种经济活动都离不开电(用油的交通工具除外),我国电能占终端能源消费的比重已接近20%,高于世界平均水平。我国的电气化水平也决定了电力数据具有大范围的覆盖性。有专家表示,电力工业的发展方向是智能电力系统,或者是坚强智能电网或者是智能电网。智能电力系统是实现电力工业发展价值特征的最有效途径,也是现代电力工业的发展方向,发展智能电力系统能够确保更安全、更经济、更绿色、更和谐,同时智能电力系统是一个广义的坚强智能电网,能够有效地解除未来发展的挑战。

















总之,随着我国经济的飞速发展,计算机科学与技术也在不断进步,通过计算机软硬件控制,实现电气化已成为现实。计算机模拟操作,更为现实电力系统运行状况提供了方便快捷的监视和判断功能。PC和 网络技术 已经在工商管理中得到普及。在电气自动化领域,基于PC的人机界面普遍被采用,并以其直观性、灵活性和易于集成等特点备受用户青睐。选择了电气工程及其自动化专业,就应该立志成为一位优秀的电气工程人才,让我国的电力工业不落后于国际先进水平,推动社会主义现代工业化进程。

摘 要:自动化技术在电气工程实践工作中的科学应用意义重大,能够为电力系统的安全、稳定运行提供坚实的保障基础,能够提高电网系统供电的稳定性,保证电网系统的供电质量,减少停电、断电等对社会生产、居民生活的影响。因此,作为新时期背景下的电气施工人员,在电气工程的过程中,应致力于自身专业技术水平的提升,且始终坚持实事求是的原则,结合工程实际,合理应用现代化的自动化技术,从而有效控制、监督、调节和管理整个电力系统的实际运行状态,确保电网运行的安全性,同时推动自动化技术在电力工程的广泛和深度应用,更好地发挥其积极作用,减少设备故障问题的发生,降低安全施工的发生概率,保证电网设备及电力工作人员的生命财产安全。



1 自动化技术在现代电气工程中的主要应用形式分析















2 电气工程中自动化技术的发展方向分析





3 结束语






[4]冯巧玲,和萍.电气工程及自动化专业培养目标及 方法 探讨[A].第五届全国高校电气工程及其自动化专业教学改革研讨会论文集(2)[C].2008年.

[5]张勇敢.浅谈电气工程的质量控制与施工安全[J].科教新报( 教育 科研),2011年11期.

有关电气工程及其自动化硕士论文相关 文章 :

1. 电气工程及其自动化硕士论文

2. 有关电气工程及其自动化毕业论文

3. 有关电气工程及其自动化专业论文

4. 有关电气工程及其自动化本科毕业论文

5. 电气工程及其自动化专业毕业论文

6. 电气工程及其自动化相关论文


Fire FightingAlong with the our country economic development rapid development, the lives of the people level unceasing enhancement, the city uses to be day by day anxious, urges the building to face the direction is developing. This kind of high level civil construction repair needed materials and the way also more hasten the diversification, and along with uses electricity the load and coal gas consumption quantity enlarging, proposed to the fire auto-alarm system design is higher, a stricter request. In order to guarantee the people life and property the security, the fire auto-alarm system design has become in the high level civil construction design one of most important design contents. Presently based on the author fire of auto-alarm system design overseeing work in the high level civil building experience, proposed in present national related standard and standard unclear true detail shallow opinion, by for the colleagues to discuss and to point out , design basis The fire auto-alarm system design is a specialized very strong technology work, at the same time also has the very strong policy-type. Therefore, first should be clear about the following design basis: 1st, must grasp the architectural design fire protection standard, the system design standard, the equipment manufacture standard, the installment construction approval standard and the administration laws and regulations and so on five big aspects fire laws and regulations, and in practical understanding present country related standard and standard positive word: "Must", "be supposed", "to be suitable", "may" and the reverse side word: "Strictly prohibits", "should not", "not have", "not to be suitable" the , must aim at high level civil building function, use and the protection object fire protection rank, earnestly carries out the present national related standard and the standard, earnestly treats the public security fire prevention surveillance department the examination and approval , fire auto-alarm system equipment establishmentFire detector establishmentOpens wide either the seal or the stair hall should alone divide the search coverage, and each 2 ~ 3 establish a fire first room (including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against the front room which smoke stair hall comes in handy) and the aisle should distinguish alone to divide the search coverage, specially front the room and the lift well, the scattered stair hall and the aisle are interlinked, has time the fire haze to be easier to gather or to flow, is the personnel disperses which saves goal with the fire prevention, therefore should install the fire detector. Regarding common elevator in front of room although is not the personnel disperses , but this front room and the lift well are interlinked, has time the fire haze to be also easy to gather or to flow, suitably alone divides the search coverage and installs the fire detector. The electric cable shaft therefore is easy to form pulls out the smoke inflammation the channel; Has when the fire the fire intensity not easily extends along the electric cable burns, for this, "the high level civil construction design fire protection standard" and "the civil construction electricity design standard" separately proposes the detailed specific stipulation in the construction and in the electric wire or on the electric cable shaping. But considered implements specifically the difficulty and the present situation, the electric cable shaft installs the fire detector is extremely essential, and coordinates the shaft the fire protection separation request, each 2 ~ 3 or each level elevator machine room should install the fire detector, its elevator is the important vertical transportation vehicle; Its two elevator machine room has has the fire risk; Its three lift well existence essential opens the hole, like the level gate opens between the hole, the air vent, the between permanence opens the hole with the elevator machine room or the pulley and so on; Its four when has the fire, the lift well often becomes the fire intensity spread the channel, is easy to threaten the elevator machine room the facility. Therefore, the elevator machine room establishes the fire detector is necessary, crown of also suitable establishment fire detector lift , the manual fire reports to the police the button establishment(Including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in view of various floors front room in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against which smoke stair hall to come in handy the front room) is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with fire prevention, should report to the police the button first choice spot as the establishment manual fire. In addition, the room also should establish the manual fire to the common elevator in front of to report to the police the the public active place (including hall, hall, dining room, multi-purpose hall and so on) and the main thoroughfare and so on place, the personnel very is all centralized, and mainly disperses the channel. Therefore should report to the police the button in these public active places main access establishment manual fires; The manual fire establishes which in the main thoroughfare reports to the police the button to guarantee "to a manual fire which most is close to reports to the police the button distance from a fire protection district any position not to be supposed to be bigger than 30 meters".3rd, the fire emergency broadcasts the speaker the establishmentThe aisle, the hall, the dining room and so on the public place personnel very are all centralized, and mainly disperses the channel. Therefore should press in these public places "to a recent speaker distance is not bigger than 25 meters from a fire protection district any spot" and "in the aisle last should not be bigger than meters the speaker to the aisle terminal distance" the establishment fire emergency to broadcast the speaker; Next also should establish the fire in the public bathroom place emergency to broadcast the first room (including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against which smoke stair hall to come in handy the front room) is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with fire prevention, also has the fire door separation and the sounds of people is confused and noisy, therefore should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the speaker. In front of the common elevator the room also should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the speaker. Disperses the stair hall also is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with the fire prevention, also the sounds of people are confused and noisy, therefore should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the speaker, by favors the fire emergency broadcast to disperse the , fire alarm installment establishmentThe establishment fire emergency broadcast fire auto-alarm system, the author thought also should install the fire alarm installment, but its control procedure should be: The alarm apparatus should confirm after the fire, uses manual or the automatic control mode unification to the fire correlation region transmission warning, stops the alarm apparatus work in the stipulation time, the rapid linkage fire emergency broadcast and broadcasts to the people disperses the fire alarm installment establishment position, the author thought should report to the police the button position with the manual fire to be same, its wall surface installment should for be apart from the ground meters highly5th, fire special use telephone establishmentInstalls the fire special use telephone extension telephone, should be located the engine room which related also some people is on duty frequently with the fire linkage control (including fire water plant, spare electricity generation engine room, matches substation, mainly ventilates with air conditioning engine room, discharges fume engine room, fire prevention elevator machine room and other), the fire fighting control system operates the equipment place or the control room, the fire duty officers observation room, the security manages spot and so on public room. Sedan of theater box the fire elevator and in the ordinary elevator all should suppose the special use telephone, requests the elevator machine room and the elevator sedan theater box, the elevator machine room and the fire control room, the elevator sedan theater box and the fire control room and so on three compositions is reliable to speaks the correspondence telephone system. Usually in fire control room; The establishment elevator monitoring demonstration plate (including position indicator, direction indicating lamp, to speaks correspondence telephone, trouble lamp and so on), in order to carries on the necessity to the elevator running status which in the surveillance and the emergency case equipped with the manual fire to report to the police position and so on button, fire hydrant button also should install the fire special use telephone , fire linkage control 1st, the fire linkage control should include the control fire pump to open, to stop, also should demonstrate opens pumps the button the position and the fire pump work and the malfunction. When the fire hydrant is equipped with the fire hydrant button, its electric installation work spot also should demonstrate the fire pump the working mode active status (namely establishment fire pump work indicating lamp). 2nd, the fire linkage control should include the control spraying of water and the water atomization fire fighting system opens, stops, also should demonstrate the fire pump the work and the malfunction and the fluent display, reports to the police the valve, the safety signal valve working mode active status. In addition, to the basin, the water tank water level also should carry on the demonstration monitor; In order to prevent the overhaul signal valve is shut down, the author thought should use the belt electric signal the control signal valve by to demonstrate it opens the condition. 3rd, the fire linkage control other controls and the demonstration function, should carry out the present national related standard and the standard specific , fire auto-alarm system wiringIn order to prevent the fire occurs when the fire control, the correspondence and the warning line severance, causes the fire fighting work to be unable to carry on, creates the bigger economic loss; Also for the suppression electronmagetic interference (for example transformer, electric motor, electric cable and so on) the influence which produces to the fire auto-alarm system. The fire auto-alarm system transmission line and the fire control, the correspondence and the warning line should use the being flame-resistant electric cable, and should use the metal tube or the enclosed metal trunking protection. The fire manual positive governing installment line should use the fireproof electric cable, its electric cable also should use the metal tube or the enclosed metal trunking protection. Uses Ming Fushi, should takes the fire protection protective measures on the metal tube or the enclosed metal , concluding remarkThe author rests on the concrete project to implement the experience, elaborated the design basis, fire auto-alarm design actual problem and so on system equipment establishment, fire linkage control and its wiring pulls out some shallow opinions, its goal is enhances the fire auto-alarm system the design quality, discovered early and the notification fire, prevented and reduces the fire to harm, by protects the person and the property safety.消防 随着我国经济发展快速发展,人民生活的水平不断提高,城市使用是每天着急,敦促建设面临着发展的方向。这种高层次的民间建筑维修所需的材料和方式也更加多样化加快,而且随着使用电力负荷和煤气消费量扩大,提议消防自动报警系统设计较高,更严格的要求。为了保证人民生命和财产的安全,消防自动报警系统的设计已经成为在高级别民间建筑设计的一个最重要的设计内容。目前的基础上撰文火灾自动报警系统设计监督工作的高层次的民间建设的经验,建议在目前国家相关标准和标准不清楚真正详细浅见解,为同事们的讨论,并指出错误。 首先,设计依据 火灾自动报警系统的设计是一家专业非常强的技术工作,同时还具有很强的政策性。因此,首先应明确以下设计依据: 第一,必须紧紧抓住的建筑设计防火标准,该系统的设计标准,标准的设备制造,安装施工审批标准和管理的法律和规章等五大方面的消防法律法规,并在实际了解国家有关本标准和标准积极字: “必须” , “必须假定” , “不适合” , “可能”和反面词: “严格禁止” , “不应该” , “没有” , “不适合“的含义。 第二,必须着眼于高层次的民间建筑的功能,利用和保护对象的防火等级,认真开展本标准和国家有关标准,认真对待公安防火监督部门的审批意见。 其次,火灾自动报警系统设备的建立 建立火灾探测器 要么全打开的印章或楼梯大厅应单独划分搜索范围,每个2 〜 3建立火灾探测器。 第一个房间(包括防前面的烟雾大厅楼梯前室,消防电梯间,消防电梯防前面房间烟雾楼梯大会堂来用场)和过道应区分单独划分搜索范围,特别是前面的房间,以及电梯,分散楼梯大厅和走道都是相互关联的,有时间的火灾烟雾比较容易收集或流动,是人员分散保存目标与防火,因此,应该安装火警探测器。关于共同电梯前室虽然不是人员分散,而且这方面的空间和良好的电梯是相互关联的,有时间的火灾烟雾也很容易被收集或流动,适当地划分为单独的搜索覆盖面和安装消防探测器。 电缆轴因此很容易形成掏出烟炎症渠道,拥有火灾时的火强度不容易延伸沿电缆燃烧,为此, “高级别民间建筑设计防火标准”和“民用建筑电气设计标准“分别提出了详细具体的规定,在建筑和在电线或电缆塑造。但认为具体实施的难度和目前的情况下,电缆竖井安装了火灾探测器是非常必要的,坐标轴的防火分隔要求,每2 〜 3或每一级安装。 电梯机房应安装火灾探测器,它的电梯是重要的垂直交通工具,其两个电梯机房已具有火灾危险性,其存在的三个基本解除以及打开洞,像打开闸门的水平之间的球洞,在气孔,持久的关系打开了洞与电梯机房或滑轮等,其时,有四个火,升降机以及往往成为火灾强度传播渠道,很容易危及电梯机房设施。因此,电梯机房建立了火灾探测器是必要的,也适用于皇冠建立火灾探测器举井。 2 ,手动火警报警按钮建立 (包括防前面的烟雾楼梯大厅鉴于各层前房间前面的房间,消防电梯间,消防电梯防这些烟雾楼梯大会堂派上用场前室)是有火灾时人员驱散节省目标,防火,应立即向警方举报的按钮,首选地点设立手动火警。此外,该室也应建立防火手册的共同电梯前,向警方报案的按钮。 在公共活动场所(包括会堂,礼堂,餐厅,多功能厅等)和主要通道等场所,是所有工作人员非常集中,主要是分散的渠道。因此,应立即向警方举报的按钮,在这些公共活动场所主要通道设立手册火灾;该手册规定的火灾中的主要通道报警按钮,以保证“ ,以手动火警最接近报警按钮距离防火区的任何位置不应该超过30米。 “ 第三,消防紧急广播喇叭建立 走道,大厅,餐厅等公共场所的工作人员都非常集中,主要是分散的渠道。因此,应该按这些公共场所的“最近的一项发言距离不超过25米的防火保护区的任何位置”和“在走道上不应大于十二点五米扬声器的过道末端距离”建立消防应急广播喇叭;下一步还应当建立消防在公共浴室的地方紧急广播喇叭。 第一个房间(包括防前面的烟雾大厅楼梯前室,消防电梯间,消防电梯防这些烟雾楼梯大会堂派上用场前室)是有火灾时的人员驱散节省目标与防火,也有分离和防火门的声音,人民的混乱和嘈杂,因此,应建立消防应急广播喇叭。在前面的共同电梯房也应建立消防应急广播喇叭。分散大厅楼梯也已经火灾时的人员驱散节省目标与防火,也是人民的声音和嘈杂的混淆,因此应建立消防应急广播喇叭,由主张消防紧急广播驱散指令。 第四,建立火灾报警装置 建立消防应急广播火灾自动报警系统,笔者认为还应该安装消防报警装置,但它的控制程序应该是:该报警器应确认火灾后,利用手动或自动控制模式统一消防相关区域传输预警,报警器停止工作时间的规定,迅速联系消防应急广播和电视节目,并且分散了人们的指示。 火警警报装置建立的立场,笔者认为应该向警方报案的按钮位置的手动火警是相同的,它的墙面安装应为距地面米高度 第五,消防专用电话设立 安装消防专用电话分机电话,应设机房其中也涉及一些人是在工作地点经常与消防联动控制(包括消防给水设备,备件发电机房,火柴变电站,主要ventilates空调引擎室,排放烟气轮机室,防火电梯机房及其他) ,消防控制系统的经营场所或设备的控制室,消防责任人员观察室,现场的安全管理等公共空间。轿车的影院中消防电梯和普通电梯应假设所有使用的特殊电话,请电梯机房和电梯轿车影院中,电梯机房及消防控制室,电梯轿车影院方块和消防控制室等三个成分是可靠的讲通信电话系统。通常在消防控制室;建立电梯监测演示板(包括位置指示器,显示方向灯,以讲信函电话,麻烦灯等) ,以进行必要的电梯在运行状态的监视和紧急情况下的控制。 配备了手动火警报警位置等按钮,消火栓按钮,还应该安装消防专用电话插座。 第三,消防联动控制 第一,消防联动控制应包括控制消防泵开启,停止,也应表现出的按钮,打开泵的位置和消防泵的工作和故障。当消火栓设有消火栓按钮时,其电气安装工程现场也应表现出的消防泵的工作模式有效状态(即建立消防泵工作表明灯) 。 第二,消防联动控制应包括控制喷洒水和水雾化灭火系统打开,停止,也应表现出的消防泵的工作和故障和流利显示,报警阀,安全信号阀工作模式积极的地位。此外,该盆地,水箱水位也应进行示范监测;为了防止检修信号阀关闭,作者认为应该使用带电信号控制信号阀证明它打开条件。 第三,消防联动控制其他控制和示范作用,应进行本标准和国家有关标准的具体规定。 第四,火灾自动报警系统布线 为了防止火灾发生时,消防控制,通信和警戒线遣散,使灭火工作无法进行,造成了更大的经济损失,也为抑制electronmagetic干扰(例如变压器,电电机,电缆等)的影响而产生的火灾自动报警系统。火灾自动报警系统的输电线路和消防控制,通信和预警线应使用被阻燃电缆,并应使用金属管或封闭式金属线槽保护。消防手册积极理事分期付款行应使用防火电缆,其电缆也应使用金属管或封闭式金属线槽保护。使用明复,应采取防火保护措施的金属管或封闭金属 ,结论备注 作者取决于具体的项目实施经验,阐述了设计依据,火灾自动报警设计和实际问题,以便建立系统设备,消防联动控制及其接线拿出一些肤浅的意见,其目的是增强了火灾自动报警系统的设计质量,早期发现,并通知消防,预防和减少火灾危害,通过保护个人和财产安全。 -----------希望可以符合要求--

我是电气自动化的,有专业英语!这个给你看看希望能帮到你!电力和电路的来源One of them is the electric cell, or battery, which generates electricity by chemical action. The other device called generator makes use of light, heat, and mechanical motion to produce electric energy. Now, more than 95 percent of the world's electric energy is produced by generators其中之一是由化学作用产生电力的电池的电的单元格。调用生成器使其他设备使用的光、 热和机械的运动来产生电能。现在,世界电力能源的 95%以上是由发电机产生的An electric current is a constant flow of electrons through a conductor. The reason why an electric current flows through conductors is much like reason why water flows through mains. 源源不断地通过导体电子的电流。为什么电流流经导线的原因很多像为什么水流通过水管的原因。智能机器人An entirely new phase in robotic applications has been opened with the development of “intelligent robots”. An intelligent robot is basically one that must be capable of sensing its surroundings and possess intelligence enough to respond to a changing environment in much the same way as we do. Such an ability requires the direct application of sensory perception and artificial intelligence. Much of research in robotics has been and is still concerned with how to equip robots with visual sensors-eyes and tactile sensors-the “fingers”. Artificial intelligence will enable the robot to respond to and adapt to changes in its tasks and in its environment, and to reason and make decisions in reaction to those changes.一个全新的阶段,在机器人的应用程序中已打开的"智能机器人"发展。一个智能机器人基本上是一种必须能够感知周围的环境并拥有足够的智能响应不断变化的环境一样,我们做的。这种能力需要感官知觉与人工智能技术直接的应用。多机器人的研究一直,仍然关注如何使机器人视觉传感器眼睛和触觉传感器在"手指"。人工智能技术将使机器人响应和适应其任务和它的环境变化的原因和反应对这些变化做出的决定。Integrated circuit集成电路The invention of IC is a great revolution in the electronic industry. Sharp size, weight reductions are possible with these techniques; and more importantly, high reliability, excellent functional performance, now cost and low power dissipation can be achieved. ICs are widely used in electronic industry.集成电路的发明是大革命在电子工业中。锋利的大小重量减少有可能与这些技术 ;和更重要的是现在成本的优良性能的高可靠性和可以实现低功耗。集成电路 广泛应用于电子行业。The electrically interconnected components that make up an IC are called integrated elements. If an integrated circuit includes only one type of components, such as only diodes or resistors, it is said to be an assembly or set of components.芯片组成的电互连的组件称为集成的元素。如果一个集成电路包含一种类型如仅二极管或电阻的组件的据说是一个程序集或一组组件。Digital integrated circuit can contain anything form a few thousand to millions of logic gates, flip-flops, multiplexers, and other circuits in a few square millimeters. These digital ICs, typically microprocessors, digital signal processing, and micro controllers work using binary mathematics to process “one” and “zero” signals.数字集成电路可以包含任何内容形成数千数以百万计的逻辑门、 触发器、 多路复用器和其他线路的几个平方毫米。这些数字集成电路、 通常微处理器、 数字信号处理和微控制器工作使用二进制的数学处理"1"和"零"的信号。SIM Card Want to use your GSM service in the United States? Bring along this tiny piece of you’re traveling to the United States, be sure to take your SIM card with you. Because your GSM service can work in the . just like it dose at you have to do is to rent the right frequency handset for use in the States. (If you don't have your SIM card with you, relax. We'll provide a handset with the SIM card included.)As in other countries, you'll find using GSM in the . is often less expensive than calling cards, pay phones and hotel phones. And, of course, far more convenientAll you have to do to enjoy GSM convenience is call one of the numbers listed below. We'll provide the handset to rent within 24 hours, or, in some cities, the very same rent a handset call:In France 0800 508 968In Italy 0800 790948In In 1877 OMNI-2-GOAll other countries +44 SIM 卡要使用您的 GSM 服务在美国吗?携带此小件行李。如果您正在前往美国,一定要带上您的 SIM 卡。因为您的 GSM 服务可以像工作在美国它剂量在家里。你要做的是租住在美国使用合适的频率手机。(如果您不具有您的 SIM 卡,放松。我们会提供一个手机 SIM 卡包括。)在其他的国家一样,你会发现使用 GSM 在美国通常是少比电话卡、 电话和酒店电话。的课程,更方便你要享受 GSM 方便做的只是调用下面列出的数字之一。我们会提供租 24 小时,或在一些的城市非常同一天手机。租手机的调用:在法国 0800年 508 968在意大利 0800年 790948在英国 0800年 328 5396在美国 1877年转到 2-OMNI所有其他国家 + 44 Computer Control TechnologyA computer is a fast and accurate symbol manipulating system that is organized to accept, store ,and process data and produce output results under the direction of stored program of instructions. This section explains why a computer is a system and how a computer system is organized. Key elements in a computer system include input, processing, and output devices. Let's examine each computer of the more detail.计算机是一种快速而又准确的操纵系统,为了接受、 存储,和处理的数据并产生输出结果存储程序的指导下的指令的快速、 准确的符号。此部分说明为什么一台计算机是一个系统和计算机系统的组织方式。计算机系统中的关键元素包括输入、 处理,和输出设备。让我们看一下每台计算机的更多详细信息。Central Processing Unit the heart of any computer system is the central processing unit (CPU). There is three main sections found in the CPU of a typical personal computer system: the primary storage section, the arithmetic-logic section, and the control section. Bit these three sections aren’t unique to personal computers. They are found in CPUs of all sizes.中央处理器是任何计算机系统的核心是中央处理单元 (CPU)。有三个主要部分,在典型的个人计算机系统的 CPU 中找到: 主存储部分、 算术逻辑部分和控制部分。位这三个部分不是唯一的个人计算机。他们有各种规模的CPU。Output Devices Like input units, output devices are instruments of interpretation and communication between humans and computer systems of all sizes. These devices take output results from the CPU in machine-coded form and convert them into a form that can be used (a) by people (., a printed and/or displayed report) or (b) as machine input in another processing cycle.输出设备 如同输入设备,输出设备是文书的解释和人与各种规模的计算机系统之间的 通信 。这些设备从CPU的输出结果以机编码的窗体,并将它们转换为一个窗体,可以在另一个处理周期中使用(a)的(例如,印刷和/或显示报告),或(b作为输入机。In personal computer systems, display screen and desktop printers are popular output devices. Larger and faster printers, many online workstations, and magnetic tape drives are commonly found in larger systems.在个人计算机显示屏幕和桌面打印机是受欢迎的输出设备。更大、 更快的打印机、 很多的在线工作站和磁带驱动器通常有较大的系统。The operating system must ensure correct operation of the computer system. To prevent user programs from interfering with the proper operation of the system, the hardware was modified to create two modes: user mode and monitor mode. Various instructions (such as I/O instructions and halt instructions) are privileged and can only be execute in monitor mode. The memory in which the monitor resides must also be protected from modification by the user. A timer prevents infinite loops. Once these changes (dual mode, privileged instructions, memory protection, timer interrupt) have been made to the basic computer architecture, it is possible to write a correct operating system.操作系统必须确保计算机系统的正确操作。防止在干扰系统的正确操作用户程序修改硬件创建两种模式: 用户模式和显示器模式。(例如,I/O 指令和停止指令) 的各项说明享有特权,并且只能在显示器模式下执行。显示器所驻留的内存也必须由用户修改保护。计时器可防止无限循环。一旦到基本的计算机体系结构做了这些更改 (双模式、 特权的指令、 内存保护、 计时器中断),就可以编写正确的操作系统。Completes with the digital signal to the digital quantity carries on the arithmetic operation and the logic operation circuit is called the digital circuit, or number system. Because it has the logic operation and the logical processing function, therefore calls the numeral logic circuit.完成与数字信号,数字的数量进行算术运算和逻辑操作电路被称为数字电路或数字系统。因为它有逻辑操作和逻辑处理功能,因此呼吁数字逻辑电路。Karnaugh Map consists of one square for each possible minterm in a function. The method to write the Karnaugh Map: When we plot a function, we put a 1 in each square corresponding to a minterm that is included in the function, and put a 0 in or leave blank those squares not included in the function.卡诺图包含每个可能的最小项函数中的一方。写入卡诺图的方法:当我们绘制一个函数时,我们放在一个最小项的函数中包含的每个平方米对应的 1 和放一个0或保留为空函数中不包括这些方块。Industrial robot 工业机器人Binary 二进制Semiconductor 半导体Instruction 指令Spot welding 点焊Anode 阳极Counter 计数器Bipolar transistor 双极晶体管Switch 交换机Amplifier 放大器Microprocessor 微处理器Microcontroller 微控制器Digital Logic Circuits 数字逻辑电路Off-line 离线Memory 内存Register 注册Mother board 母板On-line 在线Counter 计数器CPU 中央处理器Cathode 阴极Software 软件Low cost 低成本Programming 编程Electronic Octal 电子八Multimeter 万用表Integrated circuit 集成电路Hard ware 五金Resistor 电阻Diode 二极管

[1] Corrêa, J., Farret F., Canha L.,et al. An electrochemical-based fuel-cell model suitable for electrical engineering automation approach [J]. IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics. 2004, 51(5): 1103-1112.[2] wider, J., Michalski P.,Wszo ek G. Laboratory support for the didactic process of engineering processes automation at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering [J]. Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering. 2006, 15(1-2): 199-206.给你找了两篇算是沾边文献。第一篇是电气化顶级期刊IEEE文献,被引用过100多次。第二篇被引用过十次。应该适合楼主。如果需要全文可以发邮件到另本人利用业余时间在百度知道里免费给网友查专业文献,纯属业余爱好,发的文献无存稿,请无关人员勿骚扰。



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